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Rancangan, sampling, issues, dan pengumpulan data dalam METODE KUALITATIF

By: Yayi Suryo Prabandari IKM FK UGM 2013


Skills for Core Process: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods

Rancangan Penelitian Kualitatif

Studi kasus Fenomenologi : mencari makna Grounded research : pengalaman proses Etnografi : melihat budaya, kebiasaan, perilaku Etnoscience: deskripsi, taksonomi, karakteristik Etologi kualitatif: deskripsi pola

A culture studying culture It consists of a body knowledge that includes research techniques, ethnographic theory and hundreds of cultural description. It seeks to build a systematic understanding of all human cultures from the perspective of those who have learned them Ethnography is based on the following assumption: knowledge of all cultures is valuable

A strong focus on exploring the nature of particular social phenomena A tendency to work primarily with unstructured data Examination of a small number of people, perhaps just one in detail Analysis of data which involves explicit interpretation of the meanings and functions of human actions-and descriptions and explanations of the events take priority

Study situations in the everyday world from the viewpoint of the experiencing person In contrast to the emphasis on culture that is characteristic of ethnographers, phenomenology emphasis the individuals construction of a life world Taken together, the whole of peoples unquestioned, subjective experience of their biological worlds can be termed their life-world The life world is the individuals world of their everyday life clothes should be worn, what the weather will be like, the way you should greet a friend Each individuals life-world is different and individuals actions can be understood by situating them within the life-world of the actor

Grounded theory
Is one that is inductively derived from the study of the phenomenon it represents That is discovered, developed and provisionally verified through systematic data collection and analysis of data pertaining to that phenomenon It makes no sense to start with received theories or variables (categories) because these are likely to inhibit or impede the development of new theoretical formulations, unless of course your purpose is to open these up and to find new meanings in them

Studi Kasus

Summarized from references by: Yayi Suryo Prabandari Program Studi S2 IKM FK UGM

Karakter Case Study

Attempts to derive general conclusions from limited number cases
Examine the marketing process in a single or a few manufacturing companies in order to come to conclusions regarding business to business marketing

Seeks to arrive at specific conclusions regarding a single case because this case history

Tipe Case Study

Exploratory-single or multiple cases
A pilot study that can be used a basis for formulating more precise questions or testable hypotheses determining the feasibility of the desired research procedure

Descriptive-single or multiple cases

Is attempt to describe presents a complete description of a phenomenon within its context

Explanatory-single or multiple cases

Is looked upon with skeptis present data bearing on cause-effect relationships-explaining how events happened

Theory, kapan digunakan:

Selecting the cases to be studied, whether following a single-case or multiple case design Specifying what is being explored when you are doing exploratory case studies Stipulating rival theories when you are doing exploratory case studies Generalizing the results to other cases

Exploratory Study
Issues The need to create a framework of study Unit of analysis Criteria for selecting cases Case screening How and why do research findings get into practical use

Descriptive case studies

Issues Multiple-case design Categorical vs non categorical education Unit of analysis and selection of cases

Jenis Penelitian Kualitatif lainnya

Studi ex post facto Penelitian aksi Metode biografi Pendekatan sejarah Riset klinis




Tidak ada aturan khusus jumlah sampel Seeking breadth or seeking depth The validity, meaningfulness and insight generated from qualitative inquiry have more to do with the information-richness of the cases selected and the observational/analytical capabilities of the researcher than with sample size.

Sampling strategies
Purposeful sampling
Extreme or deviant case sampling Intensity sampling Maximum variation sampling Homogeneous sampling Typical case sampling Stratified purposeful sampling Critical case sampling


Sampling strategies
Purposeful sampling
Snowball or chain sampling Criterion sampling Theory-based or operational construct sampling Confirming & disconfirming cases Opportunistic sampling Random purposeful sampling (small sample size) Sampling politically important cases Convenience sampling Combination or mixed purposeful sampling



Kesahihan dan Keandalan

Kredibilitas kebenaran

Transferabilitas penerapan Dependabilitas pengulangan Konfirmabilitas objektivitas


Alat pengumpul data dalam kualitatif dan kuantitatif

Wawancara mendalam Focus Group Discussion Observasi Study dokumen (analisis isi) Visual (videografi, fotografi) Personal Experience

KUANTITATIF: Wawancara terstruktur

Observasi dengan check list Study dokumen dengan check list Kuesioner/angket/skala Pengukuran dengan alat (timbangan, meteran, dsb.)

Rapid Assessment Procedure:

salah satu alternatif untuk melakukan need assessment

Diadopsi dari pendekatan dan metode dalam bidang ilmu antropologi Pendekatan ini digunakan untuk mengetahui konteks lokal dan budaya setempat agar suatu program kesehatan dapat efektif Prosedur ini pada awalnya bertitik tolak pada kepercayaan dan persepsi yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan, penggunaan sumber kesehatan tradisional maupun biomedis. Prosedur ini kemudian dikembangkan untuk hal yang lain yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan

Metode Pengumpulan Data pada RAP

Formal interview Informal interview Conversation Observation Participant observation Focus Group Discussion Documentation & bibliography study

Penyusunan Panduan
Menyesuaikan dengan pertanyaan penelitian Menyusun bentuk panduan
o Berupa pertanyaan rinci atau kerangka/topik pertanyaan o Tidak memasukkan terlalu banyak topik o Alur pertanyaan sealami mungkin o Mungkin berbeda untuk responden berbeda

Metode Pengumpulan Data: Diskusi Kelompok Terarah

Diskusi yang mempunyai fokus tertentu & dirancang dengan seksama Menggali persepsi tertentu Tidak mencari konsensus Hasilnya adalah variasi jawaban Peserta 6-12 orang Suasana informal, santai dan tidak menekan

Metode Pengumpulan Data: Diskusi Kelompok Terarah

Waktu diskusi maksimal 2 jam Tempat diusahakan nyaman, menimbulkan suasana privasi DKT dipandu seorang fasilitator, sebaiknya dibantu oleh penulis Informan sebaiknya tidak mengenal satu sama lain dan homogen Proses sebaiknya terekam dan ijin dulu pada informan

Metode Pengumpulan Data: WAWANCARA MENDALAM

Tatap muka dengan tujuan khusus Dipandu dengan panduan wawancara atau betul-betul bebas Hindari kehadiran orang lain selain informan Maksimal waktu untuk wawancara adalah 2 jam, termasuk basa basi Suasana dibuat nyaman, ada privasi Sebaiknya direkam setelah ijin terlebih dulu

Metode Pengumpulan Data: WAWANCARA MENDALAM

Pewawancara harus netral Ringkasan wawancara dibuat segera Bias dapat terjadi pada pewawancara (menjurus,tendensius, kegagalan menggali) ataupun panduannya

Metode Pengumpulan Data: OBSERVASI Observasi Observasi partisipatif Observasi un-obstrusif


Metode Pengumpulan Data: OBSERVASI

Dilakukan pada waktu tertentu vs partisipatif Langsung mengamati vs dibantu alat (video, one way mirror, cctv) Perhatikan batasan yang akan diamati Lamanya tidak ada batasan Pengamat harus netral, lepas dari prasangka

Metode Pengumpulan Data: YANG LAINNYA

Interpretasi dokumen dan material Metode visual Pengalaman personal


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