Team-Building Workshop: Louis Rowitz, PHD Director

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Team-Building Workshop

Louis Rowitz, PhD Director


A team is a collection of individuals guided by a common purpose striving for the same.. With a good team, the whole is better than the sum of the parts
(Mallory, 1991)


Teams and Groups


Traditional Work Groups Leaders dominates and controls the team Goals set by organization Leader conducts meetings Leader assigns work

Teams The leader is facilitator and coach Goals set by team members Meetings are participative discussions Team plans work assignments

Traditional Work Groups


Emphasis on individual Emphasis on team performances performances Workers compete against each other Communication flows down from leader Team members work as cooperative unit Communication flows upward and downward(to and from leader) Information is shared Decisions made by entire team

Information is often hoarded by workers Decisions made by leader


Good Reasons to Form a Team

To solve problems by drawing on the talents of variety of individuals. To foster togetherness in the workplace while tackling projects. To reduce or eliminate a lack of communication among staff members on projects. To heighten productivity by encouraging an atmosphere of cooperation. To achieve a solution that might be unpopular to some but is the desire of the majority.

Weak Reasons to Form a Team

To lighten the workload of the supervisor (this requires delegation.) To make workers transfer knowledge to one another to save educational costs (these people need training.) To determine the opinions and working styles of the staff (this organization need improved communication.) To get the staff to work harder (they need better supervision or motivation and rewards.)

Advantages to You
The team-building experience is valuable in many jobsnot just your current position. The skills are useful for:

Executive positions. Nearly every executive must, at one time or another , work with or direct a team. Mid-level managers. Whether you supervise two or 200 people, you could be called upon to form a team. Having learned the necessary skills gives you an advantage when the situation occurs.

Advantages to You
The team-building experience is valuable in many jobsnot just your current position. The skills are useful for:
Entrepreneurs. Knowing how to lead a team comes in handy if you are self-employed, operate your own business or are part of a network of associates. Youll be able to tap the brain power and knowledge of others in a group setting. Working with people. Any position where you work with people requires good human relations skills. By exposing yourself to the teamwork process, youll get greater insight into individual differences and how these differences can be managed to achieve a collective goal

Values Exercise


Types of Teams
(Capezio, 1996) A. B. C. D. Natural Work Teams Cross-functional Teams Corrective Action Teams Hybrid Teams


Leader Behavior


Indicators of Team Readiness


Key Roles in Teams

Team Leader Critic Implementer External Contact Coordinator Ideas Person Inspector


Characteristics of Team Players

(Mallory, 1991) 1. 2. 3. 4. Dominant Influencer Balancer Loyalist


Worksheet for Team-Building


Key Points to Keep in Mind

Understand how and why people work together- the psychology of team-building and consistently put your knowledge to use. Set goals, objectives and checkpoints to keep team projects on track Select the right people to be on your team. Look for their full potential and cultivate it.

Key Points to Keep in Mind

Demand the most from yourself and your skills as team leader. Challenge yourself and the team throughout the project, and inspire others to follow you. Delegate with tact and thoroughness. Let others skills help you do your work. Allow others to grow through the tasks you assign them.

Key Points to Keep in Mind

Motivate your team by giving them their needs and wants, and by rewarding them. Communicate with your team in a concise manner. Have the team give you feedback to demonstrate they understand your message. Eliminate problems quickly when they arise. Confront the difficult situation, determine what action you should take, keep team members informed, if appropriate, then move on to other matters.

Key Points to Keep in Mind

Give rewards. Reward the whole team, not individuals. Instill team spirit. Monitor team morale and togetherness, and keep it running at an optimum pace.


Stages of a Team Life Cycle

(stage 1)




(stage 2)

(stage 4)

Young Adult
IIMCHL (stage 3)

Focusing on Team Basics

Performance Results

Mutual Problem Solving Technical/ function Interpersonal Individual Small number of people

Specific goals
Common approach Meaningful purpose


Collective work Products


Personal Growth

How to Make Teams Really Work

Inverting the Organizational Pyramid

Customer satisfaction Teams Vendor Relationship Teams Partnerships & Joint-Venture Teams

Operating Teams
Natural Work Teams

Cross-functional Teams
Corrective Action Teams Hybrid Teams

Management Team
Function and Department Heads

Senior Team


How to Make Teams Really Work

Systematic View of Team Development

Establish Mission Mutual Goals and Commitment

Team Design And Leadership Structure

Team Rules and Guidelines Values/Norms

Evaluation Results

Team controls Focus

Team Dynamics Maturity


Eight Characteristics of Effectively Functioning Teams

(Larson and LaFasto, 1988) A clear elevating goal A results driven structure Competent members Unified commitment A collaborative climate Standards of excellence External support and recognition Principled leadership


Ducks in a Row Exercise


When people believe in each other, when they believe that each team member will bring superior skills to a task or responsibility, that disagreements or opposing views will be worked out reasonably, that each members view will be treated seriously and with respect, that all team members will give their best effort at all times, and that every one will have the teams overall best interest at heart, then excellence can become a sustainable reality.

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