Child Final)

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Child Labor

Presented By:
FarzIn Saqib
Child Labor

 What does child labor mean?

All economic activity of children
Any work of sufficient hours per
week to undermine their health and
And all the hazardous work which
could threaten the health of
children under 18.
Child Labour
ch il d lab or …

 Employment of children that is

Unfair in wages
Injurious to health and safety
 Any work that is harmful to
 mental and
psychological development of a child
Child Labour
How Many Children work

 246 million children aged 5-17 are child workers

throughout the world.
 Percentage of Economically active children in asia
 Pakistan 17.67 %
 Bangladesh 30.12 %
 India 14.37 %
 Malaysia 03.16 %
 Thailand 16.22 %
 China 11.55 %
 Nepal 45.18 %
 Vietnam 09.12%
Child Labor in Pakistan
Basic Facts
 According to figures provided by the International Labor Organization
(ILO), the NWFP has a literacy rate of 37.3 percent, much lower than
the country's overall figure of 49 percent. The provincial drop-out rate
at primary school level is almost 50 percent, which suggests that a
disproportionately high number of children are working.

 Recent survey conducted by the UN children's agency UNICEF indicated

that at least eight million children are at work in Pakistan out of its total
population of 140 million.

 In Peshawar alone there are more than 5,500 auto workshops,

furniture factories, shoe factories, brick kilns, carpet weaving centers
and tyre repair centers where more then 37,000 children labor, the ILO
report revealed.
Child Labour
Effects on Children
 Hea lth : child labor are easily replaced;
Consequently, children rarely get medical or
psychological attention if needed.

 Edu ca tion : child labor are often denied access to

education. Thus, even if they escape, they do not
have the skills necessary for higher-paying jobs.

 Fa mily Tie s : child labor are often separated

from their families. Even if these children escape
from labor, their families still may not welcome
them home.

Source: Jon Warren via Hamline University

Child Labour
Why Does It Exist?
 Pove rt y : Children who live in extreme poverty are most susceptible to

 Tra dit ion : Some parents view their children as property over which they
have the right to control.

 Con tr ol: Children are attractive labor because they are easier than adults
to manipulate and control.

 Ch ea p and Rep la cea ble: The average child labor costs less then the
adult labor and they can easily replaced because they have no rights.

 Physic al Siz e: Because they are smaller than adults, child labor are
more desirable for certain tasks such as weaving rugs and picking cocoa.
Child Labour
Policy Considerations for ending
child labor
If Paki stan' s l ea ders and po li cy makers are s eri ous to
con trol, th ey mu st ta ke th e foll ow ing f ac tors i nto
acco unt.

 Fi rs tl y : they must aware of the scope of the problem by properly

identifying Pakistan's child labor force.

 Se con dly : they must be aware of how prevalent child labor really

 Thi rd ly: they must take into considerations is the need to create
a proper and effective educational system

 Fi nall y: they must learn from the experiences of NGO’s and civil
society organization’s innovative initiatives.
Child Labour
What Can You Do?

 Educate yourself about Child Labour.

 Contact local, state, and national

politicians for support against Child Labour.
• Write letters asking for their opinion on
Child Labour.

 Talk to your parents about Child Labour.

• Educate the adults in your life! Source: Jon Warren via Hamline University

 Advocate for Child Labour awareness!

• Begin a social awareness/ human rights club.
Child Labor

 Solution of child labor is

Reduction of poverty
Broad based economic and social
Create an environment for
fundamental change in cultural
Availability of education in country
Thank You


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