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Trait Approach

Mejar Dr Yahya Don


Personal Traits And Characteristics


Early leadership concentrated on the qualities that made a leader great. These theories centered on the leaders individual characteristics or traits. Empirical studies of leader characteristics were undertaken extensively throughout the 20th Century, attempting to measure a wide range of variables, both objective (personal measurements) and subjective (perceptions).

Mejar Dr Yahya Don 12/26/2013

Trait Leadership: The Great Man Theory

Early explanations of leadership studied the traits of great leaders

Great man theories (Gandhi, Lincoln, Napoleon) Belief that people were born with these traits and only the great people possessed them

Mejar Dr Yahya Don


The Great Man Theory


Personal qualities of leaders

Personality traits, such as extraversion, conscientiousness, and openness. Intelligence and emotional intelligence (degree of social skill). Expertise, skill, and experience. Level of participation in discussion: the babble effect.
Mejar Dr Yahya Don 12/26/2013

Who Will Lead? (cont)


Demographic background of leaders

Height, weight, & age Ethnicity Sex: Bias against women (even thought women possess more skills needed to be a successful leader). Implicit leadership theories (ILTs): members general beliefs about the qualities of leaders Eaglys social role theory: ILTs are not consistent with intuitive expectations about men & women: think leader, think male
Mejar Dr Yahya Don 12/26/2013

Traits Indicator : Keith Davis (1989)

1. 2. 3.


Intelligence Social maturity and breath: Inner motivation and achievement drives Human relations attitude

Mejar Dr Yahya Don



Research has shown that generally a leader has higher intelligence that the average intelligence of the followers. However the leader cannot be exceedingly much more intelligent than his followers

Mejar Dr Yahya Don


Social maturity and breath


Leaders tend to be emotionally stable and mature and to have broad interests and activities. They have an assured, respectful self concept

Mejar Dr Yahya Don


Inner motivation and achievement drives

Leaders have relatively intense motivational drives of the achievement type. The strive for intrinsic than extrinsic rewards.

Mejar Dr Yahya Don


Human relations attitude


Successful leaders recognize the worth and dignity of their followers and are able to emphasize with them. According to research studies leaders possess consideration and are employee centered rather than production centered.

Mejar Dr Yahya Don


Emotional Intelligence

The concept of emotional intelligence (EI) has received increasing attention since the publication of Golemans book titled Emotional Intelligence in 1995. EI concept is based in the science of psychology (1930s and early 1940s)

Mejar Dr Yahya Don


Emotional Intelligence

Form of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor ones own and others feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide ones own thinking and action This concept considers that individuals develop their intellect through both cognitive and emotional learning throughout their life. Emotional intelligence competency sets draw on a broader range of personal and social attributes, the development of these characteristics may help to create more effective leaders.
Mejar Dr Yahya Don 12/26/2013



EI in terms of personal and social competency sets. Attempts to provide a comprehensive view of a persons characteristics or qualities. The personal and social competencies are interdependent and are related in terms of own and others emotions. People with strong emotional intelligence display many of these attributes.
Mejar Dr Yahya Don 12/26/2013

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