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Whalens 7-Step Strategic Planning Process

1. Situation Analysis 2. Setting Objectives:
long-terms business objectives and short-terms communication objectives

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Defining Strategy Identifying the targets Creating Messages Identifying tactics Evaluating the effectiveness of the plan

Budget Input

1. Situation Analysis

2. Objectives
Specific Measurable Tied to Corporate Goals

3. Strategy

7. Evaluations

4. Targets

6. Tactics

5. Messages

Target Strategies

Budget Output

Terms Explanation
Term Definition Example

Marketing Goals

The business goals that the entire marketing organization is trying to achieve

These can be intermediateterm or long-term goals and are often in financial terms, such as increased sales revenues, but could also be in terms of market share, product trial, or some other measurable goal

Term MPR Objective

Definition The specific communications goals that the MPR plan is trying to achieve, and for which the MPR team should be held accountable.

Example They answer the question: What are we trying to accomplish with our MPR plan that will help us achieve marketing goals?

Outcome objective: conduct a public relations campaign that will increase target awareness of our products skin-enhancing benefit by 15 Both outcome and percent by year-end. output objectives Output objective: Generate positive should be media coverage in at least 25% of identified. the key media aimed at our targets by year-end ( a list of target media to be identified).




MPR Strategy

The broad plan of attack to help us achieve our MPR objectives.

MPR strategies answer the question: How can we achieve the MPR objective? They include things like who to target, how to position the There are typically just brand, the tone of the a few MPR strategies campaign, and key message recommended. points to emphasize.
For example: Target young professionals. Focus on beauty instead of health. Equate the tanning of skin with the tanning of leather.



Example These answer the question, What are the specific things we need to do to make the MPR strategy work? Examples: Kicking off the campaign during fashion week in a major fashion center such as New York or Milan. Using an older model whose skin looks 20 years younger than it is to tout the importance of blocking the suns rays.

MPR Tactics The specific plans of attack for each of the MPR strategies. There are usually several MPR tactics that flow from a single MPR strategy.

Make Whallens 7 Step Strategic Planning Process for a product / brand / corporation.

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