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Picture 49

Picture 48


Presented by
Fire Chief Kelvin J. Cochran
Planning Succession
• Succession Planning
• Professional Development
Picture 11
• Mentoring

Picture 10
Planning Succession

Succession Planning
• The continual business of
Picture 11
monitoring and developing
internal talent to assure that
employees have the knowledge,
skills and abilities necessary to
Picture 10

succeed in future leadership roles

Planning Succession

Professional Development
• Establishing core competencies
Picture 11
for every rank, while
systematically providing training
and education internally and
externally to meet those
Picture 10

Picture 11

Picture 10

SFD Strategic Planning

March 16, 2007
Planning Succession

• The systematic approach to
Picture 11
providing focused support and
attention, both professional and
personal guidance to
subordinates, formally woven into
Picture 10

the performance appraisal

program of an organization
Planning Succession

The Need for Planning

Picture 11 • Forecast Rapid Attrition
• Forecast Rapid Growth
Picture 10
• State of Organizational
Analyze Stagnancy

Organizational Stagnancy
– A period where activities that were
Picture 11
once exciting have become
common and routine
– Lack luster and enthusiasm
Picture 10

– Unwilling to challenge dissenters

– Financial incentives do not resolve
Planning Succession
Organizational Stagnancy
– Tolerate things we used to detest
– Relationships more important than
Picture 11

– Average is disguised as excellent

– Succumb to good, rather than aspire for
Picture 10

– Making excuses rather than make a

– Clinging to past traditions with reduced
Enhance Morale

• Many of our members are basing

their job satisfaction and job
Picture 11
motivation on the forecast of
promotional and professional
development opportunities, and
Picture 10

the attractiveness of leadership

portrayed by chief officers
Enhance Morale
• No matter how much they
admire, love and appreciate us,
there comes a point in time
where our subordinates, even
Picture 11

those who respect us dearly,

Picture 10
want us to GO!!!
• Forecasting based on who’s
signed up, who’s past retirement,
who’s close to retiring and when
they’re going to go or sign up….
Enhance Morale

• Forecasting who’s next to move

up in the leadership
Picture 11
advancement pipeline has
become extremely difficult; but
extremely necessary for us to do
Picture 10

as a department.
Planning Succession

• Inability to forecast
– Members are staying longer before
Picture 11
signing up
– Members are choosing to stay past
their retirement/DROP date
Picture 10

– Members are leaving abruptly

without much notice
– Members returning to the field
Planning Succession

• As the leader, and leaders of our

fire department we have an
Picture 11
obligation to step outside of our
comfort zones to infuse hope and
optimism into our members
Picture 10

through planning for succession.

Planning Succession

In organizations where
succession planning really
Picture 11

works, it is not a stand-alone

activity. It is a core process
Picture 10

of the business, woven into

the very fabric of its culture.
Succession Planning &
Professional Development
• Sense of urgency for fire service
• Lack of professional development
• Every “man” for himself
Picture 11

• The “fair-haired boy”, “favorite son”

Picture 10

• Narcissist mentality
• Unaware of organizational vulnerability
Failure to Succession Plan
• Steady attrition of talented
Picture 11
• Retain people with outdated skills
• Create promotion apathy
Picture 10
• Create a passive-aggressive
Wanted: Talented Leaders

• Disaster Management
• Budget challenges
Picture 11
• Implement progressive change
• Managing community conflicts
• Labor/management challenges
In situations like these Fire Departments
Picture 10

need to have the right people in the right

places to succeed and thrive!
Failure to Succession Plan
• Apt for wrong organizational
Picture 11
• Promote untested, unqualified
Picture 10
• Recruit outside of the organization
– Difficult to adjust
– Unfamiliar with the culture
Common Attributes of SP
• Not stand alone ad hoc activities
• Embedded development activities
Picture 11
• Chief officers deeply involved
• Chief officers/company officers
Picture 10
evaluated on their contributions to
the organization-wide effort
Planning Succession

By engaging officers and

Picture 11
administrative chief officers in
this way departments can align
its professional development
Picture 10

processes with its strategic

Succession Planning
• Builds a clear and attractive
Picture 11
• Enhances personnel perception of
leadership development processes
• Authenticates succession planning
Picture 10

• Attracts future leaders early in

Is the talent pipeline of the fire
service producing enough quality
Picture 11
– Our department
– Other fire departments
Picture 10

– Emergency Management
– Private Sector Organizations
Leadership Development
Initiatives and Opportunities

• Fire Training Academy

• National Fire Academy
• Executive Development Institute
Picture 11
• Executive Fire Officer Program
• John F. Kennedy School of Government
• Chief Fire Officer Designation
• Certified Emergency Manager Designation
• IAFC Professional Development Handbook
Picture 10

• Higher Education
Blueprint for SP and PD
• Versed in all aspects of
Picture 11
• Accountability for chief fire officers
• Unwavering commitment to the
Picture 10
• Share resources-the talent pool
• Job rotation strategy
• Provide opportunities and visibility
Integrated Approach
• Succession planning drives
professional development
• Succession planning starts at the top
• Train and develop potential successors
Picture 11

• Each rank should be the training officer

Picture 10 for the rank below
Challenges for the Chief
• Planning your own exit
• Evokes fears and hidden emotions
• Deal with long held defense mechanisms
Picture 11

• Desire to avoid the issue

The trend is to always look for the next
mountain to climb, not to step down from
Picture 10

the mountain and look for a replacement.

