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By: Septi Dewi Rachmawati

Nursing School of Medical Faculty of Brawijaya University

Learning Objective

Explain the technique for effective reading

Able to read effectively by: Providing summary, raising questions

I. Learning Cycle



Information Searching

Knowledge Retention


II. Definition of CR
Reading on order to gain profound understanding of the text Discovering information and ideas within the text An attempt to understand not only the meaning of the story, but the reasons why the story was written the way it was written.

III. Good Reader Vs Poor Reader

Good Reader

Read with purpose Read and assimilate though Read critically and ask questions to evaluate the author argument Read a variety of books Enjoy Reading

Poor Reader

Read Aimlessly Get Loss in the middle of word Swallow everything One tracker reading Hate to read, reading is boring

III. Good Reader Vs Poor Reader

Non Critical Reader

Not only what the text say, but also how the text portrays the subject matter What a text says? does? means? Goals: recognize an authors purpose , understand tone and persuasive elements, recognize bias Tools: Analysis & Inference

Critical Reader

Text provide facts Satisfied with recognizing what a text say, restating the key remarks

IV. Reading Process

Grasping the main idea

Gathering the facts

Figuring out the sequences of an event

Drawing conclusion

Finding the main idea

Main Idea:
Topic sentences, Summary sentences, Supporting sentences, Transitional sentences

Taking Notes: Highlighting, outlining, mapping, and drawing concept tree

Gathering the fact What is the message: Who, what, where, when, why, how: - Distinguish between important facts and trivial Skimming, scanning, reading, remembering - Read superficial, read specific detail Ask first then look: - Reading with purpose

Reading critically

Is there a clear message communicated thoroughly Are the relationship between the points directs and clear Are the details factual Are the examples and evidence relevant Is there consistency of thought What is the author bias or slant

Reading critically

What is the author motive? What does the author want you to believe? Is the author rational or subjective? Is there confusion between feeling and facts? Are the main point logically ordered? Are the arguments and conclusion consistent? Are the explanations clear?

V. Literature Reading

Five basic to watch for:

Definition and term Examples Classification and listing Use of contrast Cause-effect relationship

VI. Retaining the information

Factors influencing:

Intelligence, age and experience Laying strong foundation Motivation Method: Organizing, good study habits, memorizing Using what you learn

VII. How to remember

Understanding Desire Over Learn Systematize Association

VIII. Procedure to improve recall

Evaluate the material and define your purpose Choose appropriate reading techniques Identify the important facts Take notes Review Implement

IX. Why we forget

We fail to make the material meaningful We did not learn pre requisite material We fail to grasp what is to remember We do not have desire to remember We allow apathy or boredom to dictate how we learn We have not set habit for learning We are disorganized and inefficient in our use of study time We do not use the knowledge we have gained

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