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Dr.P.Sasikala, Assistant Professor

Divisions of Nervous system

Central N.S
Brain Spinal cord
12 pairs of cranial nerves

Nervous system

Cerebrospinal N.S

Peripheral N.S
Peripheral autonomic N.S

31 pairs of spinal nerves

Sympathetic N.S Parasympathetic N.S


The autonomic nervous system is the subdivision of the peripheral nervous system that regulates involuntary body activities (that are generally not under conscious control) Autonomic nervous system innervate smooth muscle (eg, blood vessels, gut wall, bronchial tree, pupil, urinary bladder) cardiac muscle Arrector pili muscles of the hair glands (eg, sweat glands, salivary glands) 4

Autonomic nervous system

Called visceral system Made up of afferent and efferent pathways
Somatic Autonomic nervous system nervous system
Afferent fibres Efferent fibres Pass directly from Do not pass directly from CNS. CNS to the First relay in autonomic ganglia skeletal muscle outside CNS, then postganglionic fibres supply the effector organs.

Made up of two neurons 1. Preganglionic and 2. Postganglionic

Pre and post ganglionic neuron

Somatic division:
Cell bodies of motor neurons reside in CNS (brain or spinal cord) Their axons (sheathed in spinal nerves) extend all the way to their skeletal muscles

Autonomic system: chains of two motor neurons

1st = preganglionic neuron (in brain or cord) 2nd = gangionic neuron (cell body in ganglion outside CNS)

Pre and postganglionic fiber

Axon of 1st (preganglionic) neuron leaves CNS to synapse with the 2nd (ganglionic) neuron Axon of 2nd (postganglionic) neuron extends to the organ it serves

DIVISION OF ANS Parasysmpathetic: routine maintenance

rest &digest

Sympathetic: mobilization & increased

metabolism i.e during acute emergencies fight, flight or fright


Parasympathetic: Craniosacral outflow arises from brain (GVE nuclei of brainstem) and S2-4 segments of spinal cord
Sympathetic: Thoracolumbar outflow arises from lateral horn cells of thoracic and upper two lumbar segments (T1 to L2)


Sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia

Sympathetic ganglia Many lie close to spinal cord(Paravertebral or lateral) Others lie approximately midway between spinal cord and effector organ(Prevertebral or collateral) Terminal ganglia- located within suprarenal medulla as chromaffin cells Postganglionic sympathetic fibres are longer in length Parasympathetic ganglia Lie close to or within the walls of effector organ Postganglionic fibres are shorter

Parasympathetic system

Sympathetic system



fight, flight or fright Also called thoracolumbar system: all its neurons are in lateral horn of gray matter from T1-L2 Lead to every part of the body (unlike parasymp.)
Easy to remember that when nervous, you sweat; when afraid, hair stands on end; when excited blood pressure rises (vasoconstriction): these sympathetic only Also causes: dry mouth, pupils to dilate, increased heart & respiratory rates to increase O2 to skeletal muscles, and liver to release glucose


Anatomy of the sympathetic system

Consists of 1. Pair of ganglionated sympathetic trunks, 2. their rami of communications, 3. branches, 4. plexuses and 5. subsidiary ganglia


Sympathetic trunk(lateral ganglia)

Two ganglionated chains of nerve fibres Paravertebral in position Extends from atlas vertebra above to first coccygeal vertebra Ganglion impar- both trunks unite at the coccyx Each sympathetic chain possesses 22 sympathetic ganglia 1) 3 in cervical region 2) 11- thoracic 3) 4 - lumbar 4) 4- sacral Prevertebral ganglia 3 in no. coeliac, superior mesenteric and inferior mesenteric ganglion.

