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Denison model
The Denison Model is the result of over 25 years of research by Dr. Daniel Denison on the link between organizational culture and bottom-line performance measures such as return on investment, sales growth, quality, innovation, and employee satisfaction.

The model provides a comprehensive, yet easyto-interpret guide for organizational change through two frameworks: The organizational cultural model The leadership development model Built on the same foundation, both models describe the characteristics of high-performance business culture and leadership and measure four essential traits of all organizations.


Key themes
Goals and objectives Crewmembers development Customer focus Willingness to change Guidelines

Goals and objectives

Communicate departmental and team goals

Crewmembers development
Provide technical and soft skills that are necessary( jet blue university)

Customer focus
Gain insight and respond to internal customers needs by, consistent processes increasing internal communication

Willingness to change
identify and adopt new ways to achieve goals Manage growth with tools and effective utilization internal resources development of strtegic plans and Generate Innovative ideas

Develop guidelines

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