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Interview Etiquettes

Dos and Donts

Etiquette Defined:
Etiquette can be defined simply as the grand set of all good manners. Etiquette is a language used to relate your respect and consideration to others.

Mastering the Handshake

The Pull-in

The Two-Handed Shake

The Topper

The Finger Squeeze

The Bone Crusher

The Palm Pinch

The Limp Fish

The Proper Handshake

Firm, but not bone-crushing Lasts about 3 seconds May be "pumped" once or twice from the elbow Is released after the shake, even if the introduction continues Includes good eye contact with the other person

Meeting and Greeting

Who introduces who? Traditionally, a man is always introduced to a woman. Not necessarily in business. Highest person of rank is mentioned first. Remember: Big, may I introduce Small. A younger person is always introduced to an older person It is helpful to include the persons title Always state your name.

Before the interview

1. 2. 3. 4. Brush your teeth and use a mouthwash. Your hair should be clean and combed. Nails should be clean and trimmed. Be conservative and err on the side of caution. If the company does not have a dress code, remember that its better to over dress than under dress.

Men can look their professional best wearing one of the many men suits available to you today. Shirts should be clean and ironed. If in doubt, wear a classic, conservative tie. Women can look their professional best with business attire.

5. Wear dress shoes. Your shoes should be clean and/or shined. 6. Know the exact time and location of your interview; know how long it takes to get there, find a rest room to freshen up, etc. 7. Arrive at least 15 minutes before your interview. The extra minutes will also give time to fill out any forms or applications that might be required. 8. If you have your cell phone, turn it off. Do not put your cell phone on vibrate.

9. Bring extra copies of your resume along with a list of references to offer the interviewer. 10. Treat other people you encounter with courtesy and respect. Their opinions of you might be solicited during hiring decisions. 11. Enter the interviewers cabin with confidence.

During the interview

1. Make a positive and professional first impression. 2. Listen to interviewer's name and the correct pronunciation. 3. Address your interviewer by title. 4. Smile. 5. Stay calm. 6. Maintain good eye contact during the interview.

7. Avoid cracking jokes with the interviewer. 8. Take a few notes during your interview. 9. Listen and pause before answering the question. 10.Respond to questions and back up your statements about yourself with specific examples whenever possible. 11.Ask for clarification if you don't understand a question. 12.Be thorough in your responses, while being concise in your wording.

13. Reinforce your professionalism and your ability to communicate effectively by speaking clearly and avoiding "uhm", "you knows", and slang. 14. Be honest and be yourself. 15. Exhibit a positive attitude. 16. Treat the interview seriously. 17. Make sure you understand the employer's next step in the hiring process.

After the interview

1. Shake each interviewer's hand and thank each interviewer by name. 2. Send a thank you note (not an e-mail) as soon after the interview as possible. 3. Let go off the negatives. If you feel you have said or done during the interview which you would rather have not, just let it go.

Interview Etiquettes
Dining Interview

Before the Meal

Confirm the location and time. Ask how you will recognize the interviewer. If you are nervous about the setting, visit the restaurant before the interview. Look at the menu - brush up on the correct pronunciation of the items on the menu and the correct dining etiquette for eating those items. Turn off your cell phone before entering the restaurant and leave it off. Dress professionally (even if the restaurant is casual). Bring copies of your resume and a pen and note pad.

Follow the steps you would normally take to get ready for an office interview. Research the company, practice your responses to interview questions, and prepare a list of questions you have for the interviewer. Arrive early to visit to the restroom to tidy up. Take a few minutes to relax before the interview.

Dining Etiquette tips

If there is more than one person interviewing you, allow everyone to sit and then put your napkin in your lap. Order something that is easy to eat. If in doubt, order what the interviewer is eating. Don't order alcohol. Do not change your order or send food back. Be polite to servers. Say "please" and "thank you."

During the Meal

Focus on the interviewer even if the restaurant is noisy and full of distractions. Avoid discussing religion, politics, or anything else that might be controversial. Although the setting might be casual, don't become too familiar with the interviewer. Remain professional. Try your best to remain relaxed and stay confident. Remember that the company believes you can do the job.

After the Meal

As the interviewee, you have no responsibility for the bill, but be sure to thank your host for the meal. Ask for your host(s) business card(s) if you have not already received them. Leave on a positive note by expressing your interest in the job. Write the host a "thank you note."

Interview Etiquettes
Body Language: Dos and Donts

Sit up straight, and lean slightly forward in your chair.

Show your enthusiasm by keeping an interested expression. Establish a comfortable amount of personal space between you and the interviewer. Limit your application of colognes and perfumes.

If you have more than one person interviewing you at once, make sure you briefly address both people with your gaze (without looking like a tennis spectator) and return your attention to the person who has asked you a question. Interruptions can happen. If they do, refrain from staring at your interviewer while they address their immediate business and motion your willingness to leave if they need privacy. Stand up and smile even if you are on a phone interview.

Rub the back of your head or neck. Rub or touch your nose. Sit with your arms folded across your chest. Cross your legs and idly shake one over the other.

Lean your body towards the door.

Slouch back in your seat.

Stare back blankly.

Bite your lips or nails. Cross your arms.

Tap your feet.

Clear your throat repeatedly. Put your hands on your pocket.

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