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Earth- Watery Planet
 The earth is a
unique planet with
abundant water.
 Water together
with other
conditions like
temperature, etc
makes life possible
on earth.
 All the oceans of the world are
 They caver 361,000,000 sq. km out of
the earths total surface of 561,000,000
sq. km.
 The important oceans are given below:-
4) Atlantic ocean
5) Pacific ocean
3) The Indian ocean & 4)Arctic ocean
Atlantic Ocean
 The Atlantic ocean is “S” shaped
with greatest length from north to
 The Atlantic coastline is greatly
broken and is bordered by the
most fertile lands of Europe.
 The Atlantic ocean is the biggest
highway of commerce.
 It covers an area
of about
82,160,000sq. Km
 The average depth
of the ocean is
between 3 to 5 km
or 4092 m.
 The greatest depth
lies off the
Republic and is
Pacific Ocean
 The Pacific ocean is oval in shape
with greatest length from east to west.
 It is the biggest ocean in the world
and is double the size of Atlantic
 It is believed that all the land of the
world could be placed in it and still a
portion of the ocean as big as Africa
will be left over.
 It has consequently
less commerce that
the Atlantic ocean.
 It has however great
resource of fish.
 There are greater
deeps in this ocean
than in the Atlantic.
 The greatest depth of
the sea ( and the
world) is at Mariana
trench,320 kms.
Indian Ocean
 The Suez canal connects the Indian
ocean with the Mediterranean sea,
therefore , its trade has greatly increased
during the last century .
 The greatest depth is 7,067m in Dunda
trench near south of Java.
 Many people often like to call it half an
Artic Ocean
 It is situated round the north pole
and remains perpetually frozen.
 It is connected to the Atlantic
ocean by the eastern and western
Greenland channels and to the
Pacific ocean by the Bering Strait.
Why there is no Antarctic
 There are some geographers who
regard the area around the continent
of Antarctica as the Antarctic ocean.
 But most experts think that this part of
globe has no natural boundaries on
the north, & consist largely of the
southern extremities of the three
major oceans- the Pacific, Atlantic &
the Indian ocean.
Why are the seas different
from ocean??
 The seas like the Caribbean, Bering ,
the Mediterranean etc are not
included in the above water surface .
 Sea is described as a salt water body
usually on the margins of the
 Some important seas are-Arctic,
Kara, Arabian, sea of Japan, Barents,
east China sea, Andaman sea
Difference between the
highest & deepest place on
 The highest summit on land surface is
Mount Everest- 8848m above sea level.
 The deepest bottom of the ocean is
Mariana Trench-11,033m below sea level.
 The difference between the highest place
on earth and the deepest place on earth is
just 19.9km .
 This is very small in relation to earths
Chief Features of Ocean
 The ocean basin are in many
ways similar to the land surface.
 This is because this zones exist
as a result of the interaction
between tectonic activities,
volcanic, erosional and
depositional processes which are
active on the surface of the earth.
 The main relief zones are- Continental
shelf ; Continental slope; Abyssal plain &
Ocean deeps.
Continental Shelf
 It is the most important part of the ocean
floor for man.
 The submerged part of land which is
adjacent to the coastline and which is not
more than 200m deep is called continental
 It is in these shallow waters that
submarine vegetation grows.
 It is the richest fishing ground so it
abounds in planktons which is fish food.
 The continental shelf in some parts of
the world is rich in oil, coal, sulphur
and non-ferrous metals.
 There are undersea oil-fields in the
Caspian sea and the gulf of Mexico.
 Also there are tin mines off the island
of Sumatra.
 Off-shore exploration for oil is being
done in India as well.
Continental Slope
 At the outer edge of the continent
shelf, the slope suddenly steepens .
 This is found to be 35 to 61m per km.
 One end of the slope connects it with
the continental shelf while the other
one merges into the ocean floors.
 The area occupied by continental
slope is 8.5% of the total ocean area.
 The continental slope consists of light
continental rocks which overlie the dense
rocks of ocean floors.
Deep Ocean Floors
 About 2-3rd of the ocean surface is
occupied by Deep Ocean Floors.
 They are situated on the base of the
continental slope.
 The depth is from 3,000 to 6,000m.
 Many long zig-zag ridges, plateaus,
plains, volcanic summits etc.
 Many mountain tops rise steeply from the
ocean floors and emerges out of sea as
 Such mountain tops are found in
Indonesia and in Pacific ocean.
The Ocean Deep
 These are long deep trenches that
are around 30,000 feet deep.
 Most oceanic trenches are found in
Pacific ocean.
 The deepest of which is about 36,000
feet deep.
 Their depth is more than the highest
peak on land.
Features of Ocean & Land
 There is a balance between upstanding
continents and low lying ocean basins.
 This is isostasic balance.
 They are:-
This is a picture of isthmus of
This is an image of Persian Gulf

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