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The Holy Quran

How was it revealed and collected

and compiled
Ali Azhar Arastu

 Introduction
 Revelation and its kinds
 Revealed and recorded
 Surahs, Makki and Madani and their characteristics
 Compilers of the Holy Quran
 Qira’ats
 Mohkamat (definitive) and Mutashabihat (ambiguos)
 Huroof e Muqatte (The letters that are broken)
 Short Stories in Quran
 Ethics in Quran
 The Miracle
 Book that brings light
 Not the only heavenly book, but its unique
 Literary Masterpiece
 Challenge of Allah (swt) (Surah Isra 17:88)
 Other names of Quran
Revelation and its kinds
 Revelation
 Revelation on the heart
 Revelation through sound or sign
 Revelation through Angels
Revealed and recorded

 The first 5 Ayats revealed on 27th Rajab

 Period of 23 years
 The first one to record in Mecca was Ali (as)
 The first one to record in Medina was Zaid
 The others who recorded
 Where were they recorded?
 After recording what?
 Memorize
 How did they know when a Surah ended?
 Bismillah, why was it omitted in Surah Tauba?
Surah’s , Makki and Madani

 Surah, its definition

 Two Kinds of Surah’s
 Makki Surah’s and Madani Surah’s
 Special characteristics of Makki and Madani
 The sequence of Surah’s
 The names of the Surah’s
 Some Surah’s have more than one name:
- Surah Tauba is also called ‘Bara’at’
- Surah Naml is also called ‘Suleiman’
Compilers of the Holy Quran

 Ali (as) compiles it first after the demise of the holy

Prophet (sawa)
 Zaid was asked to do it
 Others who did it too
 Quran standardized in the reign of the 3rd caliph
 No difference in the Quran compiled by Imam Ali and
the Quran we have today
 Imam Ali (as) and other Imams authenticate the Quran

 Minor problems in the standardized version

- Letters without dots
- No vowels
- No Alifs inside the word
 Only educated Arabs could read
 Causes differences in Qira’ats
 7 different Qira’ats
 Most of the muslim world follows ‘Hafs’ now
 Hafs student of Aasim…
Mohkamat (definitive) and Mutashabihat (ambiguos) verses

 Surah Aale Imran Ayat #7

 Mohkamat (definitive) verses
 Mutashabihat (Metaphorical) verses
 - Hands of Allah (swt)
 Definitive verses explained in Tafseer
 Metaphorical verses paraphrased/Taweel
Huroof e Muqatte (Alif Lam Mim)

 The letters that are used in beginning of

some Surah’s
 29 Surah’s that start with these letters..
 What are these letters? What do they mean?
 There are 3 opinions
- Only Allah (swt) knows
- Only Allah (swt), His Prophet(S) and Imams (AS) know
- To show that Quran is written by simple letters
Short Stories in Quran

 Quran just hints the incidences of the past

 No details, it is not a history book
 Has no fiction
 Stories to wake the sleeping ones
 Stories to prove that it is a heavenly book
 All the Prophets had the same mission
 Roots of all the religions are the same
 Stories show the fate of non believers
 Stories boosted the morale of the prophet (S)
Ethics in Quran

 Always Respond to a Greeting with a better one(4:86)

 Do not be Arrogant or Proud (31;18)
 Be Humble and Speak softly (31:19)
 Invite to God with Wisdom and Kindness (16:125)
 Be Kind to Your Parents (17:23,24)
 Suppress Anger and Forgive People (3:133,134)
 Counter Evil with Good (41:34) & (13:22)
 Do not say Bad Things (14:26)
 Do not insult the Idolaters (6:108)
 Do not make Fun of Others, or call Them Names (49:11)
 Do not be Suspicious, or Spy on One Another, or Backbite (49:12)
 Do not be Racist (49:13)
The Miracle
 Literarymasterpiece
 A book 1400 yrs old has things that
science is now discovering
 Quran challenges the mankind
 To produce one surah like it

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