Department of Technical Education Andhra Pradesh

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Name Designation Branch !nstitute *ear+Semester Su)-ect Su)-ect /o(e Ma-or To1ic Duration Su) To1ic Teaching 4i(s : : : : : : : : : : : B.Srinivas Senior Lecturer Metallurgical Engg ".N. #ovt. $ol%technic& '%(era)a( ,!! Semester Metal -oining Techni.ues MET0 705 !ns1ection an( testing o2 3el(s 50 Mins. Destructive testing o2 3el(s. $$Ts& 4nimations& Diagrams

6n com1letion o2 this 1erio(& %ou 3oul( )e a)le to 7no3 :
8 $ur1ose o2 (estructive testing o2 3el(s. 8 T%1es o2 (estructive testing o2 3el(s 8 Salient 2eatures o2 (estructive testing o2 3el(s.


,isual ins1ection :
8 ,isuall% e:amining the 3el( 2or sur2ace (e2ects

Non(estructive evaluation :
8 ;ses various metho(s that (o not (amage the s1ecimen

Destructive testing :
8 Metho(s in 3hich the 3el( is (estro%e( (uring the test or to 1re1are the s1ecimen
MET705.74 9

Destructive testing ! "e#$s

8 Destructive tests are use( to measure mechanical 1ro1erties an( evaluate 3el( .ualit% that are vital to the satis2actor% 1er2ormance o2 the 3el(e( -oint in service. 8 Destructive testing use a 3el( -oint in a conventional testing metho(& such as a tensile test or shear test. 8 4lso carrie( out on sam1les re1resentative o2 the 3el( -oint un(er revie3 o2ten ma(e s1eciall% 2or test 1ur1ose.


Destructive testing ! "e#$s

T%1es o2 tests :
8 Tensile test 8 Ben( test 8 !m1act test 8 Nic7 )rea7 test 8 'ar(ness test.


Destructive testing ! "e#$s

Tensile test :
8 411lie( to sam1les re1resentative o2 the 3el(e( -oint. 8 T%1es o2 tensile tests carrie( out to evaluate a 3el(ment 8 4ll 3el( metal test 8 Longitu(inal )utt 3el( test 8 Transverse )utt 3el(




Destructive testing ! "e#$s

T%1es o2 tensile tests :
8 4:is o2 the test )ar is 1arallel to the a:is o2 the 3el(. 8 Entire )ar consists o2 (e1osite( 3el( metal.

4ll 3el( metal test :

8 Direction o2 loa(ing is 1arallel to the 3el( a:is. 8 #auge cross section contains 3el(& '4= an( )ase metal.

Longitu(inal )utt 3el( test :

8 S1ecimen is cut at right angle to the 3el( (irection.

MET705.74 7

Transverse )utt 3el( test :

Destructive testing ! "e#$s

Tensile test ?3el(@ s1ecimens



Destructive testing ! "e#$s

Ben( test:
8 The Bualit% o2 the 3el( in terms o2 (uctilit% o2 3el( metal an( '4=. 8 61ening o2 (e2ects 1articularl% Lac7 o2 si(e3all 2usion& root 2usion an( 1enetration o2 3el(e( -oint are chec7e(.

T%1es o2 tests :
8 Cree )en( test 8 #ui(e( )en( test 8 /ontrolle( )en( test
MET705.74 A

Destructive testing ! "e#$s

Ben( test :
Curther classi2ie( as : 8 Transverse )en( test 8 Longitu(inal )en( test 8 Si(e )en( test



Destructive testing ! "e#$s

The Ben( test



Destructive testing ! "e#$s

The Ben( test



Destructive testing ! "e#$s

!m1act test :
8 To stu(% the )ehavior o2 3el(e( structures un(er (%namic loa(ing. 8 The notch ma% )e 1lace( 3ith its root in the 3el(& the 2usion )oun(ar% or the '4=. 8 Mostl% char1% s1ecimens 3ith ;0notch or ,0notch o2 1ro1er (imensions are use(.
MET705.74 19

Destructive testing ! "e#$s

Nic7 )rea7 test :
8 !nvolves )rea7ing the 3el( -oint to e:amine the 2racture( sur2aces 2or internal (e2ects such as 8 #as 1oc7ets 8 Slag inclusions 8 $orosit% 8 4lso (etermines 3el( (uctilit% an( the (egree o2 2usion.
MET705.74 14

Destructive testing ! "e#$s

Nic7 )rea7 test Test 1roce(ure :
8 4 50 mm 3i(e stri1 is cut at right angle to the 3el( a:is 8 Ma7e a sa3 cut (o3n the centerline o2 the 3el( 9 to < mm (ee1. 8 The s1ecimen is then 1lace( u1right on t3o su11orts an( 2orce is a11lie( on the 3el( either )% a 1ress or )% a hammer until 2racture occurs. 8 ,isual e:amination o2 2racture( sur2aces is carrie( out to 2in( (e2ects.
MET705.74 15

Destructive testing ! "e#$s

Nic7 )rea7 test



Destructive testing ! "e#$s

'ar(ness test :
8 $rovi(e in2ormation a)out the metallurgical changes cause( )% 3el(ing. 8 !n(icate 3hether the correct 3el(ing techni.ue an( 1re an( 1ost heat treatments have )een carrie( out. 8 !n(entations are ma(e in the s1eci2ic areas o2 interest& inclu(ing the 3el( centre line& 2ace or root regions o2 the (e1osit& the '4= an( the )ase metal.
MET705.74 17


8 $ur1ose o2 (estructive testing o2 3el(s. 8 T%1es o2 (estructive testing o2 3el(s 8 Salient 2eatures o2 (estructive testing o2 3el(s.



1@ 4:is o2 the test )ar in 4ll 3el( metal test is
a@ 1arallel to the a:is o2 the 3el( )@ 1er1en(icular to the a:is o2 the 3el( c@ none o2 the a)ove



Fre(uent#) *s+e$ (uesti ns

1@ State the 1ur1ose o2 (estructive testing o2 3el(s. 5@ List the t%1es o2 (estructive testing o2 3el(s 9@ State the salient 2eatures o2 an% three (estructive testing o2 3el(s.



Than7 %ou



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