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Intendance seminar

“How to squeeze the most out of

your website budget”

Intendance Limited

020 7242 7160

Make your
website mean
2nd October 2008
• Introduction
• The ultimate homepage
• 5 ways to make your website work harder
• SEO - 3 things you must do
• Email newsletters - how to make them work
• Online services - adding client value
• Q&A

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• Objectives:
– How to take your site through a basic fitness test

– Understand the benefits of integrated online


– Learn how a website can build client loyalty

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The ultimate homepage…

• “Homepages are the most valuable real estate

in the world” - Dr.Jakob Nielsen

• ... will vary from firm to firm

• ... reflects the personality of the organisation
• ... must be visually engaging
• ... must be intuitive
• ... must be usable
... is governed by personal preference
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5 ways to make your site work harder

• Track visitors

• Take an inventory of content

• Automation of processes

• Support the recruitment process

• Review your content management system

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5 ways – track visitors

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5 ways – content inventory

Take an inventory of content

• Weed out outdated and duplicated content

• Opportunity to restructure your site

• Use index cards to arrange site structure

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5 ways – process automation
• Streamline repetitive processes
– Newsletter distribution: registration and RSS

– Events booking and management

• Alumni pages - “it's not who you know...

but who knows you”

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5 ways – support recruitment
...of trainees, laterals and other staff

• Vacancy listings with contact details

• Online application forms/OLPAS links

• Intendance research: substance and


• ... then technology

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5 ways – content management system
Is your CMS up to the job?

• How easy is it to edit pages and add new ones?

• Is it based on widely-supported technology?

• Is it 'future-proof'?

• Do you have to pay a license fee?

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SEO – 3 things you must do

2. URLs
3. Body text
4. Cross linking – Internal or external

• Organic and Pay Per Click

• Metadata (keywords and descriptions)
• Google Tools - site map, analytics, webmaster
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Organic or Pay Per Click?

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• Make them meaningful

Roderick Johnson QC


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SEO – Body text
• You have 2 / 3 seconds to catch the visitor
• Clear heading structure - H1, H2, H3
• Use bold text to highlight key points
• Good keyword density & related words
• Alt tags on images
• Tell visitors what you want them to do
• Do not expect visitors to look “below the fold”

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SEO – Cross linking
• Internal
– Helps the visitor
– Helps the search engines
– New “related information” etc
• External
– Brings visitors
– Valued by Google

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SEO – Google Analytics

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SEO – Google webmaster tools

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Email Newsletters
• Why use them ?
• What do you get in return ?
• Costs – differ greatly

Contacts Monthly Annual

2,500 $29.00 $313.20
5,000 $47.00 $507.60
10,000 $74.00 $799.20
Make your 15,000 $109.00 $1,177.20
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Information received

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What makes a good eshot?

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Information received

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Return on investment
• Transparent, measurable, valuable
• Promote yourself – people forget
• Targeted by segment – useful info
• Learn what people are interested in
• Brings people to your website
• Opportunity to engage

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Client-facing online services
• Business resources that are delivered to clients
via the Internet
• All about adding value ... and being innovative
• Helps CRM: keeps clients close, even when not
• Two types:
– Knowledge-based
– Transactional-based
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Knowledge-based online services

• Articles, publications, 'thought-leadership' pieces

• A resource that supports the process

• Cheaper than transactional-based services

• Particularly suited to professional services

• 'Narrow & deep' works better than 'wide &

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Transactional-based online services

• Systemised processes e.g. conveyancing, M&A

• A resource that is part of the process – locks in


• Sold on the basis of time saving

• More expensive than knowledge-based service

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– Take your site through a basic

fitness test
– Recognise the benefits of
integrated online promotion
– A website can build client loyalty

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Any questions?

James Tuke & Michael Hawksley

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