Architectural Research

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Architectural Research

Search for new knowledge and new ideas about the built environment. conducted in Building technology, Environment-behavior studies, History of architecture and Computing technology.

In each area of architectural research, certain presuppositions and fundamental beliefs guide and determine focus and method of inquiry The significance and merit of each research project

Definite Goal: Each architectural research efforts have clearly identifiable goals at the outset of the research, where the project is directed to respond to a question Systematic : In pursuing that question, one follows a credible, systematic method or mode of inquiry, relevant and acceptable to the research paradigm under which one is operating Result Oriented: This process results in significant results(and in a thorough, documented manner which reflects a solution or enhances understanding/knowledge within the research domain)

Architectural research is required

To increase the understanding of the role of research in architecture. To increase abilities to interpret and evaluate research. To increase the abilities to conduct architecture research. To increase the abilities to present research results. To increase the understanding of data, information, and knowledge

Parameters determining the quality of architectural research

Major assumptions made Main concern Inherent aim View of values Focus of investigation Theoretic-philosophical orientation Kinds of questions addressed Methods of validation, methodological issues and finally

research in use/application

Start of an architectural research

Asking good questions which is to be thoroughly thought of and refined so that it can sustain imaginative inquiry for a year or longer. A literature review to find out what is already known about the subject. The question may need to be reformulated so that the researcher has a question in need of an answer, rather than a question that has already been answered.

Research is defined as a careful critical inquiry or examination in seeking facts or principles diligent investigation in order to ascertain something . It is a careful investigation or inquiry specially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge
which include a systematized effort to gain new knowledge.

Aims to: Discover new facts or verify and test old facts Analyze their sequences, interrelationships and casual explanations. Develop new scientific tools, concepts and theories which would facilitate reliable and valid study of human behaviour.

Characteristics of Research
Research is directed towards the solution of a problem. Research emphasizes the development of generation of principles or theories that will help in predicting future occurrences. Research is based upon observable experience or empirical evidence. Research demands accurate observation and description. Research involves gathering new data from primary or first hand sources or using existing data for a new purpose. Research activities are more often characterized by carefully designed procedures, always applying rigorous analysis.

Research requires expertise, i.e., skill necessary to carry out investigation, search the related literature and to understand and analyze the data gathered. Research strives to be objective and logical, applying every possible test to validate the procedures employed, the data collected and the conclusions reached. Research involves the guest for answers to unsolved problems Research requires courage. Research is characterized by patient and unhurried activity. Research is carefully recorded and reported.

Good Research is systematic: It means that research is structured with specified steps to be taken in a specified sequence in accordance with the well defined set of rules. Good Research is logical: This fin lies that research is guided by the rules of logical reasoning an the logical process of induction and deduction are of great value in carrying out research. Good Research is Empirical: It implies that research is related basically to one or more aspects of a real situation and deals with concrete data which provide a basis for external validity to research results Good Research is Replicable: This characteristic allows research results to be verified by replicating the study and thereby building the basis for decision.

Methods of Acquiring Knowledge

The methods by which man from earlier times sought answers to his problems can be classified into :

Authority Tradition Experience Deductive reasoning Inductive reasoning.

Ways of Knowing
Method of Tenacity (Always Believed) Method of Intuition (Feels Good) Method of Authority (Respected Source) Method of Science (Empirical/Objective)

Theories arise from observation, often systematic, sometimes casual, occasionally accidental (e.g. Newton and Fleming). What follows the observation isn't at all clear, but it probably involves a process of induction, conjecture, intuition and not a little guesswork

There are exceptions, but in most cases all good research is well planned the researcher knows precisely what the aims of research are and exactly what is to happen; in all probability they will have a good idea of the likely outcomes. Contrary to the myth, good research should rarely produce surprises.
The observation stage, may occur through 'casual' observations (i.e. experience) which trigger questions, ideas or possible explanations of the phenomena observed; or it might be more structured, as in a literature review , or through a search of relevant databases

We are led through our observations to attempt to explain what we have seen;
This represents the beginnings of theory formulation. If our theories are to be useful then they should suggest testable hypotheses, i.e. predictions about the relationships between the variables in our theory.

Once a researcher has been able to formulate a testable hypothesis, and given a degree of experimental expertise and necessary resources, they are then able to devise an experiment, i.e. a controlled observation, in which one of the variables will be manipulated and the other variable will be examined for the changes that the hypothesis has predicted
If the predicted changes do actually appear, then this lends support to the theory proposed by the researcher to explain the phenomena under study. It may be of course that the predicted changes do not occur - the researcher then has to question the methodological procedures used for testing the hypothesis, as well as the theory from which the hypothesis was derived.

Research Methods and Statistics are tools.

Concern is:
How to use them? When to use them?

CONCEPTS OF RESEARCH A researcher prepared a paper on computer usage in architectural design after reviewing literature on the subject available in library Another says that he has researched and completed a document which gives information about the age of his students, their results, their parents income and distance of their house from college. Third one participated in a workshop on curriculum development and prepared a research report on the Curriculum for building technicians. He did this through a literature survey on the subject and by discussing with the participants of the workshop.

