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Selenium in the life of day-to-day testing. Practical aspects.

Ruslan Strazhnyk
February 2012

About me
Ruslan Strazhnyk Experience more than 6 years in IT Position:
QA Automation Engineer

Python, Selenium, Jenkins Jmeter, Cloud Services

Selenium Grid and Jenkins xUnit frameworks Issues with some browsers

Selenium in the cloud. Integration with various cloud services Build your own infrastructure in the cloud

Part 1
Using selenium for functional testing in continuous integration.

How QA always like

Well, maybe not always

Introduction. How do we QA?

What do we always have:
QA mess on the project How to support all specifications Team coordination?!

What do we want to achieve:

Results visibility Better cooperation Customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction

Selenium Grid and Jenkins plugin.

What is Continuous Integration Role of Selenium Grid in CI Jenkins Selenium plugin Other plugins that should help:
Test Report (xUnit) Violations, TestCoverage Rebuild Extended choice plugin Repository connectors

Custom Job

Using Jenkins

How can Jenkins serve you

What it helps and what it doesnt Create as many jobs as needed CI for you project is not only test automation Has a lot of really useful plugins and features Let your all team work on it, not only you

Want to know more? Refer to book!

Selenium Grid

Jenkins Selenium Plugin

Almost as built-in. Easy to install and track Console output All in one

Manual update to new Selenium Server through workaround No control

New Selenium Grid

Nodes tune-up
How to add multiple OS/ browser version support Different run-scripts for every browser
Firefox profile template Googlechrome driver Iexplore security issues

Autostart tasks VM environment


Configuration hints
java -jar C:/Selenium/selenium-server-standalone-2.19.0.jar -role webdriver -hub -port 5555 -nodeTimeout 1200 firefoxProfileTemplate "C:/selenium/firefox/ilki8ovl.selenium" -browser browserName=firefox,version=10,platform=WINDOWS java -jar C:/Selenium/selenium-server-standalone-2.19.0.jar -role webdriver"C:/selenium/chromedriver.exe" -hub -port 5559 -nodeTimeout 1200 -browser browserName=chrome,platform=WINDOWS

Browser support

Potential Browser problems

It all suck, no ONE FITS ALL solution
Better to do it one by one Start with easier

Windows is Windows
Different CSS and XPATH Slow performance

SSL support Proxy support Let you control the browser not browser control you

Universal Framework

Nosetests as a universal xUnit framework

Unitest plugin support Short commands Junit result output

Include third-party plugins Testconfig

Result of in-house testing

Part 2
Selenium in the cloud. Integration with BrowserMob, SauceLabs, ShiningPanda, AmazonEC2

How could cloud testing help your project. When to turn cloud.
When you need cloud services:
Everybody needs unless youre not Facebook, Google, Cisco Having own cluster base is expensive You have a start-up and your team is remote You want to quickly show results to customers, investors etc.

Cloud Providers

Semi-paid and semi-free services.

A lot of services grow up recently:
Saas services Cloud hosting(Amazon, Rackspace)

You are the boss, you choose:

Strong tech skills and you want full control Rackspace, Amazon EC2 Less skills to admin Sauce Labs, BrowserMob, others

Load Testing

Traditional Load Testing

Everything is configurable to yourself A lot of Free tools (Jmeter, Grinder etc.)

Takes weeks to build good working test infrastructure A lot of computer power is required to run really good load tests

Computing power

Load Testing with BrowserMob

Ready cloud services

Already includes all services you only start thinking of Video capturing and good error parsing Easy API

Non-free use Dependency on the service provider


Shining Panda

Is it Really Fast?

Do it yourself. Dedicated Cloud

When you need something done right, do it yourself Traditional way of using cloud - PaaS A lot of providers, most of them have good pricing:
Rackspace Cloud Servers Amazon Web Services Joyent GoGrid Skytap Networks

DIY Instrument Kit

Do it yourself. Dedicated Cloud

Everything is configurable to yourself You pay only for monthly hosting You can switch to cloud from your local-built environment

Takes a lot of time to build good working test infrastructure Harder support Needs smart Developers in Test to design frameworks

Cloud services

Selenium Grid

Jenkins CI

Ideal QA Environment

Multiple browser/OS support

xUnit Framework

Questions? Ideas?
My contact info: ruslanstrazhnyk

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