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Testing Listening Skills

Jakarta, Indonesia 1
Testing Listening Skills
Distinguishing between sounds
Short statements and conversations: Simple
instructions; Statements, questions, and short
conversations; Completing pictures; Following
directions; Short conversations and statements
about pictures
Longer conversations and talks: Radio reports;
Longer conversations
Recognition: Word in context
Comprehension: Restatement 2
Distinguishing between Sounds
Listen carefully to the short talk which your teacher will give. You will
hear one of the words or phrases in each of the following pairs. You will
hear it in the same order as it is listed here. Write the letter of the word
or phrase.
1. A hate B hit
2. A beans B beings
3. A filling B feeling
4. A flows B flies
5. A jaw B shore

(Short talk to be read aloud)

Many people hate snakes and try to kill them whenever they can.
Snakes will attack human beings, however, only when they are
disturbed. It is simply for feeling things and smelling substances. A
snake’s poison flows through its fangs into the body of its victim. These
fangs are in the upper jaw and are really hollow teeth. If you are bitten
by a snake, keep calm, try to remember what the snake looked like and
see a doctor at once. 3
Practice in Pairs

• Make a list of 5 word-pairs

containing vowels /I/ and /i:/.
• Make a list of 5 word-pairs
containing consonants /ð/ and /θ/.
• Make a short passage containing
word-pairs of nos. 1 and 2. Provide
the instruction to test listening skill. 4
Sample 1
Listen carefully to the following short talk which I shall read aloud. After you
have heard it, answer the following questions. (Text in the Appendix)
a. Why was table tennis first called ping pong?
b. Why are rubber bats used now?

Sample 2
In the passage for dictation the following eight past tense forms and past
participles are used. Listen carefully and number these in the order in which
they occur. (Text in the Appendix)
painted made bought returned
examined went began gave

Sample 3
Listen carefully to the talk. You will hear one of the following words or phrases
in each pair. Write the letter of the word or phrase.
1. A live B leave
2. A one other B one another
3. A tall B all 5
Short Statements and Conversations:
Simple instructions
Put the pen next to the ruler.
Now pick up the longer of the two pencils.
Write your full name on the paper near the ruler.
Put the pencil under the box of chalk.
Read out the headline in the second column at the
top of page 2.

1. Where is the pen put?

2. How many pencils are there?
3. What is written on the paper? 6
Short Statements and Conversations:
Statements, questions, and short
Statements: Students hear: “Aqila wouldn’t be late so much if he knew he’d be punished’’.
Students read:
A Aqila is often late and is punished.
B Aqila is often late but is never punished.
C Aqila is rarely late and is never punished.
D Aqila is rarely late and thus isn’t often punished.

Questions: Students hear: How did you do it?

Students read:
A No, I didn’t.
B I’m fine, thanks.
C By loosening the screws.
D About half an hour.
Short Conversations: Students hear:
Man: Can I have an appointment with Mr Geong tomorrow?
Woman: Let me see. He usually gets here at nine in the morning and he’s free for ten minutes then.
Otherwise it’ll have to be ten-twenty.
Man: In that case, I’ll be waiting for him as soon as he arrives.
Students read: At what time does the man want to see Mr Geong?
A 9.00 a.m. B 9.10 a.m. C 10 a.m. D 10.20 a.m. 7
Short Statements and Conversations:
Completing pictures

For Students
Use the incomplete
picture to test listening
skill. As a language
teacher, make short
statements to be read
or recorded in such a
way that the students
are able to complete
the pictures well. 8
Short Statements and Conversations:
Following directions 9
Longer Conversations and Talks:
Radio Reports
Record the types of reports from
radio program, e.g. BBC World
Choose the topic from the program,
e.g.: weather and traffic reports;
sports reports and results; news
reports; etc.
May be from:;;; etc. 10
Recognition: Word in context
I’ll ____ the needle Make 3 other words
for you. in context as items
b. thread for testing listening
c. dread skill. Do in groups of
d. threat
e. tread 11
Comprehension: Restatement
Students hear ‘I wish I had done what you
told me to’ and choose a sentence
corresponding in meaning or complete a
sentence keeping the meaning intact.
You told me to do it but I _____.
f.shouldn’t 12

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