6138.using TRF7970A With GUI

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Using TRF7970A USB EVM with GUI for NFC Demonstration Operations

Texas Instruments MCU-RF Applications\Systems Team 12/2010

Equipment Required for Demo

Two Windows based PCs with USB ports SiLabs CP210x USB Driver loaded

TRF7970A GUI Two TRF7970A/MSP430F2370 USB EVMs (loaded with Firmware Version NFC.1.0.0.KK)

TRF7970A USB Dongle

TRF7970A USB Dongle

= NFC Demo

Using TRF7970A EVM GUI

Plug in TRF7970A USB EVM Dongle Execute GUI

COM Port will/should be auto detected

TRF7970A EVM #1 Initiator (Master)

Click on NFC-PP Tab Click Set Protocol Button

TRF7970A EVM #2 Target (Slave)

Click on NFC-PP Tab Check Target Box in Protocol Flags Section Click Set Protocol Button

Suggested TRF7970A USB EVM demo placement

TRF7970A USB EVMs should be arranged in parallel

orientation to each other for best magnetic coupling.

TRF7970A EVM #1 Initiator (Master)

Click Connect Button Button will change to Disconnect Connected LED will turn green when connected to Slave TRF7970A EVM

Not connected (Initiator GUI)

Connected (Initiator GUI)

NFC Text Message Transfer

Using the Data text entry box on TRF7970A EVM GUI #1 (Initiator or Master):
Type in text desired to send from Initiator Device to Target Device and press Execute button. In Target GUI Data window, the text message sent appears.

Initiator GUI Window (Message Being Sent)

Target GUI Window (Message Received)

NFC File Transfer

While still in Initiator and Target Modes, files can also be transferred. This is done by selecting file to send on the Initiator side and place to store the file once sent on the Target side. Any sort of file can be transferred. Immediate application thoughts are for firmware transfer for use by an MSP430 Boot Strap Loader (for example), pictures or any other sort of file from one device to another, without the need for a GSM/CDMA Network or Wi-Fi service. This method also provides some physical security as proximity is required and encryption could be added.

NFC File Transfer Setup (Initiator Side)

File to send must be selected in the Initiator GUI. Browse for desired file and select Open button.
(in this case the TRF7970_NFC-v1.0.d43 firmware file was selected)

NFC File Transfer Setup (Target Side)

File path must be setup in the target GUI for where to save the file which will be sent over. Browse for desired directory and select Open button.
(a file folder was created called NFC_File_Transfers as an example)

NFC File Transfer (Initiator Side)

When file has been selected on Initiator side, Send button should be selected and Initiator Side GUI will indicate activity. When file transfer is complete, status is reported in protocol window and user can go to Target side to open/use the file.
Initiator GUI File Transfer Being Started Initiator GUI File Transfer Complete

NFC File Transfer (Target Side)

When file has been selected on Initiator side and Send button has been selected, Target side GUI will also indicate activity. When file transfer is complete, user can go view or retrieve file in the folder previously selected.
Target GUI File Transfer in Progress Target File Folder Contents after file transfer is complete (File Received)

Additional Functions\Features
The TRF7970A is a superset IC of the TRF796x, this means that the classic RFID reader functions and support for protocols such as ISO15693, ISO14443A, ISO14443B, Felica and other similar air interface devices is built in. The other tabs in the TRF7970A GUI can be used exactly the same as described in the TRF7960EVM Users Manual for these operations. Additionally, as the TRF7970A is an NFC IC, the Target EVM can be used as a ISO14443A tag in Card Emulation mode.

Card Emulation Mode

For demonstration of basic ISO14443A card emulation, one TRF7970A EVM should be set up as a Target (as previously described) For the Reader, one TRF7970A EVM should be used with ISO14443A tab or the NFC-PP tab. Set Protocol should be issued to Reader and Execute Button should be selected. UID will be displayed in Reader Window and will be the first 8 bytes of the Target TRF7970A USB CID. (which can be regenarted in TRF7970A target GUI repeatedly, followed by Set Protocol button selection.

Card Emulation Mode (Reader Side)

ISO14443A Tab in TRF7970A GUI
ISO14443A UID Read from TRF7970A in Card Emulation Mode ISO14443A Select Command Response from TRF7970A in Card Emulation Mode

Card Emulation Mode (Reader Side)

NFC-PP Tab in TRF7970A GUI

(with advanced box selected, then Set Protocol Issued) This feature is currently still under refinement, so SDD command may have to be issued several times to get response
ISO14443A UID Read from TRF7970A in Card Emulation Mode ISO14443A Select Command Response from TRF7970A in Card Emulation Mode

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