Big Data

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Big Data

Growing Trends and Emerging Opportunities

Conducted across the IDG Enterprise brands: CIO, Computerworld, CSO, InfoWorld, ITworld and Network World

Purpose and Methodology

Survey Sample
Total Respondents Margin of Error Audience Base 751 +/- 3.6% CIO, Computerworld, CSO, InfoWorld, ITworld, and Network World sites, email, and LinkedIn forums.

Survey Method
Collection Number of Questions Online Questionnaire 46 (incl. demographics)

Survey Goal
To gain a better understanding of organizations' big data initiatives, investments and strategies.

Source: IDG Enterprise Big Data Study, 2014

Big Data Definition

Large volumes of a wide variety of data collected from various sources across the enterprise including transactional data from enterprise applications/databases, social media data, mobile device data, unstructured data/documents, machine-generated data and more. Big data technologies are a new generation of technologies and architectures designed to extract value economically from these data sets by enabling high-velocity capture, discovery and/or analysis. Data in high volume, high velocity and a high variety of information assets can deliver enhanced insights and decision making.
Source: IDG Enterprise Big Data Study, 2014

Data Terms
UNIT Bit (b) Byte (B) Kilobyte (KB) Megabyte (MB) Gigabyte (GB) Terabyte (TB) Petabyte (PB) Exabyte (EB) Zettabyte (ZB) SIZE 1 or 0 8 bits 1,000 or 210 bytes 1,000KB; 220 bytes 1,000MB; 230 bytes 1,000GB; 240 bytes 1,000TB; 250 bytes 1,000PB; 260 bytes 1,000EB; 270 bytes WHAT IT MEANS Short for binary digit, after the binary code (1 or 0) computers use to store and process data. Enough information to create an English letter or number in computer code. It is the basic unit of computing. From thousand in Greek. One page of typed text is 2KB. From large in Greek. The complete works of Shakespeare total 5MB. A typical pop song is about 4MB. From giant in Greek. A two-hour film can be compressed into 1-2GB. From monster in Greek. All the catalogued books in Americas Library of Congress total 15TB. All letters delivered by Americas postal service this year will amount to around 5PB. Google processes around 1PB every hour. Equivalent to 10 billion copies of The Economist. Approximately 1,000 Exabytes. Data in 2010 cracked the zettabyte barrier.

Yottabyte (YB)
Source: The Economist

1,000ZB; 280 bytes

Currently too big to imagine.

The prefixes are set by an intergovernmental group, the International Bureau of weights and Measures. Yotta and Zetta were added in 1991; terms for larger amounts have yet to be established.

Amount of Data Climbing Sharply

Q. Approximately, how much data is your organization currently managing? AND Q. How much data do you expect to be managing 12-18 months from now? BASE: Plans to deploy/implement big data projects.
Source: IDG Enterprise Big Data Study, 2014

Interest in Big Data Continues to Rise



15% 10% 10%


We have already deployed/implemented big data projects

We are in the process We have plans to We are considering We are likely to We have no plans to of implementing or deploy projects over the deploying or implement big data deploy or implement big pilot testing big data next 12 months implementing big data projects in the future but data projects projects projects within the next have no specific 13-24 months timeframe in place

Q. Is your company currently implementing, planning or considering projects (i.e. devising strategies and projects to generate more value from existing data)?
Source: IDG Enterprise Big Data Study, 2014

CEO Largest Supporter of Big Data Efforts

CEO Line of Business (as head)

47% 34%

Board of Directors Marketing Finance/Accounting

Strategy Engineering Sales Research & Development Customer Service None (this is an IT-only initiative) Not sure

27% 24% 21% 20% 19% 18% 14% 10% 4%

Q. Which of the following business groups are supporting or sponsoring your big data efforts? BASE: Plans to deploy/implement big data projects.
Source: IDG Enterprise Big Data Study, 2014

Exec. IT Heavily Involved in Big Data Initiatives

18% 21% 36% 23%




Searching/ Sorting

39% 28% 25%



21% 20%


48% 34% 34% 45%


33% 22% 21%

IT Exec
Source: IDG Enterprise Big Data Study, 2014

Mid-Level IT

IT Pro


Q What role do you play personally in your organizations big data initiatives? I am involved in BASE: Plans to deploy/implement big data projects.

Laying the Groundwork for Big Data

Developing or buying software applications Investing in additional server or storage hardware/software Hiring staff with analytics skills Utilizing an open source software framework (e.g., Apache Hadoop) Migrating to cloud-based services for storage Increasing network bandwidth

38% 37% 34% 30% 28% 27% 26% 26%

Migrating to cloud-based services for analytics

Contracting outside big data expertise

Q. Which of the following is your organization doing to manage big data initiatives? BASE: Plans to deploy/implement big data projects.
Source: IDG Enterprise Big Data Study, 2014

Need for Skilled Employees Ranks High

Limited availability of skilled employees to analyze data Limited availability of skilled employees to manage big data Limited budget Security issues Legacy issues (integration of exisiting tools) Poor data quality Difficulty integrating or analyzing real-time data Development time Growing demand on storage capacity/infrastructure Scalability issues Ability to demonstrate ROI from investments Ownership/control issues Access and usability for end users Ensuring adequate bandwidth to support data capture and analysis Difficulty uncovering actionable insights/inadequate reporting Compliance/regulatory issues Escalating infrastructure and maintence costs due to data growth Lack of management support
13% 14% 18% 30% 35% 40% 41% 41% 40% 34% 37% 49%

36% 31% 33% 29% 32% 39% 31% 28% 30% 27% 29% 27% 26%
23% 25% 22% 24% 21% 21% 21%

21% 22% 19%




Q. What are the challenges that your organization is facing or expects to experience with its big data initiatives? BASE: Plans to deploy/implement big data projects.
Source: IDG Enterprise Big Data Study, 2014

Staffing Up for Big Data Initiatives

Q. With regard to big data initiatives, what skill sets does your organization currently have? AND Q. Which skill sets is your organization planning to hire within the next 12-18 months? BASE: Plans to deploy/implement big data projects.
Source: IDG Enterprise Big Data Study, 2014


Big Data projects remain a high priority for the majority of Enterprise organizations, with managed data anticipated to increase 76% this year. Three-fourths of respondents predict Big Data will be mainstream in at least one business unit or department three years from now. Current big data investments remain strong with future investment plans increasing. Improvements in quality and speed are main drivers for Big Data investments, with management leading as the driver of those investments. The majority of respondents agree that Big Data implementation is a challenge with budget limitations topping the list of barriers for the second year in a row. Organizations recognize that securing the right skills will be critical to the success of Big Data and are staffing up to support these initiatives. While there is increasing confidence in security solutions providing adequate big data protection, there is still large room for growth. Controlling access to data and protecting it from theft or misuse remains to be seen as the most critical to protecting sensitive corporate data. Perception of solutions has fallen, illustrating the gaps in vendor knowledge, understanding and execution in the market, and the opportunity for thought leaders to emerge.
Source: IDG Enterprise Big Data Study, 2014


For more information

For more information on this study, contact Sue Yanovitch, VP of Marketing at


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