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Holistic Health 382.4 Jasmine Simms Tina Martinez Sp04

In this project, we explore:
The origins of fasting Types of fasts - specifically the Master Cleanser Benefits, side effects Preparation & Execution Breaking a fast Testimonials & experiences

What exactly is Fasting?

Fasting is:
Voluntarily not eating food for varying lengths of time Used as a therapy for many conditions Also a spiritual practice in many religions

Origins of Fasting
Used for thousands of years, fasting is one of the oldest therapies in medicine
Many of the great doctors of ancient times and many of the oldest healing systems have recommended fasting as an integral method of healing and prevention Fasting has also been used in nearly every religion in the world, including Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, and Islam. Many of history's great spiritual leaders fasted for mental and spiritual clarity, including Jesus, Buddha, and Mohammed. In one of the famous political acts of the last century, the Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi fasted for 21 days to promote peace

Types of Fasts
Water Juice Vegetable Juice Religious or Spiritual
The when, how and why of fasting for different faiths and traditions: Buddhism: Usually on full-moon days and other holidays; usually abstaining from solid food with some liquids permitted; a method of purification.

Catholicism: Ash Wednesday and Good Friday; two small meals and one regular meal, with meat forbidden; teaches self-control, penance and solidarity with the poor.

Benefits & Side Effects

Benefits of Cleansing Builds a healthy blood stream Youth & elasticity Increased energy Side effects of Cleansing Weight loss Body Odor Clarity Hunger pangs Bad Breath Headaches Cramping Thickness of tongue

The Master Cleanser

The Master Cleanser was created by Stanley Burroughs over 40 years ago. He was inspired to write the lemonade diet as a means to give relief and to heal stomach ulcers in 10 days. What does the lemonade diet consist of? Why?
Lemons are one of the richest sources of minerals and vitamins Maple Syrup is a balanced form of positive and negative sugars and must be used, no substitutes. Grade B maple syrup is highly recommended for its taste and mineral content.

Cayenne Pepper breaks up mucus and increases warmth by

building the blood for an additional lift; it also adds many of the B and C vitamins.

The Master Cleanser

To dissolve & eliminate toxins, congestion that have formed in any part of the body To cleanse the kidneys & the digestive system To purify the glands & cells throughout entire body To eliminate all unusable waste & hardened material in joints & muscles To relieve pressure & irritation in nerves, arteries & blood vessels To build a healthy blood stream To keep youth & elasticity regardless of age

The Master Cleanser

When to use it
When sickness has developed - for all acute and chronic conditions When the digestive system needs a rest and a cleansing When overweight has become a problem When better assimilation and building of body tissue is needed

How often
For maximum benefits, follow the diet for a minimum of 10 days or more. 40 days & beyond may be safely followed for extremely serious cases.

The Master Cleanser


The Master Cleanser

2 tbsp. lemon or lime juice (approx. 1/2 lemon) 2 tbsp. genuine maple syrup (not maple flavored syrup 1/10 tsp. cayenne pepper (or to taste) Water, medium hot (spring or purified water) Combine the juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper in a 10 oz. glass and fill with medium hot water. Never vary the amount of lemon juice per glass.

The Master Cleanser

How Much To Drink?

Take from six to twelve glasses of the lemonade daily during the waking period. As you get hungry, just have another glass of lemonade. NO FOOD SHOULD BE TAKEN DURING THE FULL PERIOD OF THE FAST. The lemonade is already a food in liquid form.

Preparation & Execution

Education Mental Preparation Support Supplies Making it Happen

Read the Book Read the Book Read the Forums Visit Web Sites Connect with Other Experienced Fasters Make a Plan Did I Mention Read the Book?

Mental Preparation
Why are you doing this? Whats your Motivation? Identify your Goals Its OK to End Early Have all Your Questions Answered Clear up all Your Doubts How Will You Deal with Negativity? How Will You Handle Social Events How Will You Handle Body Issues?

Whos on Your Team Who Will You Call When You Need Some Moral Support? Forums Do it with a Friend
From CureZone Forums: HI Sunday Starters, I just wanted to wish your group the best!! Feel free to pop in in our All Stars posts..we all just started yesterday so we will all just be a day apart.

