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Communication Effectiveness Workshop

Whats that?
I know you believe you understand what you think I said BUT I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant

Efficient communication is ESSENTIAL to being successful in life. The biggest source of interpersonal problems is poor communications. The key to the communication process is to be UNDERSTOOD.

The aim of communication is the transference and understanding of information between two or more people. Communication must always be between two or more people, one the sender and the other receiver. You participate in both roles and your role will change alternatively and frequently in conversation.

Communications Did you know?

People remember:
10 percent of what they read 20 percent of what they hear 30 percent of what they see 50 percent of what they see and hear 80 percent of what they say 90 percent of what they say and do

Communications did you know?

If you tell 100 people something without repetition:
After 24 hours, 25 percent have forgotten it

After 48 hours, 50 percent have forgotten it After 72 hours, 75 percent have forgotten it After one week, 96 percent have forgotten it

Components of communication...
55% facial: eye contact, length of glance, expression 38% vocal: tone of voice, loudness, hesitations or pauses, firmness 7% verbal: actual words

Communication Model

The Communication Process

Source Encoding Channel Decoding Receiver





I take sugar in my tea

The Communication Process

Receiver Decoding Channel Encoding Source





One lump or two?

Communication occurs in three directions in organizations
Upward communications Downward communications Lateral communications

Barriers to Communication
Unfamiliar language including dialects and accents Improper timing Is the boss distracted today? Noise and distractions in the environment Attitude of both the source and the receiver Differences between people gender, age, culture, education, intelligence, etc. Relationship between the sender and the receiver status, boss-employee, parent-child, etc.

Barriers to Communications
Filtering manipulation of information so that it will seem more favorably to the receiver. Selective Perception receiver hears message based on his/her interests, needs, motivations, experience, background and other personal characteristics. Defensiveness response when receiver interprets message as threatening Language Words mean different things to different people

Communication Enhancers

Voice inflections Gestures Body language

Active listening Eye contact

Hints for more Effective Communication

Who What How is the receiver? is your objective? is the climate?

Practice in advance - from their viewpoint Communicate in their language Ensure message is understood Dont get defensive

Non verbal communication

93% of all Comm.. is non verbal Eye contact Facial expressions Body language Tone of voice Emphasis Deliberate silence Timing Appearance Touch Hand movements

Two-way Street
be prepared to listen be interested keep an open mind listen for the main ideas listen critically resist distractions help the speaker

Listening & Speaking

Listening takes. . . concentration and energy curiosity and open-mindedness analysis and understanding

Speaking requires. . .
sharp focus logical thinking clear phrasing crisp delivery

Listeningthe other side of communication

Too many people see communication as merely speaking.

Messages must be received as well as sent.

A good question to ask yourself is, are you really listening or simply waiting for your turn to talk? If you are thinking about your reply before the other person has finished, then you are not listening!

Active Listening
1. Setting the stage Choose an appropriate physical environment Remove distractions Be open and accessible Listen with empathy

2. Insuring mutual understanding Reflect feelings Paraphrase main ideas Interrupt to clarify Confirm next steps

Active Listening
3. Understanding body language Observe position and posturing Make eye contact Consider expression and gestures 4. Suspending judgment Concentrate Keep an open mind Hear the person out

Effective Listening
Behaviors that support effective listening Maintaining relaxed body posture Leaning slightly forward if sitting Facing person squarely at eye level Maintaining an open posture Maintaining appropriate distance Offering simple acknowledgments Reflecting meaning (paraphrase) Reflecting emotions Using eye contact Providing non-distracting environment

Effective Listening
Behaviors that hinder effective listening Acting distracted Telling your own story without acknowledging theirs first No response Invalidating response, put downs Interrupting Criticizing Judging Diagnosing Giving advice/solutions Changing the subject Reassuring without acknowledgment

Other helpful techniques to foster communication (both verbal and nonverbal)

