Unit-I Evolution of Industrial Engineering

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Manufacturing System Design

Unit-I Introduction to Manufacturing Systems


PSG College of Technology


INTRODUCTION TO MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS AND MODELS: Evolution of industrial engineering, fields and functions of industrial engineering. Types and principles of manufacturing systems, types and uses of manufacturing models, physical models, mathematical models, model uses, model building DESIGN OF AUTOMATED LINES: Assembly lines-Reliable serial systems, approaches to line balancing COMSOAL and RPW, Transfer lines and general serial systems paced lines without buffers. Flexible manufacturing systems- system components, Introduction to planning and control. LAYOUT DESIGN : Group technology- introduction ,part classification and coding, assigning machines to groups-Rank order clustering algorithm, Facility layout Sequential layout planning.

SUPPORTING COMPONENTS: Machine setup and operation sequencing, Material handling systems-conveyor analysis, AGV systems. Warehousing-storage and retrieval systems, order picking.
SIMULATION IN SYSTEM DESIGN: Empirical simulation models-Event models, process models, simulation system, example manufacturing system

SYNCHRONIZATION MANUFACTURING: Synchronization Vs Optimization, defining the structure, identifying the constraint, Exploitation, Buffer Management.
PRODUCTION PLANNING AND CONTROL: Introduction, objectives, components of PPC, forecasting, product planning, loading and scheduling, dispatching, production control, material handling principles, case studies.

Evolution of Industrial Engineering

Frederick Winslow Taylor

1856 1915 Father of Scientific Management and Efficiency Movement

Taylor investigated the "science" of shoveling.

Major Contribution
Scientific Management Standards Process design Time study Incentive plans

Scientific Management
Scientific management is a theory of management that analyses and synthesizes workflow. Its main objective is to improve economic efficiency, especially in labour productivity. It was actually one of the earliest attempts of applying science to the engineering of process and management. It was developed by Frederick Winslow Taylor between 1880s and 1890s within the manufacturing industries.

According to Fredrick Winslow Taylor, "Scientific management means knowing exactly what you want men to do and seeing that they do it in the best and the cheapest way."

Time Study
time and motion study: an analysis of a specific job in an effort to find the most efficient method in terms of time and effort Time study is a direct and continuous observation of a task, using a timekeeping device (e.g., decimal minute stopwatch, computer-assisted electronic stopwatch, and videotape camera) to record the time taken to accomplish a task and it is often used when
there are repetitive work cycles of short to long duration, wide variety of dissimilar work is performed,

Incentive plans
Incentive plans are part of an employee's compensation or pay. The incentive plan gives an employee the opportunity to increase his annual pay based upon either company performance or individual performance. Incentive plans are a way for companies to keep employees motivated to perform to the best of their abilities, thus increasing company profit.

Lillian Moller Gilbreth

1868 1926 Occasional lecturer at Purdue University

Gilbreth investigated the bricklayer

Major Contribution
Motion economy Worker fatigue

Classification of Motion Economy

Principles related to the use of human body. Principles related to the arrangement of the work place.

Principles related to the design of tools and equipment.

Henry Gantt

1861 1919
Contribution is scheduling Chart.

Scheduling Chart

Frequently used in project management, a Gantt chart provides a graphical illustration of a schedule that helps to plan, coordinate, and track specific tasks in a project. Such as MS Projects and Excel


1897 1974 Contribution is Operation Research (OR)

George Dantzig

1914 2005 American Mathematical scientist who made important contributions to Linear programming .

It is a mathematical technique to find the best outcome with limited resources i.e. to achieve maximum profit with minimum cost. This method is possible only with the linear relationships. This technique is also called as linear optimization. Linear programming is often used in business to find maximum profit or minimum cost

Industrial Engineering Functions

Industrial Engineering Functions

Methods engineering Work measurement Planning of facilities and handling of materials Statistical quality control Production planning and control Operations analysis and computer simulation Human resources Safety at work Equipment engineering Advanced concepts and strategies

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