Financial Saviness Quiz and Photo Fun Application: Facebook Platform W/ Twitpic Tie-In

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Financial Saviness Quiz and

Photo Fun Application

Facebook Platform
w/ Twitpic tie-in.
Two components

• Financial Saviness Quiz[Web Site

+ Widget (Differ. Designs) and
Facebook Connect Integration]

• Facial imposition upon set of


built to complement each other

Goal [Financial Savvy Quiz]

• Engaging and viral

• Financial education and familiarity

• Drive awareness

• Monetization optional
Goal [ Concept ]

• Discussion and gauging of financial

• Engage users with useful and fun
• Entice users to partake in quiz
• Quiz results determine which photo is
imposed with your face, depending
on savvy
• Monetization
Instant Virility with Fun Images
Cr ea te ha ndf ul of po te nti al o utc om es/ im age s bas ed
on th e fi nan ci al kno wl edg e of us ers . Im age s wil l
pr ovi de v isu al re pre se nta ti on of us er ’s ag e bas ed
on th ei r qui z sco re
Get Facebook Community
Cr eat e a h an dfu l oInvolved
f pot en tia l im age o utc om es bas ed on
ge ner al f ina nc ial kn ow led ge of i ndi vi du als w hen
co mpa re d to ot her Fa ce boo k fri en ds/ us er s w ho ta ke th e
qu iz
Additional details about
• Images will be provided to
Facebookster ahead of time and
dimensions will be allocated in
coalescing headshot with image.
• Tool can be available to select head
and properly place it in the picture
• Picture will be available to share on
facebook stream, with friends and via
Challenge [App Flow Design]

• Challenge your friend

– Create competition
• more than a game; helping others.
• Virality propagation is sought through facebook
– Newsfeeds: generated on every single
significant action taken by a user
– Notifications: sent to users directly
1. User to User – asynchronous interactions
2. App to User – Reminders, Updates etc.
DBFC Overview [Features]

• Targeted for various audience

• Take quiz, challenge others, have fun with
• i.e. pictures can be tweeted out via TwitPic
Interactive design: Use flows of most
important game play dynamics and user
interface wireframes
– Game Design Document 1.0
– UI Wireframes 1.0
• Online project meetings and communication
– Designing the right application
DBFC [Post-Production]

• Launch application
– Enable all viral hooks
• Maintenance
– Debugging
– Fixing minor issues
– Implementing small changes
• New Features
– Discussed separately
• Project Head [Software
• Development
Six month timeline
– Product manager
Monthly cost : $12K
– 4 Facebook developers
Revenue share : 30% of
– 1 Twitter developer online virtual good sales
• Application Design Includes:
– Illustrator • Application
• Community
• Web Site design
– Community manager
• Initial Traffic
– Content upload intern
• Community building
& management

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