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By Evelyn Jepkemei Chief Advisor Inside Out Learning (IOL)

The world is in a constant status of change- scientific advances, Economic shifts etc

The changes have been both positive and negative

Breakup of traditional value system- Everyone for themselves God for us all concept

Traditional value system was based on principles or natural laws

Based on observed and tested principles

That achievements and solutions come from within- humans are co-creators

Solutions to challenges are to be found through a careful search

Creativity must be tempered with accountability

However current development has destined some to abundance and others deprivation

These problems manifested through Child labor and abuse Drug and substance abuse Evasion of reality Broken families Spread of HIV/Aids Conflicts Lack of purpose

The Education sector has a big responsibility in preventing and reversing the effects of these problems. Why? Education is a medium through which values are passed from one generation to another. How? Through structured and unstructured content, formal and informal interactions within the learning environment

According to Noah Webster (1828): Education comprehends all that series of instruction and discipline which is intended to: Enlighten the understanding. Correct the temper. Form the manners and habits of youth. Fit them for usefulness in their future stations

In Kenya, the national goals of Education state that Education should: Foster nationalism, patriotism and promote national unity. Promote social, economic, technological and industrial needs for national development. Promote individual development and selffulfillment. Promote sound moral and religious values. Promote social equality and responsibility.

Promote respect for and development of Kenyas rich and varied cultures. Promote International consciousness and foster positive attitudes towards other nations. Promote attitude towards good health and environment protection.

The curriculum content has life skills infused and integrated Pedagogical practices mostly abstract Teachers not equipped with skills to facilitate learning of life skills

It is a blend of innovative teaching methodologies and techniques meant to impart life skills and build character among learners through existing curriculum

God who is the supreme power created every individual with innate abilities. Individuals are capable of realizing their highest abilities if properly trained. Increase in knowledge and application of Godly principles results in increase in reliance upon the government of God The principles of all genuine liberty and of wise laws and administrations are drawn from the scriptures and sustained by its authority. Character building is dependent upon the philosophy and methods of education and government in the home and classroom Teachers have an errand from God to build the character of children over their care.

Inspiring consent of the learner to learn. Prepare children for challenges and demands of life. Teaching methods applied through the principles of
-Individuality -Self- government -Godly character -Conscience or property -Internal inspiration of mind and heart. -Learner accountability for his or her own learning.

Furnish each individual with education to reach the fullest expression of his value. Godly scholarship and character for leadership/servant hood.

Learner examinations must measure learner progress towards the goals of problem-based learning Problem-based learning must be the pedagogical base in the curriculum and not part of a didactic curriculum

Make education Non Intrusive. Develop in young learners life skills such as creative and critical thinking, problem solving, decision making, Self esteem, Self awareness, communication Skills, interpersonal and intrapersonal relationship..among others. Apply different approaches and Techniques. Ignite the fire within each individual child. To enable children participate actively in the learning process. To enable children to explore and develop innate abilities. Help the child appreciate the importance of leadership and servant hood

Experiential Concrete to abstract Correcting or affirming held ideas Use of Feedback from peers, teachers and parents The learning Environment determines the attitude and appreciation of taught concepts

Inside Out Learning Organization believes that all children can learn In a learning process the teacher is a facilitator IOL believes that ever child has inherent abilities that will enable that child to attain a good life for themselves

Howard Gardner (1983) argues that human beings display seven different kinds of intelligences: Linguistic Intelligence Logical Mathematical Intelligence Musical Intelligence Spatial Intelligence Body Kinesthetic Intelligence Interpersonal Intelligence Intra personal Intelligence

The Inquiry method should entail: Questions Active engagement in thinking about the phenomena Collection and use of evidence

Use of Historical Perspectives

Clear expression Team involvement

A clear link between knowledge and curiosity

De emphasize memorization

Reflects values

Enhances curiosityEncourage healthy questioning and avoid dogmatism

Promote aesthetic appreciation

Counteract learning anxieties by:

Build on success Support role of girls and weaker learners

Allow Learners to have the responsibility for their own learning ie to seek solutions to their questions The problem examples employed in problem-based learning must be well-structured and allow for free inquiry Learning should be integrated from a wide range of disciplines or subjects- no subject operates in isolation Role of Collaboration- in real life solving problems involves other people Application of skills learnt in problem solving with reanalysis and resolution- allow learners to appraise and appreciate their path to solving their problem A closing analysis- let learners critique their findings Self and peer assessment- it matters what others see!

Learner examinations must measure learner progress towards the goals of problem-based learning. Formal assessments must assess :
the learners' problem-solving skills, self-directed learning skills, ability to recall and apply an integrated knowledge base in work with a problem.

Problem-based learning must be the pedagogical base in the curriculum and not part of a didactic curriculum Problem-based learning requires that learners are active learners, responsible for their own learning and have adequate time for self-directed learning.

This methodology employs four basic ideas namely: Research Reason Relate Record

the subject or topic is identified teacher assigns learners to carry out the research individually or in groups using original sources the study can be done through indoor activities or reading

analysis of what was found out in the research or reading Learners expand their minds and understanding by questioning the information they have acquired careful interrogation of the information will help the learners understand the phenomenon under study

application of the information learnt What does it mean to me? How does this apply to me? What do I need to do? would I like to be like character x? Why? Why not? Recording is an important step in the 4R methodology The learners record what they have learnt this does not need to be done only at the end of the process The learner writes what they have learnt in their own words The subject of recording would include questions that guided the research, the reasoning, and the relating


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