A Case of Bronchial Asthma Treated by Homeopathy - Speciality Homeopathic Clinic

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To protect the patients

identity, we have used a

models picture or
photographs for the

purpose of presentation.

A case of bronchial asthma

A young girl of 18 years was brought with Bronchial Asthma. She was catholic and family was a strong believer of Jesus. When patient reported she was having very severe Asthma.

Breathlessness worse by

Cold drink
Cold Water

Draft of air

Getting wet
Midnight fear

Better by
Dry Climate Warm drink Tea Going out of Mumbai


Fear of death
Thirst+2 Little water at a time Chilly Joints Cracking & Painful Restlessness+3

Cough with white expectoration Resp: Cold Watery discharges

Appetite - Normal Cravings Sweet, Fast food, tea Aversion Vegetables Bowel Occasionally Constipated Urine Normal

Thirst Increased ++
Sweat - Profuse in summer,

Sleep - less because of attacks and thoughts

Dreams Flying, Water, God

Bath Warm water

Fan - Likes except during attack Sun - aggravates Headache Weather - Prefers mild weather Covering - Covers only in winter

Birth weight: 8 pounds

Age of talking: 1 year

Age of teething 8 months

Mental State:
Studying in First Year of College.

In love with a Muslim boy since last

3 years. They meet frequently. She has 2 Brothers and 1 Sister. Sister is studying Medicine.

She is 2nd child in the family, is pampered a lot. She is tall, beautiful and attractive. She can attract anybody easily.

When asked more details, she has physical relation with that boy regularly and she has got pregnant once already and she had aborted the foetus.

She gets very angry and in anger she would break things.

She has marked stage fright and she cannot face the crowd. She can get very nervous when she faces audience. She did OK with the SSC, could only get admission with great difficulty in College.

Repertorisation table for acute totality

We arrived at remedy by using the worlds largest database homoeopathic software - Hompath.

Dear Reader, we are happy / it is our pleasure to inform you that Speciality Clinic is powered by the Homeopathic Software with the Worlds Largest Database, HOMPATH. The information given in the subsequent slides is to educate the Reader on the intricate working of the Clinic in the treatment of the patient.

The patient was prescribed on basis of acute totality.

- Arsenic. album

Constitutional totality:
Heavy baby Anger Violent Contradiction intolerant of Charge to sex3 premarital Guilt Worse by Monsoon, getting wet Better by Dry climate Cracking joints Attractiveness

Lectures of homeopathy J.T Kent- Calc-f

Patient was given Ars Alb, got

better and was followed by

Calc flour 200 gradually

increased it to Calc flour 10m.

This cured the patient and is

all right till date.

Prescription should be based on the present totality, within the acute phase considering the acute totality the present state should be treated with acute simillimum and when later the acute attack has subsided considering the chronic totality the constitutional medicine is given.

Clinic No. 2, Cupid Apt., 66-E, Linking Road, Khar(West), Mumbai 400052, Maharashtra, India. T: +91 22 2604 0527/ 5713 (5:00 PM 8:30 PM) T: +91 22 61417800 99 (100 Lines) E: info@specialtyclinic.com www.speacialtyclinic.com To know more about Dr. Jawahar Shah, click here www.specialityclinic.com/DrJawaharShah

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