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r Financial Assets, Money,
Financial Transactions, and
Financial Institutions

Money and Capital Markets

Financial Institutions and Instruments in a Global Marketplace

Eighth Edition
Peter S. Rose

McGraw Hill / Irwin Slides by Yee-Tien (Ted) Fu

The Creation of Financial Assets
A financial asset is …
 a claim against the income or wealth

of a business firm, household, or unit

of government,
 represented usually by a certificate,

receipt, computer record file, or other

legal document,
 and usually created by or related to

the lending of money.

Characteristics of Financial
 Financial assets are required because
they promise future returns to their
owners and serve as a store of value
(purchasing power).
Characteristics of Financial
 They do not depreciate like physical
goods, and their physical condition or form
is usually not relevant in determining their
market value.
 Their cost of transportation and storage
is low, such that they have little or no value
as a commodity.
 Financial assets are fungible – they can
easily be changed in form and substituted
for other assets.
Different Kinds of Financial
 Any financial asset that is generally
accepted in payment for the purchases of
goods and services is a form of money.
Examples include currency and checking
 Equities represent ownership shares in a
business firm and are claims against the
firm’s profits and proceeds from the sale of
its assets. Common stock and preferred
stock are equities.
Different Kinds of Financial
 Debt securities entitle their holders to a
priority claim over the holders of equities to
the assets and income of an economic unit.
They are either negotiable or
nonnegotiable. Examples include bonds,
notes, accounts payable, and savings
 Derivatives have a market value that is tied
to or influenced by the value or return on a
financial asset. Examples include futures
contracts, options, and swaps.
Classification of Financial
 Depository institutions derive the bulk of
their loanable funds from deposit accounts
sold to the public.
 Commercial banks, savings and loan
associations, savings banks, credit unions.

 Contractual institutions attract funds by

offering legal contracts to protect the saver
against risk.
 Insurance companies, pension funds.
Classification of Financial
 Investment institutions sell shares to
the public and invest the proceeds in
stocks, bonds, and other assets.
 Investment companies, money market
funds, real estate investment trusts.

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