Architect was concerned with the complaints received From that the acoustical quality of the space have some problems with generation of disturbing sound at the back stage

He obtained information from the acoustical consultant, maintenance staff, workers to identify the various factors influencing the problem. He then formulated the problem and generated guesses (hypotheses). He constructed a checklist and obtained requisite Information from a representative sample of acoustical material used. He analyzed the collected data, interpreted the results in the Light of his hypotheses and reached conclusions.

researcher went through a sequence of steps which were in order and thus systematic.
Secondly, the researcher did not just jump at the conclusions, but used a scientific method of inquiry in reaching at conclusions. The two important characteristics of research It is systematic It follows a scientific method of enquiry.

What Research Is Not

Research isnt information gathering: Gathering information from resources such books or magazines isnt research. No contribution to new knowledge. Research isnt the transportation of facts: Merely transporting facts from one resource to another doesnt constitute research. No contribution to new knowledge although this might make existing knowledge more accessible.

Research Characteristics
Originates with a question or problem. Requires clear articulation of a goal. Follows a specific plan or procedure. Often divides main problem into subproblems. Guided by specific problem, question, or hypothesis. Accepts certain critical assumptions. Requires collection and interpretation of data. Cyclical (helical) in nature.

Research Terminology
'research methodology' The study of research methods A singular that does not admit of a plural 'research technique' A specific means, approach or tool-and-itsuse, whereby data is gathered and analyzed, and inferences are drawn 'research method' The manner in which a particular project is undertaken It comprises one or more research techniques

Engineering Research
Make artifacts, to enable effective interventions to be undertaken in a particular domain Break artifacts, to identify the limits of their applicability, effectiveness or usefulness

Problems in Architectural Research Absence of a cumulative tradition Shortage of theories lack of use of available research frameworks Dominance of conceptual over empirical work Dominance of descriptive over explanatory work Shortage of validated instruments Inadequate understanding of statistics lack of rigour of much case study research

Architectural Research
Research should not to be confounded with 'Environment and Culture-Studies'. These correspond essentially to modern environmental trends. They do not fundamentally question the conventional methods of the humanities. Research interprets human conditions past and present not in the isolated sectors of conventional disciplines, but basically in their environmental totality. There it became evident that the factual complexity of environmental conditions cannot be described by isolated disciplines. A new type of multidisciplinary approaches trying to understand local systems in their complex interdependences.

Research Process
Research is an extremely cyclic process. Later stages might necessitate a review of earlier work. This isnt a weakness of the process but is part of the built-in error correction machinery.

Because of the cyclic nature of research, it can be difficult to determine where to start and when to stop.

Step 1: A Question Is Raised

A question occurs to or is posed to the researcher for which that researcher has no answer.
This doesnt mean that someone else doesnt already have an answer.

The question needs to be converted to an appropriate problem statement like that documented in a research proposal.

Step 2: Suggest Hypotheses

The researcher generates intermediate hypotheses to describe a solution to the problem.
This is at best a temporary solution since there is as yet no evidence to support either the acceptance or rejection of these hypotheses.

Step 3: Literature Review

The available literature is reviewed to determine if there is already a solution to the problem.
Existing solutions do not always explain new observations. The existing solution might require some revision or even be discarded.

Step 4: Literature Evaluation

Its possible that the literature review has yielded a solution to the proposed problem.
This means that you havent really done research.

On the other hand, if the literature review turns up nothing, then additional research activities are justified.

Step 5: Acquire Data

The researcher now begins to gather data relating to the research problem. The means of data acquisition will often change based on the type of the research problem. This might entail only data gathering, but it could also require the creation of new measurement instruments.

Step 6: Data Analysis

The data that were gathered in the previous step are analyzed as a first step in ascertaining their meaning. As before, the analysis of the data does not constitute research.
This is basic number crunching.

Step 7: Data Interpretation

The researcher interprets the newly analyzed data and suggests a conclusion.

Step 8: Hypothesis Support

The data will either support the hypotheses or they wont.
This may lead the researcher to cycle back to an earlier step in the process and begin again with a new hypothesis.

This is one of the self-correcting mechanisms associated with the scientific method.

What Makes Research Good?

Validity Reliability Replicability Consistent application/analysis Trustworthiness Rigor

Validity in Research
Refers to whether the research actually measures what it says itll measure. Validity is the strength of our conclusions, inferences or propositions. Internal Validity: the difference in the dependent variable is actually a result of the independent variable External Validity: the results of the study are generalizable to other groups and environments outside the experimental setting Conclusion Validity: we can identify a relationship between treatment and observed outcome Construct Validity: we can generalize our conceptualized treatment and outcomes to broader constructs of the same concepts

Rigor in Research
Validity and Reliability in conducting research Adequate presentation of findings: consistency, trustworthiness Appropriate representation of study for a particular field: disciplinary rigor Rhetorical Rigor: how you represent your research for a particular audience

what is bad research?

Looking for something when it simply is not to be found. Plagiarizing other peoples work. Falsifying data to prove a point. Misrepresenting information and misleading participants.

Getting Started
Read to learn; read to analyze About research methodology

Studies on similar topics

Interesting studies Non-library studies At some point you will need to leave the comfort zone of reading and literature gathering and

Getting Started
Finding a topic neednt be traumatic

Just get out and do it!

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