“There is no
success without a
Picture 11

Picture 10

Benefits of Integration
• Alerts rising stars to opportunities
• Ability to assess your “bench
Picture 11
• Sense of future incumbent
Picture 10
• Minimal business disruption
• Increase stakeholder confidence
• Reduce cost of external
Desired Culture
• Talent alignment and optimization -
striking the balance between the supply
of talent (rising stars) and the demand
Picture 11
for talent (critical positions)
• Annual review of talent pool-group
Picture 10

• Evaluation of current roles

• Preparation for future roles
• Develop paths with multiple career
Fire Chief Responsibilities

• Recognize developmental needs

• Help cultivate new skills
• Provide opportunities for professional
Picture 11

• Nudge into new functional areas
• Mentor emerging leaders
• Pass on important knowledge
Picture 10

• Provide helpful evaluations and

Succession Planning
• Aligned
Picture 11
• Attractive
• Authentic
Picture 10
Aligned Leadership
• Enables the organization to meet
its mission objectives more
Picture 11
• Enables the organization to
produce better innovations more
Picture 10

• Rewards individuals who produce

innovative results
• Occurs when:
– Rolling out initiatives without proper
planning and time horizons
Picture 11

– Professional development,
succession planning not linked with
Picture 10

– Miss-matched protégé-mentor
(disfunctional development)
– Performance management measures
and rewards inconsistent with
organizational values and culture

Personnel are attracted to

Picture 11
promotions-advancement in
part due to the talent identity
(image) of executive leadership
Picture 10

in fire departments and in fire

service organizations.
Attractive Leadership
Does the leadership development system
reinforce the image you want people to
have of our organization?
• Relationship between leadership development
and candidates attracted
Picture 11

• External stakeholders perception of

organizational leadership culture
Picture 10

• Personnel’s perception and understanding of

the organizational values and strategic
Attractive Leadership
• Reinforces a positive leadership
Picture 11

• Emphasizes functional capabilities

• Reinforces proper fit of
Picture 10
organizational values and belief
Authentic Leadership
• Authentic - Customized, legitimate
system developed internally by
• Talent development effects business
Picture 11

Picture 10
• Not a perception of favoritism
• Not padding and developing resumes
• Persons recruited, selected and
promoted are truly qualified, capable,
Professional Development
• Actively improve employee skills
• Increase commitment to work
Picture 11

• Accelerates information sharing

• Better trained personnel
Picture 10
• Increase willingness to accept
additional responsibility
Executive Coaching

Picture 11
The Mentor
Picture 10
The Protégé
• Essential to leadership development
• Many mentors will enter and exit your life
• Mentors can make the difference between:
Picture 11

– Satisfaction and contentment

– Stagnation and growth
– Loss and gain
– Pain and fulfillment
Picture 10

– Deterioration and restoration

10 Facts You Should Know
About An Uncommon Mentor
1. An Uncommon Mentor is the Master
Key to the Success of a Protégé
2. An Uncommon Mentor Transfers
Picture 11

Wisdom Through Relationship

3. An Uncommon Mentor Guarantees
Your Promotion
Picture 10

4. An Uncommon Mentor Can Determine

Your Income
10 Facts You Should Know
About and Uncommon Mentor

• An Uncommon Mentor Can Cause Influential

People to Listen to You
Picture 11

• An Uncommon Mentor Will Require Your

• An Uncommon Mentor is More Interested in
Picture 10

Your Success Than Your Affection

10 Facts You Should Know
About and Uncommon Mentor
8. An Uncommon Mentor is Not Necessarily
Your Best Friend
– Your best friend is comfortable with your past;
your mentor is comfortable with your future
Picture 11

– Your best friend loves you the way you are; your
mentor loves you too much to leave you the way
you are
– Your best friend ignores your weakness; your
Picture 10

mentor removes your weakness

– Your best friend is your cheerleader; your mentor
is your coach
10 Facts You Should Know
About and Uncommon Mentor
9. An Uncommon Mentor Sees Things
You Cannot See
– Sees weaknesses before you experience
Picture 11
the pain of them
– Experienced the pain of a problem you
are about to create
Picture 10
10 Facts You Should Know
About an Uncommon Mentor
10. An Uncommon Mentor Can Create an
Uncommon Protégé
– Everything you know will come through
Picture 11

mentorship (directly or indirectly)

Picture 10
The Protégé
• A protégé is an enthusiastic learner
• The wisdom of the mentor is
Picture 11
perpetuated through the protégé
• It is vital to recognize and honor those
connected to you for the multiplying and
Picture 10
perpetuation of your success and life.
Passive Protégés
• Reach when it is convenient or
when their personal efforts do not
Picture 11
produce their desired result.
• They subconsciously expect their
mentor to produce success for
Picture 10
Parasite Protégés
• Pursue for credibility, not correction.
• They will use the name and influence of
a mentor to manipulate others into a
Picture 11

• They want what the mentor has earned,

Picture 10
not what he has learned
• They want reputation without
Prodigal Protégés
• Enter and exist the relationship freely
• When serious correction occurs they
move toward another mentor who has
Picture 11

not yet discovered their flaws

• They distance themselves when their
mentor encounters personal difficulties,
Picture 10

loss of credibility, false accusation or

Productive Protégés
• Have a servants heart
• Never make major decisions
Picture 11

without counsel and feedback of

the mentor
Picture 10
• They honor and respect their
mentor both professionally and
6 Facts About The Uncommon

1. The uncommon protégé invests time spent

with the uncommon mentor
2. The uncommon protégé follows the counsel
Picture 11

of the uncommon mentor

3. The uncommon protégé reveals the secrets
and dreams of his heart with the mentor
4. The uncommon protégé freely discusses his
Picture 10

mistakes with the mentor

6 Facts About the Uncommon
1. The uncommon protégé defines
clearly his expectations to the mentor
2. The uncommon protégé ultimately
Picture 11

reaches or exceeds the mentor he

Picture 10
Picture 11

Picture 10

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