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Website Competitive Analysis - Tools

Facilitator: Ms. Radhika Rathi Module: Websites Term: Foundation


EyeTrack Study


Module: Digital Basics

Term: Foundation


Eyetrack Study
Conducted in early 2004 to measure Online Website Consumption Tracked Movement of Respondents eyeballs across web pages, along with time spent and click data Measurement Criteria Average time: Average of the amount of time participants spent with a particular homepage design model. Average fixations: Average number of times participants' eyes stopped (for a least a fraction of a second) and noticed something on the homepage.

Average clicks per person: Average number of times our test participants clicked on the page.

Eyetrack Study A Sampler

The eyes most often fixated first in the upper left of the page
Only after perusing the top portion of the page for some time did their eyes explore further down the page.





Module: Digital Basics

Term: Foundation


Eyetrack Study
The logo and the navigation bar has been rightly placed in the hot zone

The content has been well placed on the website and ties in with the norms of Eyetrack Study

The warm zone has been used to highlight key sections by putting up banners or a snapshot of the activity

The cold zone has been rightly placed with no so important content

Some of the key links are listed in hot zone, however most of the area is left unutilized MICA logo should have been in hot zone the most eye catching area

Even the warm zone has not been utilized properly The links have been spread over to cold zone

Important announcements are listed in the right hand corner spilling over in cold zone.

Website Benchmarking Tool


Module: Digital Basics

Term: Foundation


Website Benchmarking Tool

A proprietary tool of Ignitee that benchmarks the website with other competitive websites

Design and Layout Contents, Applications and Features Navigation Search Engine Friendliness

Scores on a scale of 5 1 bad 2 poor 3 acceptable 4 good 5 excellent


Module: Digital Basics

Term: Foundation


Design and Layout

Look and Feel Does the overall look (template, colours, images) tie in with the objective ?

Branding How much space on the website template is being taken for branding and in which form ?
Customer Centric Is the site designed keeping in mind the consumer and why he/she would come to the website ? Representative Is the site design/layout representative of the information that is available on the website ? Grouping Are the elements grouped logically in the template ?
12/26/2013 Module: Digital Basics Term: Foundation


Contents, Application and Features

Informative Is the content providing enough information as per the objective of the website ? Engaging Are we involving the customer? What is the extent of personalization or customization available ? What is the tonality ?

Tools and Application Are the tools and applications useful as per the objective of the website ? Are they comprehensive yet user friendly ?What is the scope of interactivity ? Customer Communication System Have we built in customer communication systems ? Are they simple to use ?


Module: Digital Basics

Term: Foundation


User Friendly Does the navigation aid the user movement in the website or does it end up confusing him ? Is it in the logical flow of the user requirement ? Representative of the Information Does the navigation ensure that the right information is passed on at the right time and therefore represents all the information available logically and effectively ?


Module: Digital Basics

Term: Foundation


Search Engine Friendliness

W3C Coding Standards (World Wide Consortium/Internal Standards Organization) coding standards
Meta tag optimization Link Popularity Status Indexed pages Google Page-Rank value Sitemap Domain age Internal navigation system Site Structure Spider Friendly Technology W4 W5 W5 W5 W4 W4 W5 W4 W4 W4


Module: Digital Basics

Term: Foundation


Website Benchmarking Tool

Expects users to log in right in the beginning. One can proceed to see inside pages only after logging in.

The main navigation kind of hides between the login section and tag cloud. Too many main links. Also navigation is very slow. On rolling over them it scrolls to reveal more links. Highlights on the homepage has different forms banners, content snapshot, textual links

No Sitemap available to get a snapshot of what all does the website offer

Too much space is wasted in first scroll by putting up big banners. All the content is visible either at end of first scroll or in second scroll.

Complicated tool. No how-to guide available for user.

Hair Care changes to All about hair in bread crumb trail

The layout changes with another illustrative bar added to the right hand side

Most of the content sourced from third parties

Errors in the text display

Hardly any consistency in colors across pages. Too much of color on the page makes it look to loud

Summarizing the findings

At first glance the website gives an impression of a microsite No consistency in the look and feel across pages The layout changes often as the user moves from one page to another The design/colors used are very loud The illustration style has been kept same which gives some consistency to the website

Summarizing the findings

Contests, games, talent parades and gang wars keep user engaged Tools like Sunsilk Gang of Girls Messenger, Desktop Widget make it interactive Discussion forums, blogs etc. allow users to express themselves and share their views Most of the informational content has been sourced from third parties There were typo and spelling errors in the content which makes it look frivolous The responses to queries in the expert section appear fake

Summarizing the findings

Search Engine Friendliness
No Site Search / Site Map Meta Tag Optimization is very poor The Site has not been optimized well for Search Engine

Home page takes 13.08 Sec to load on a broadband and even navigation is slow Website has Table & Div based HTML, which makes the site slow Home page is complete flash page - restricts users with no flash player to access the site Requires compulsory registration in the beginning to access the website If the user remains idle for about 10 mins, the account logs off automatically Too many main links and sub links leaves the user confused as to what to expect where No sitemap / site search to get a snapshot of the the website No site search feature available Bread crumb trail appears on a couple of odd pages The names in the main navigation and bread crumb trail are not consistent URLs are not meaningful & user friendly (URL) shows Home > All About Hair > Coloring in bread crumb Content 3.5 Navigation 1.0 Search Engine Friendliness 1.9

Design 2.6

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