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Chapter 4


Prof. Sonali Murzello

In simple terms, training and development refer to

imparting of specific skills, abilities and knowledge.

Training: It refers to as teaching specific skills

and behavior. It is more narrowly focused and oriented towards short-term performance.
Development: It refers to the learning

opportunities designed to help employees grow. It tends to be oriented more toward broadening an individuals skills for the future responsibilities.

Training v/s development

Learn specific behaviours Short Term Tries to improve a specific skill relating to a job (mostly technical or mechanical) Meet current requirements of a job; aims at improving employee performance on a currently held job.

Focus Time Frame Process

Understand and interpret knowledge Long Term Aims at improving the total personality of an individual (largely analytical and conceptual) Meet future challenges of the job and the individual; aims at providing learning opportunities designed to help employees grow. Qualified people available when needed, promotion from within possible.


Performance appraisal, cost- Effectivene benefit analysis, passing ss tests or certification Measures

Need for Training

Newly recruited employees require training so as

to perform their tasks effectively. Training is necessary to prepare existing employees for higher level jobs (promotion) Existing employees require refresher training so as to keep abreast of latest developments in job operations. Training is necessary when one person moves from one job to another (transfer). Training is needed to bridge the gap between what the employee has and what the job demands (to make employees more productive and useful in the

Functions of a training program

Acquiring knowledge

Change in attitudes
Helping to put theory into practice Helps to evaluate abilities, competencies Enhances problem solving and decision

making ability
Improves performance

Systems Model of Training

PHASE 3 Evaluation

PHASE 2 Design and Delivery

PHASE 1 Needs assessment

Phase 1: Conducting the Needs Assessment

To make sure that the training is focused on priority

issues, managers should approach needs assessments by using the 3 different types of analysis:
Organization Analysis: It is the examination of the

environment, strategies and resources of the organization to determine where training emphasis should be placed.
Task Analysis: Process of determining the content of

training program based on the tasks and duties involved in the job.
Person Analysis: Determination of the specific individuals

who need training.

Phase 2: Designing The Training Program

Once training needs are identified, objectives

should be set to begin meeting these needs. Desired outcomes of training program can be decided. Deciding the trainees (individuals who will undergo training) and trainer is the next step. Understanding principles of learning: Modeling, Reinforcement, feedback, practice and repetition, Individual difference.

Phase 2: Delivery of Training Program

On-the-job training methods are:

1. Job instruction training

2. Coaching on the job 3. Apprenticeship 4. Job rotation

Training methods (Contd)

Off the- job training methods:
1. 2. 3.

Lectures Conferences Case studies

5. 6. 7.

Role play
Programmed instruction training Vestibule training T group/Sensitivity training

Phase 3: Evaluating the training Program

Levels of evaluation: Reaction: Trainees reaction to the overall usefulness of the training including the coverage of topics, the method of presentation, the techniques used to clarify the things etc.
Learning: Training program, trainers and trainees

ability are evaluated on the basis of quantity of content learned, time in which it is learned and learners ability to use or apply the content learned. trainee has applied his learning to the job.

Behaviour: The manner and extent to which the Results: Measurement of ultimate result of the

contribution of the training program to the company goals.

Phase 4: Evaluating the training Program

Criteria for evaluation are: Objectives of the program Cost-benefit analysis Results obtained Areas of improvement Resources/ staff required

Methods of evaluation would be: Questionnaires, projects, tests, interviews,

observations or participation and discussions.

Development is an education process as it tries to

enhance ones ability to understand and interpret knowledge in a useful way. Development is different from training in that it is often the experience and the maturity that comes with it. Development is such areas as judging what is wrong and right, taking responsibility for results, thinking logically, understanding cause and effect relationship, improving communication skills etc. Executive development focuses on the managers personal growth.

Executive Development is a planned,

systematic and continuous process of learning and growth by which managers develop their conceptual and analytical abilities to manage.

Executive Development is an valuable investment

in the long run. Developmental efforts help executives to realize their own career goals and aspirations. Executives can show superior performance on the job, by handling varied jobs of increasing difficulty and by being more versatile and productive. Executive Development Programs (EDP) help managers to broader their outlook.

Analysis of organizational development needs

Training needs assessment

Planning of development Programs Conduct of the training program

Evaluation of Results

Areas of EDP

Decision making skills

Interpersonal skills
Job knowledge

Organizational knowledge
Specific individual meets

General knowledge

Methods of EDP
Coaching Job rotation

Special courses
Special projects

Case study
Role play Sensitivity training

Evaluation of EDP is important for the following reasons:

Improving the quality of training and development process

Improving the efficiency and competency of trainers Make improvements in the system to make it more responsive Aligning the training objectives to organizational objectives Evaluating the ROI on account of training and development

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