Making It Happen
Make Your Plan How Long Will You Fast? Dealing with Your Schedule Be Prepared Listen to Your Body

Lemons Grade B Maple Syrup Cayenne Pepper Laxative Tea Sea Salt (un-iodized) Good Water Lemon Press or Citrus Juicer Measuring Spoons 32 oz container

Breaking the Fast

After 10 or more days of fasting breaking a fast becomes very important. Take it slow and easy.
Day One: Several 8oz. glasses of orange or grapefruit juice as desired throughout the day. Day Two: orange or grapefruit juice in morning, prepare a vegetable soup and have the broth in the afternoon and evening. Day Three: Juice in the morning, vegetable soup at noon, vegetables, fruit or salad at night. Day Four: Resume normal eating. Optional: Day three do a liver / gall bladder cleanse.

I'm finishing Day 5. I'm noticing two things...
(1) my sense of smell is much more acute, and (2) my body awareness (I guess you'd call it), is far greater than normal for me. I'm aware of my fingers, their size - they feel slimmer somehow (?), and my skin seems more sensitive to the touch.

Hello Fellow Fasters,
Well, I am finishing up my day 7 and with God's help I have 14 more days to go. Today was the first day I exercised and I felt so great! 5 miles of rollerblading...I hope I do not feel it tomorrow. I have been sleeping very well at night. Oh well, good night everyone...see you tomorrow.

I've realized another long term benefit from the 29 day fast I completed 10 days ago: I am SO regular!! Since I was a baby I've had problems with bad that I would cry from the pain while I was still in diapers Now I go several times a day and I haven't taken any laxatives!...

I am on day 7 also. My family is upstairs eating lasagna (sob) so I am hiding in the basement. LOL.
It seems strange to talk to a total stranger, or a friend for that matter about eliminations, but what the heck...I have had the same experience...since day 3 nothing solid. I have the tea once a day and have done the SWF everyday since day 2. I have not had any of the side effects that people talk about, just a low grade headache on day 2. I am planning on 10 days, maybe 12.

Some of the benefits that I have reaped from the MC are these: Reduced inflammation of my right knee that has caused me massive pain for the last 6 months. Clearer skin. No more heartburn. Clearer mind and less emotional upsets (even when dealing with rebellious teenagers!) A more positive attitude than I have had in years! My sleep habits have completely changed...I worked the midnight shift for 41/2 years and when I got promoted and switched to swing shift, I still could not sleep until 2 or 3 am....that is over...I actually sleep like a normal person and when I wake up in the morning I jump out of bed and start my day, rather than rolling over and dozing back off. No more caffeine addiction....and no caffeine withdrawal headaches after the 2nd day.

Another benefit I see is that I find that the first few days are the hardest, so why not stay longer on one fast instead of starting a lot of different fasts? My problem in the past has been I get VERY bored with the lemonade. However, this time I am starting out with the mindset of 21 days so I hope that will help. I'm taking it one day at a time, too, like always.

The first day has been the toughest and it was BAD! That night I had a horrible migraine and I attributed it to the lack of food. I vomited a lot of lemonade and took some Excedrin. I gave in and ate a 3-4 bites of cereal (my favorite food). I couldn't finish it, but was finally able to fall asleep. The next morning I felt okay and figured I would continue on. Now it's day seven and I have lost 14lbs. I'm 6'2" and now 250lbs. I'm a man for those keeping score.

so far I feel fine, my 3 year old keeps trying to feed me, that does not help but still not a bite of food. The most interesting thing is how I seem to be lost as to how to spend my time. I never thought I spent so much time thinking of food, picking a place to get food, going to get food, eating get the idea.

Book Resources
Master Cleanser, Stanley Burroughs #46 On bestseller list (5/11/04) The Miracle of Fasting: Proven Throughout History for Physical, Mental and Spiritual Rejuvination, Paul C. Bragg Fasting-And Eating-For Health : A Medical Doctor's Program for Conquering Disease, Joel Fuhrman Commonsense Guide to Fasting, Kenneth E Hagin Rational Fasting, Arnold Ehret The Beginner's Guide to Fasting, Elmer L. Towns Fasting Can Save Your Life, Herbert Shelton

Book Resources
Healthy Fasting, Margot Hellmiss, Norbert Kriegisch Fast Your Way to Health, Lee Bueno Fasting for Renewal of Life, Herbert M. Shelton Juice Fasting and Detoxification : Use the Healing Power of Fresh Juice to Feel Young and...,Steve Meyerowitz, et al A Hunger for God : Desiring God Through Fasting and Prayer, John Piper Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough, Elmer L. Towns, Elmer Town The Hidden Power of Prayer and Fasting, Mahesh Chavda

Web Sites on Fasting

Google has 1,180,000 web pages on fasting!
Cure Zone Educating instead of Medicating Master Cleanser Research Fasting .com The Ultimate Resource for Cleansing Online

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