Graph: Nitin Upadhyay March 01, 2006 Bits-Pilani Goa Campus

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Nitin Upadhyay
March 01, 2006
Bits-Pilani Goa campus

 Counting Path Example

 Connectedness
 Cut Vertices and Cut Edges
 General Graphs
 Planar Graphs
 Planar Embedding
 Plane Graph Regions
 Plane Graph Degree
Counting Paths and Adjacency Matrices

 Let A be the adjacency matrix of graph G.

 The number of paths of length k from vi to vj

is equal to (Ak)i,j. (The notation (M)i,j denotes
mi,j where [mi,j] = M.)
Counting Paths Example

 How many paths of length 4 are there from 1

to 5 in the graph?

1 2

e3 e2
e6 3
4 5
Adjacency Matrix
1 2 3 4 5
1 0 1 0 1 0 The number The (1, 5)th entry of A4
2 1 0 1 0 1 of paths of length is 6, indicating that there
3 0 1 0 1 1 4 from a to d is the are six different paths of
(1, 5)th entry of A4. length 4 between 1 and
4 1 0 1 0 0
5 0 1 1 0 0
1 2 3 4 5
e1 2:{1-2-1-2-5}
1 2 1 9 3 11 1 6
2 3 15 7 11 8 3:{1-4-3-2-5}
e3 e2 3 11
e6 3 7 15 3 8 4:{1-2-5-2-5}
e5 4 1 11 3 9 6
e4 5 6 8 8 6 8
4 5 6:{1-2-5-3-5}
Counting Paths Example
 How many paths of length 4 are Hence, the number
there from a to d in the right a b
graph? of paths of length
 The adjacency matrix of the 4 from a to d is the
graph is (1, 4)th entry of A4.
Since 8 0 0 8 d c
0 1 1 0 0 8 8 0
1 0 0 1 A4 = 
  0 8 8 0
A = 1 0 0 1  
  8 0 0 8
0 1 1 0
There are 8 paths of length

 
 4 from a to d.

 An undirected graph is a b c
connected iff there is a path
between every pair of
distinct vertices in the graph.
 E.g., Graph G1 is connected,
since for every pair of d e f
distinct vertices, there is a
path between them.
 However, G2 is not a b c
connected. E.g., no path in
G2 between vertices a and c.

d e f

 Theorem: There is a simple path between

every pair of distinct vertices of a connected
undirected graph.
 Connected component: A graph that is not
connected is the union of two or more
connected subgraphs, each pair of which has
no vertex in common. These disjoint
connected subgraphs are called the
connected components of the graph.
Connected Component Example

 The graph H is the

union of three disjoint
d e
connected subgraph H1
H1, H2, and H3. These a
three subgraphs are the
connected components
of H.
b c h g
Cut Vertices and Cut Edges

 A cut vertex or cut edge

separates 1 connected
component into 2 if a d f g
 E.g., The cut vertices of G
are b, c, and e, since
removing one of these
vertices (and its adjacent
edges) disconnects the b c e h
graph. The cut edges are
[a, b] and [c, e].
Directed Connectedness

A directed graph is strongly connected iff

there is a directed path from any vertex to
any other vertex in the graph.

 Itis weakly connected iff the underlying

undirected graph (i.e., with edge directions
removed) is connected.
Directed Connectedness Example

 Are the directed graphs G and H strongly

connected or weakly connected?

a b a b

c c

e d e d
Directed Connectedness Example
 G is strongly connected
since there is a directed
path between any two a b a b
vertices. Hence, G is also
weakly connected. H is not
strongly connected since, for c c
instance, there’s no
directed path from a to b. H d d
is however weakly
e e
connected since there is a G H
path between any two
vertices with all directions
General Graphs

 Generally graphs drawn on a piece of paper

permit edges to intersect at points other than
 These points of intersection are called
 And the intersecting edges are said to cross
over each other.
Example Crossovers

 Here this graph exhibits three crossovers:

 {b, e} crosses over {a, d} and {a, c}.
 {b, d} crosses over {a, c}

d e
c b
Planar Graphs

A Graph G is said to be planar if it can be

drawn on a plane without any crossovers.

A graph is non planar if there is no way to

convert it into planar.
Example conversion

 Non planar to planar

d e
d e
c b
c b
Planar embedding

 Graphs can be represented such that no two

edges of the graph intersect except possibly
at a vertex to which they both incident.
 A drawing of a geometric representation of a
graph on any surface such that no edges
intersect is called embedding.
 An graph G is planar if there exists a graph
isomorphic to G that is embedded in a plane.
Plane Graph Regions

A plane graph G can be thought of as dividing

the plane into regions or faces.

 The regions are the connected portions of the

plane remaining after all the curves and points
of the plane corresponding, respectively, to
edges and vertices of G have been deleted.
Plane Graph Regions

A plane graph partitions the plane into

regions of G.

 There is exactly one region whose area is

infinite, known as exterior or infinite region.

 Every other region is an interior region.

Plane Graph Regions

 The boundary of a region is the subgraph

formed by the vertices and edges
encompassing that region.

 Ifthe boundary of the exterior region of a

plane graph is a cycle, that cycle is known
as the maximal cycle of the graph.
Plane Graph Regions

 The degree of a region is the number of

edges in a (closed) walk encloses it.
 A bridge belongs to the boundary of only
one region, thus it contributes to the size of
the boundary twice.
 The sum of the degrees of all the regions in a
plane graph is twice the size if the graph.
Region Example

 Graph has six interior regions and one exterior

a g

b c e f h j

d i
Interior regions- 1:{a-b-c-a} 3:{a-c-d-e-a} 5:{g-h-j-g} 6:{g-h-i-f-g}
2:{b-c-d-b} 4:{j-h-i-j}
Exterior region- 1:{a-b-d-e-f-i-j-g-f-e-a}
Degree example

 In the graph there exists four interior regions

of degree 3 and two interior regions of
degree 4.The degree of exterior region is 10.
a g

b c e f h j

d i
Degree example

 The sum of the degrees (of the regions) is

30, and the graph has 15 edges.

a g

b c e f h j

d i
Example 1

 Findout the interior and exterior regions,

degree of each region and total degree of the
planar graph G. Interior regions:
1:{a-b-g-h-a} 2:{b-c-f-g-b}
a b c d 3:{c-d-e-f-c} degree: {4}
Exterior region
1: {a-b-c-d-e-f-g-h-a}
h g f e Degree: {8}
Total degree: 8 + (4 * 3) = 20
Number of edges: 20/2 = 10
Example 2

 Findout the interior and exterior regions,

degree of each region and total degree of the
planar graph G. Interior regions:

a 1:{b-d-c-b} 2:{e-f-g-e}
f degree: {3}
Exterior region
b d e
1: {a-b-c-d-e-f-g-e-d-b-a}
g Degree: {10}
c Total degree: 10 + (2 * 3) = 16
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