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PID of Raw Material

PID of Fermentation Tank

PID of Isolation Process

PID of Isolation Process

PID of Isolation Process

Table 2. The list of substances involved in monosodium glutamate plant

Maximum Energy Recovery (MER)

Heat Exchanger Network (HEN) Design

Reduce the need of hot and cold utilities

The need and removed heat from cold and hot fluid respectively could be calculated using the formula
= .

Table 3. The removed and needed heat in each stream in monosodium glutamate plant

Determining maximum energy recovery (MER)

Fig 1. Separate cold stream in monosodium glutamate plant (note Cp is in 106. kJ/(h K))

Fig 2. Composite cold stream in monosodium glutamate plant

Fig 3. Separate hot stream in monosodium glutamate plant (note Cp is in 106. kJ/(h K))

Fig 4. Composite of hot stream in monosodium glutamate plant (note Cp is in 106. kJ/(h K))

Fig 5. Cold and hot stream composite curve in monosodium glutamate plant

Fig 6. Shifted cold and hot stream composite curve in MSG plant as cold stream shifted in right way

Table 4. Plot point shifted cold and hot stream composite curve for obtaining pinch point

Fig 7. Shifted composite cold and hot stream curve in MSG plant as hot stream shifted in left way

Fig 8. Shifted composite cold and hot stream curve in MSG plant as hot stream shifted in left way and cold stream in the right way

Fig 6 Shift: cold stream to right side Amount shifted: 6,500. 106 kJ/h Pinch point for hot stream: 47,00C Minimum hot utilities: 65,82.106 kJ/h Only need boiler for hot utilities

Fig 7 Shift: hot stream to left side Amount shifted: 6,500. 106 kJ/h Minimum hot utilities: 59,28. 106 kJ/h Minimum cold utilities: 6,543.106 kJ/h Need boiler and condenser for hot and cold utilities

Fig 8 Shift: hot and cold stream Amount shifted: 3,250. 106 kJ/h Need hot and cold utilities Lesser cold utilities than if only shifting hot stream


Express all temperature in terms of hot stream temperatures and increase all cold stream temperature by Tmin

Use the shifted temperature which are the mean value, all hot temperatures are reduced by Tmin/2 and cold stream temperatures are increased by Tmin/2

Express all the temperatures in terms of cold stream temperatures and reduce all the hot stream temperature by Tmin

Table 5. Adjusted temperature in problem table solving

Fig 9. Overall Problem Table

Pinch: 37C (cold stream) and 47C (hot stream) Minimum heat utilities: 21,88 kW The utilities only need steam without any cooling water since only boiler is needed.

Fig 10. Grand composite curve in monosodium glutamate plant

= ( ) = ( )

( ) ( ) =

( ) =

HE on hot side pinch

heat exchanger is positioned on the hot side of the pinch, T1 = Tmin

= + HE on cold side pinch

( )

( ) =

Table 6. Pinch design method for determining heat exchanger network

Equipment Electricity Needs

Building Service Occupiers equipment



Fans, pumps, and controls Other electricity

Office equipment

Catering, electricity

= Where

. . . .

= = () = 0,8 ( ) = 0,8 ( ) = = (2)

The office use Fluorescent lamp PL-C type 26 watt with lumen 1800 Lm. By this data, it can be derived illuminance 150. 1800 .0,8. 0,8. 1 ( ) = = 192 900 100. 1800 .0,8. 0,8. 1 ( ) = = 192 600 Total illuminance = 384 lux = 9.600 watt = 9,6 kW

Total process area is 6000 m2 The type of lamp used in the office is Fluorescent lamp PLL 40 watt which is equal to 3500 lumen. 600. 3500 .0,8. 0,8. 1 = = 224 6000 = 22.400 watt = 22,4 kW Total power needed for lighting is the sum of process lighting and office lighting, therefore the total lighting needs is: 9,6 kW + 22,4 kW = 32 kW

42 = 4 2 0,003 3500 = / 2

Energy usage including pumps and controls 60 kWh/m2 per year.

Typical load density = 16 W/m2 Average usage in hours per year = 3250 hours/year. Typical percentage on the floor area with IT equipment (excluding circulation space, meeting rooms, toilets, stores, etc) = 65%. = 0,016 2 3250 60% = 31,2 2

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