Sympathetic trunk
Each thoracic and upper two lumbar sympathetic ganglion connected to corresponding spinal nerve by both white and grey rami communicantes Rest of sympathetic ganglia connected to corresponding spinal nerves only by grey rami communicantes White rami- convey preganglionic fibres from T1-L2 segments and sensory sympathetic fibres from viscera Grey rami convey post-ganglionic fibres from lateral ganglia to all 31 pairs of spinal nerves and their limb plexuses to supply sudomotor, pilomotor and vasoconstictor of all blood vessels



Sympathetic nervous system

4.Secretion of sweat glands 5.Motor for arrector pili muscles 6.Vasoconstriction of blood vessels 7.Stimulation of heart 8.Bronchodilatation and inhibition of secretion from bronchial glands 9.Inhibition of gastrointestinal motility and secretions 10.Sensory for pain from most of the viscera 11.Contraction of sphincters of the bladder and bowl


2.Widening of palpebral fissure 3.Stop the Secretion of saliva

7.Stimulation of heart
8.Bronchodilatation and inhibition of secretion from bronchial glands

Figure 8-2

12.Motor for ejaculation

Parasympathetic nervous system

Cranio sacral outflow Arises from brainstem nuclei of 3rd, 7th ,9th and 10th cranial nerve S2-S4 segments of spinal cord


Cranial outflow
III - pupils constrict VII - tears, nasal mucus, saliva IX parotid salivary gland X (Vagus n) visceral organs of thorax & abdomen: Stimulates digestive glands Increases motility of smooth muscle of digestive tract Decreases heart rate Causes bronchial constriction

Sacral outflow (S2-4): form pelvic splanchnic nerves

Supply 2nd half of large intestine Supply all the pelvic (genitourinary) organs

Pupils constrict

Secrete saliva

Decreases heart rate

Causes bronchial constriction 23

Stimulates digestive glands

Increases motility of Smooth muscle of digestive tract


Acetylcholine =Cholinergic Fibers that release acetylcholine are known as cholinergic fibers All preganglionic neurons of the autonomic division and all postganglionic neurons of the parasympathetic division are cholinergic

Norepinephrine = Adrenergic Neurotransmitter between the sympathetic postganglionic fiber and the effector cell
Fibers that release norepinephrine are adrenergic fibers

Most postganglionic neurons of the sympathetic division are adrenergic

Few are cholinergic(sweat gland,some blood vessels in skeletal muscle)


On top of kidneys
Adrenal medulla (inside part) is a major organ of the sympathetic nervous system

Adrenal gland is exception

Synapse in gland Can cause body-wide release of epinephrine and norepinephrine


Central control of the Autonomic NS

Amygdala: main limbic region for emotions

Hypothalamus: main integration center Posterior partsympathetic activity Anterior partparasympathetic activity Reticular formation: most direct influence over autonomic function



Difference between Sympathetic and Parasympathetic systems

Sympathetic system Parasympathetic system

Efferents: Pre-ganglionic neurons

Thoraco-lumbar outflow Cranio-sacral outflow Lateral horn cells of T1-L2 In cranial part segments of spinal cord Edinger-Westphal nucleus of 3rd cranial nerve Superior salivatory nucleus of 7th nerve Inferior salivatory nucleus of 9th nerve Dorsal nucleus of 10th nerve In sacral part Lateral horn cells of S2-S4 segments
Lateral, collateral and terminal Collateral and terminal


Pre-ganglionic 20 or more post-ganglionic Only one-or a few neuron synapse neurons Pre-ganglionic fibre Shorter, Post-ganglionic fibres are longer Longer than post-ganglionic fibre

Difference between Sympathetic and Parasympathetic systems

Sympathetic system Action Produces mass reaction mobilising resources of the body (catabolic in function; works for to-day) Cutaneous blood vessels constricted, coronary and skeletal vessels dilate, heart rate is increased, BP raised, pupils dilate, intestinal peristalsis diminished and sphincters of the gut closed Parasympathetic system Produces localised and isolated effects, conserving resources of the body (anabolic in function; works for to-morrow) HR slowed, pupils constricted, Digestion and absorption promoted by increased intestinal secretion and enhanced peristalsis, bladder and rectum evacuated Nerve of transquility

Nerve of emergency, works during stress and strain for fight or flight

Difference between Sympathetic and Parasympathetic systems

Sympathetic system Neurotransmitters All post-ganglionic fibres are adrenagic except sweat glands and most of the blood vessels of skeletal muscles Convey mostly visceral pain sensation Posterior part of hypothalamus Parasympathetic system All post-ganglionic fibres are cholinergic

Afferents Central control

Convey general visceral sensation Anterior part of hypothalamus


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