Repeat the last word or two of the prior speaker

Nod Your Head

Maintain eye contact

Keep an open body position

Make encouraging statements

Repeat a sentence or part of one

F ocus on the changeable E mphasize observed behaviour E licit information D efine ground rules B e flexible A ccept ownership C hoose specific examples K now key messages

Feedback: The art of giving help

Helping another person to consider changing his behavior. A guided missile system Criteria for Useful Feedback Descriptive rather than evaluative. Focuses on the feelings Specific rather than general. Directed toward behavior which the receiver can do something about. Solicited rather than imposed.. Well-timed. Checked to ensure clear communication. Donts Dump or unload on another. Ask Why? or do amateur psychologizing. Characteristics of a fruitful helping situation : Mutual trust Perceiving the helping situation as a joint exploration. Careful listening, with the helper listening more than the individual receiving help. Behavior from the helper which will make it easier for the receiver of help to talk.

Receiving Feedback-Attitude
Criticism is their problem, not yours. But you can make it yours by becoming defensive, vengeful or offended It can teach you much about yourself and your critic Answer with a positive response, if appropriate Find value in criticism & apply it to your life Dont let that stop or confound you, use it to move you positively forward.
Criticism has an air of anger, blame, and finger pointing. Feedback has an air of caring concern, respect, and support. It is an honest, clear, adult to adult exchange about specific behaviors and the effects of those behaviors.

Receiving Feedback- Actions

Listen to complete message- focus on the content and not the form. Dont be distracted by speakers dress, quality of voice, mannerisms, etc. Be patient, esp. if it provokes strong opinions or radically different view. Indicate through body language that the occasion and speaker are of concern to you. Demonstrate alertness and interest. Check for clarity if necessary. Paraphrase. Thank anyway.

The Ten Commandments of Good Communication

1. Seek to clarify your ideas before communicating 2. Examine the true purpose of each communication 3. Consider the total physical and human setting 4. Consult with others in planning communications 5. Be mindful of the overtones as well as the basic content of your message 6. Take the opportunity to convey something of help or value to the receiver 7. Follow-up your communication 8. Communicate for tomorrow as well as today 9. Be sure your actions support your communications 10. Seek not only to be understood but to understand be a good listener


Read the narration which follows carefully. Then see how well you can distinguish a FACT from an INFERENCE.

Shama, a buyer with the XYZ company, was scheduled for a 10 oclock meeting in Singhs office to discuss the terms of a large order. On the way to that office, the buyer slipped on a freshly waxed floor and as a result received a badly bruised leg. By the time Singh was notified of the accident, Shama was on the way to the hospital for X-ray. Singh called the hospital to enquire but no one there seemed to know anything about Shama. It is possible that Singh called the wrong hospital.
Examine the statements below. Without discuss on put a tick mark against each statement, as to whether it is a fact or an inference (in the personal choice column) Contd.


Personal Choice Fact Inference

Group Choice Fact Inference

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Mr. Shama is a buyer Shama was supposed to meet with Singh. Shama was scheduled for a 10 oclock meeting The accident occurred at the XYZ co. Shama was taken to the hospital for X-ray. No one at the hospital which Singh called knew anything about Shama. Singh had called the wrong hospital

Now discuss your personal choices with the group, and enter group choices in the appropriate column Contd


Time : 10 Minutes Here is a test to see how fast you can read and comprehend. Read the following description and do as it says : Q1.Read all the items from one to ten first. Q2.Draw a square to the left of number five. Q3.Circle number one in this list. Q4.Write the letters WYZ at the bottom of this page. Q5. Write the total 5+7+32=44 Q6.Write the name of your school teacher you liked most ? Q7.Stand up, call your name and then sit down. Q8.Write your name on the line shown below. Q9. Do the following problem and write the answer (42+7+) * (36+07) = 2107 Q10. Now that you have just read all the items. Write only your name at the bottom of the page and wait for the others to finish.

Name : .

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