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)marks 130(

(3 Hours(
Endocrine 35
Gastro 40
Cardiology 35
Hematology 20
Commentary is included (20 marks in one of them )
Total : Commentary (20) + 11 question each on is
10 marks
- Types

- Diagnosis

- Treatment of Type I
- Treatment of Type II
- Acute complications (DKA)
- Chronic complications
Pituitary Gland:
- Dwarfism
- D.D of Short stature ( stunted growth )
- Adult hypopuitarism
• Suprarenal Gland:
- Cushing’s disease : (Diagnosis , treatment )
- Addison’s disease :(Diagnosis , treatment )
- Acute adrenal insufficiency

- Parathyroid Gland :
- Hypoparathyrididism ( Tetany) ,
- Causes of Hypercalcemia
- Toxic multi Thyroid : Grave's disease
- Nodular goiter
- Myxoedema
- Thyroid Emergencies :
- Myxoedema
- Thyroid emergencies :-
* Myxoedema
* Thyroid crisis
- Assessment
- Hazards

- Rupture oesghageal varices (Upper G.I. Hemorrahge )
- Causes of Melena
- D.U :
-Clinical Picture
- Treatment
- Treatment of Helicobacter Pylori
- Chronic diarrhea and malabsorption: ( Causes investigations)
- Constipation : ( Aetiology , Treatment )
- Acute Pancreatitis .
- Medical causes of acute abdominal pain
•Acute hepatitis
•Complications of liver cirrhosis
•Investigations of a case of jaundice
•Differentiation between Intrahepatic and Extrahepatic
•Chronic liver cell failure
•Fulminant hepatic failure
- Rheumatic Fever : (Diagnosis , Treatment, Prophylaxis)
- Infective endocarditic : ( Etiolosy , Clinical picture , Treatment )
- Rheumatic heart disease : (M.S, Ao.I)
- Hypertention : ( Essential , Secondary ,Hypertensive
Emergencies ( Encephalopathy )
- Risk factors of Coronary heart disease
- Acute MI : (Clinical picture, investigations , complications :
(Early , late )
- Treatment of MI
* Cardiac causes of acute chest pain
* Heart failure :
- Left sided
- RT sided
- Congestive (aetiology ,C.P , treatment)
*Complete heart block
* Pericardial effusion : ( CP , DD )
- Anemias : Iron Deficiency : (Etiology , CP, Treatment(
- DD of Microcytic Hyprochromic Anemia
- Aplastic Anemia ( B.M failure ): Etiology , CLP Treatment )
- D.D of Pancytopenia
- Diagnosic criteria of Hemolytic Anemia
- Purpura : I.T.P
- Non thrombocytoperic Purpura
- Acute leukemia : CP, Investigations , Treatment
- Dif. between ALL & AML
- Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
- Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia
- Polycythemia rubra vera
- D.D of cervical Lymphadenopathy
- Acquired coagulation disorders
- 2 Q Chest : 20 and 15 marks
- 2 Q Neuro : 20 and 15 marks
- 6 Q each 10 marks :-
- 2 Q Nephrology 20
-2 Q Rheumatology 20
- 2 Q Tropical and fevers 20
- Acute diffuse glomerulonephritis
- Acute renal failure : (Ae , Diagnosis, Treatment )
- Chronic renal failure : ( Ae , Systemic manifestations ,
investigations , Treatment)
- Indications , Complicatins of hemodialysis
- Types & causes of Proteinuria
- Polyurea (D.D)
- Metabolic acidosis
- Hypokalemia
Rheumatology :-
- Diagnostic criteria of Rheumatoid arthritis
- Extra-articular manifestations of Rheumatoid arthritis
- Treatment of Rheumatoid arthritis with reference to
- Acute gouty arthritis
- Chronic gouty arthritis : (CP , treatment)
- Clinical picture of SLE
- Investigations of a case of SLE
- Treatment of SLE
- DD of acute monoarthritis.
- Hepatosplenic biharziasis
- Antibilharzial drugs
-Clinical picture , diagnosis and treatment of acute attack of malaria
-Complications of malaria
-PUO : * Etiology
* Investigations
* How to reach diagnosis
-Enterica : Diagnosis , Complications and Treatment
-Brucellosis : CP , Diagnosis , Treatment
-Patterns of fever , their clinical significance
-Hyper Thermia
marks 130)(
)(hours 2.5
I- 70 questions 1-70 “ select the best answer “ ( Each one
II- 6 questions 71-100 ” Matching “ ( Each five items each
item one mark )
III- 30 questions 1 – 30 “ True or False “( Each question one
Example of the questions

I- Select the best answer :

1- All the following are associated with an increased risk for

cholelithiasis except :

A- Chronic hemolytic anemia

B- Obesity
C- High protein diet
D- Pregnancy
E- Female sex
II- For each numbered item indicate the appropriate
71- Palpable gall bladder a- Gall bladder stone
72- Steatorrhoea b- Cystic fibrosis
73- Cholecystitis c- Cushing syndrome
74- Abdominal Striae d- Portal vein thrombosis
75- Caput medusae e- Cancer head of pancreas
III- Answer the following by using true (T) for correct
answer and false (F) for wrong answer

1- Aminosaliclate therapy in ulcerative colitis reduces the risk of colonic

carcinoma ( )

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