Historical Development of Psychology

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of Psychology three functions of the soul:


Vegetative (basic maintenance of life) Appetative (motives and desires) Rational (the governing function)


the Republic, Plato introduces a new understanding of the human soul and rationality: the Tripartite Theory of the Soul:

Rational Will Appetites


of Medicine He held the belief that illness had a physical and rational explanation and is not caused by any superstitions. The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body and vice versa.


discussed several psychological topics as well as his philosophical views, including infant motivation, the origin of speech, memory, grief, and unconscious motivations in dreams.


maintains that the soul is capable of existing apart from the living body after the death of the body. This might suggest that he is a kind of Substance Dualist, the soul being one substance and the body another, with the soul interacting as it were with the other substance, the body.


of Modern Philosophy While "I think, therefore I am" is Descartes' most famous one-liner, substance dualism is his most famous philosophical position. According to substance dualism, our minds and our bodies are two distinct substances capable of existing apart.


the idea of tabula-rasa of which at birth the mind is like a blank sheet that gathers its contents from experiences that an individual encounters during his lifetime.


the first psychological laboratory in

1879. Considered as the Father of Experimental Psychology Developed the method introspection


a new discipline Psychophysics, which is concerned with the measurement of psychological effects of sensation.


formed as a reaction to the structuralism and was heavily influenced by the work of William James and the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin. Functionalists sought to explain the mental processes in a more systematic and accurate manner. Rather than focusing on the elements of consciousness, functionalists focused on the purpose of consciousness and behavior.


of Child Study Movement This theory explains that each person goes through changes in both the psychic and somatic senses which follow the evolution scale of the mind and body.


of Mental Testing Movement Cattells research on individual differences played a significant role in introducing and emphasizing the experimental technique and importance of methodology in experimentation in America. Regarding the beginnings of his mental tests, in Leipzig, Cattell independently began to measure simple mental processes.


of Modern Psychiatry Provided a more humane psychological approach to the custody and care of psychiatric patients, referred as moral treatment.


hypnotism for cure of behavior



intelligence test to identify between mentally retarded children from normal ones. Considered as the Father of Intelligence Testing


the psychoanalysis Concluded that mental disorder might be caused purely by psychological factor rather than organic factors. Proposed that dreams are the disguised expressions of unconscious wishes.


Analytic Psychology One of the contemporary contributors to dream analysis and symbolization.


the Feminist Psychology Proposed the concept of womb envy Defined neurosis as a psychic disturbance brought by fears and defenses against these fears, and by attempts to find compromise solutions for conflicting tendencies"


the earliest test to determine hereditary influences to intelligence.

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