Conflict, Power and Politics: Presented By: Group No. 7

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Conflict, Power and Politics

Presented by: Group No. 7

- Conflicts, Power and Politics

- Construction Technology and Training Institute



Problem Statement
Number of control and administrative issues

Differing perceptions of employees and administration

Birth of frequent conflicts

Affect on organizations working

Deutsch in 1973 defined conflict. Voluntary and Involuntary Two sides of a coin - Drucker 1989, Handy 1987 and Mullins 1993 - Schmidt, 1974, and Mullins, 1993

Nature of Conflicts
Ikeda in 2005 talk about potential of conflict. In 1976 Katz & Kahn supported it by giving reasons for it. Bercovitch in 1983, broadly categorized the sources of conflict. - Intrapersonal conflict - Interpersonal conflict - Interdepartmental conflict

Interdepartmental Conflict
In 1997 Jehn said departments can be mutually conditional or exclusively contingent Robins in 1983 classified groups conflicts into two level in terms of structures. Horizontal Vertical Culture Weber & Camerer in 2003 talk about mergers and acquisitions.

Kevin Avruch (2004) said Culture matters.

Power And Politics

Melia & Peiro, 1984 Formal Informal

Morgans (1997) identified power as an intermediate

French and Bell in 1999 introduced: Dependency Battlefields

Reasons For Conflict
Different interdepartmental structure. Cultural differences. Shared resources such as capital and labour. Lack of communication. Excessive use of power. Personality differences. Priority of goals. People interdependence. Interdepartmental politics. Chain of command.

Major reasons for Conflict:

Culture Structure

Frequently Used Styles Of Conflict Resolution :

I try to remain quiet even if I am not wrong during a conflict. (Avoiding)

I stand by my principles even if people think I am wrong. (Competing)

I always try to accommodate the needs of my fellows. (Accommodating) I try to compromise when things get worse. (Compromising) I try to see the conflict from both sides. What does the other person need? What do I need? What are the issues involved? (Collaborating)

Regression 6: Relation of power, politics and conflict in civil sector Regression 4: 5: Relation of politics and and conflict conflict in in civil. civil sector of CTTI of CTTI Regression Analysis Regression 3: Relation of power, politics and conflict Army. Regression 2: Relation of power politics and conflict inin Army.
SUMMARY OUTPUT SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Regression Statistics Regression Statistics Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.935806247 SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.876332 Multiple RR 0.933424 Multiple 0.826172 R Square 0.875733332 Multiple R 0.918599 RR Square 0.767958 0.87128 Square 0.68256 Adjusted 0.843824 RStatistics Square 0.848118517 Regression R Square 0.845536 Adjusted R Square 0.746863 Adjusted R Square 0.653701 Multiple R 0.817474 Standard Error 0.26820998 Adjusted R Square 0.828207 0 .3168 Standard Error 0.405554 Standard Error 0.474347 R Square 0.668263 12 Observations Standard Error 0.28525 Observations 13 Observations 13 Observations 13 Adjusted R Square 0.635089 Observations 12 Standard Error 0.415734 ANOVA ANOVA ANOVA Observations 12 ANOVA df SS MS F Significance F ANOVA df SS MS F Significance FF df SS 2 4.562571 MS 2.281285 Significance Regression df 8.41E-05 SS MS F F 31.71245 Significance F df SS MS F Significance F Regression 2 6.793301 3.396651 33.84393 3.53E-05 ANOVA Regression 1 5.987707 5.321865 5.321865 23.65218 8.51E-05 0.0005 Residual 9 0.647429 0.071937 Regression 1 5.987707 36.40514 Regression 1df4.396325 4.396325 54.03049 2.45E-05 Residual 10 1.003622 0.100362 SS MS F Significance F Residual 11 2.475058 0.225005 Total 11 5.21 Residual 11 1.809216 0.164474 Residual 10 0.813675 0.081367 Total 12 Regression 1 3.48165 3.48165 20.14436 0.001164 Total 12 7.796923 7.796923 Total 12 7.796923 Total 11 Residual 10 5.21 1.72835 0.172835 Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0% Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0% Total Intercept 11 5.21 Coefficients Standard Error t Stat 4.278076 P-value Lower 95%Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0% 7.916942068 1.850585 0.002056 3.730629 12.10326 3.730629 12.10326 Standard Error Stat P-value 95%Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0% Coefficients Standard Error t t Stat P-value Lower Lower 95%Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0% InterceptCoefficients 7.699591 1.410169 5.46005 0.000277 4.557539 10.84164 4.557539 10.84164 Intercept 3.0389970.266452382 1.066188 0.175275 2.850341 0.015787 0.692335 5.38566-0.13005 0.692335 5.38566 power 1.520198 0.162783 -0.13005 0.662952 0.662952 Intercept 11.49742 0.560457 20.51438 4.07E-10 10.26387 12.73098 10.26387 12.73098 10.69064 0.328905 32.50372 1.79E-11 9.95779 11.42348 9.95779 11.42348 power -0.66937 0.174815 -3.829 0.003324 -1.05888 -0.27985 -1.05888 -0.27985 Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%Upper Lower -0.24452 95.0% Upper 95.0% politics 0.135379 4.863351 0.0005 0.360429 0.956363 0.360429 0.956363 politics 0.658396 -0.587185175 0.151479 -3.87634 0.003752 -0.92986 -0.24452 95% -0.92986 power -1.00155 0.165993 -6.03367 8.51E-05 -1.36689 -0.6362 -1.36689 -0.6362 -0.76325 0.103836 -7.35054 2.45E-05 -0.99461 -0.53189 -0.99461 -0.53189 politics 0.345355 0.121897 2.833174 0.017755 0.073752 0.616957 0.073752 0.616957 Intercept 1.761325 1.472882 1.195836 0.259346 -1.52046 5.04311 -1.52046 5.04311 power 0.785925 0.175107 4.488246 0.001164 0.395762 1.176089 0.395762 1.176089
SUMMARY OUTPUT SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression 1: Relation of power and conflict in Army. SUMMARY OUTPUT

Two distinct schools of thought Inefficient flow of information Military vs. Civilian setup

-Culture Is conflict inevitable? Battle field: Power vs. Politics Relating back to literature

Frequent meetings Restructuring the organization Encouraging open communication - Hierarchy levels

Training workshops-Educating the employees about:

- Possibilities of conflicts - Ways to handle them - Adapting and appreciating diversity: Working culture and Work ethics

Appointment of mediating figures

Thank You

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