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Inductors and capacitors are energy-storage elements They can store energy and later return it to the circuit They do not generate energy-only the energy that has been put into these elements can be extracted Said to be passive elements

Capacitors are constructed by separating two sheets of conductor (usually metallic) by a thin layer of insulating material

The insulating material are called dielectric can be polyester, polypropylene, mica or a variety of other material

In a way, a capacitor is a little like a battery. Although they work in completely different ways, capacitors and batteries both store electrical energy. A capacitor is much simpler than a battery, as it can't produce new electrons -- it only stores them In an ideal capacitor, the stored charge q is proportional to the voltage between the plates

C has unit of farads (F) which is equivalent to coulombs per volt In most application, we deal with capacitances in the range from a few picofarads up to perhaps 0.01F

Relationship between current and voltage As voltage increases, current flows through the capacitance and charge accumulates on each plate If voltage remain constant, the charge is constant and the current is zero Thus, capacitors act as open circuit for steady state dc voltages

An inductor is about as simple as an electronic component can get -- it is simply a coil of wire Current flowing through the coil creates a magnetic field or flux that links the coil Frequently, the coil form is composed of a magnetic material such as iron or iron oxides that increase the magnetic flux for a given current

For an ideal inductor, the voltage is proportional to the time rate of change of the current The polarity of voltage is such as to oppose the change in current Inductance (L)

The voltage and current is related by

Inductance has units of henries (H), which are equivalent to volt seconds per ampere


Phasor Diagrams
A phasor is an arrow whose length represents the amplitude of an AC voltage or current. The phasor rotates counterclockwise about the origin with the angular frequency of the AC quantity. Phasor diagrams are useful in solving complex AC circuits.

Resistor VR IR



IC wt
wt VC





1. Replace the time descriptions of V and I with correct corresponding phasors. 2. Replace inductances and capacitances by their complex impedances, where;

3. Analyze the circuit by using any techniques learned before.

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