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Hernndez Ramrez Vernica Ortiz Lpez Dalila Ramrez Gutirrez Mara del Roco

* Qu jugar? * Cuando jugar en clase? * Cmo jugar?

* Para que jugar?

The word "game" comes from a Germanic root meaning "giving a sense of people together." Appropriately designed and implemented games in the ELL classroom (and, in fact, in any classroom) can help create that sense of community and provide countless opportunities for learning.

* Aunt Marys cat * Auction * Back Dictation * Battle Ship * Beetle * Bingo * Blinds Game * Board Race * Call my Bluff * Charades * Circle Touch * Coffee pot * Concentration * Find Someone Who * Give me five! * Going Away * Guess Who
Hangman I Spy Japanese Whispers Jeopardy Kims game Messenger and Scribe Miming Pictionary Question Chain Snakes and Ladders Scrabble Sentence Scrambles Simon says Spin the Wheel Making a story Tic Tac Toe Who Am I? Word jumble

Sharing Sessions are a great opportunity to learn from each other. We hope next time more teachers share their ideas. Thanks for coming today!

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