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soccer drills for u8

Brief descriptions of the psychophysical characteristics of each stage of development and its implications for the practice of sport and soccer drills for u8. For a better understanding of each stage of the development and its implications for the practice of sport, it must first that we define briefly the development, growth and the phases of development: - The development represents the sum of the process of growth and differentiation of the organism which lead eventually to its greatness, its shape and its definitive function (Keller and Wiskott 1977, 11).

- The growth represents the measurable increases in length, weight, force, volume and quantity of secretions produced, etc.... It is a quantitative value measurable. The growth is subject to drills for u8 The development phases are sections (steps) of the development, distinct in relation to each other by their specific characteristics. The step of the infant and early childhood plays a decisive role in the development of the whole child. The step called the infant is located between the birth and the end of the first year. It is characterized by an exceptional increase in the size and weight: the size which is the birth of 50 cm increased by 50 % that is to say up to 75 practice drills for u8 As far as the average weight of 3000 g at birth, it passes to 9000 g toward the end of the first year.

In parallel, we observed a very strong development of the brain: at birth the brain of the infant weighs on average 350 g, either 1/4 of its weight adult, while nine months later it will have practically doubled (Hurlock 1972).soccer drills for kids Thanks to this rapid growth, we observed a development and a functional differentiation of the brain, which are progressing very quickly: the coarse movements of the beginning (an external stimulus causes a reply rude and without purpose of 4 members) are differentiated and coordinate little by little to give a movement more specialized. Through the movements of reorganization of the head, the trunk rotation and movements of preceding the market, drills for u10 to drag, crawling, as well as the attempts made to sit or stand the musculature of the trunk and the ends will be gradually strengthened and prepared for the maintenance of the upright drills for u8 The maintenance of the standing position is not only expanding the field of vision and the scope of action of the infant or small child

6 Years ago the brain has reached approximately 90-95% of the weight of the adult brain and the myelination of nerve fibers and related afferents are completed (Demeter 1981). This myelination of nerve fibers greatly increases the capacity for decision and information processing as it determines an improvement in the accuracy of movements. This step is characterized by a very great need for movement and game as well as by a great curiosity for everything that is unknown (which appears particularly evident in "the age of questions ", toward 4-5 years), by the vex pops and a great emotional readiness for the drills for u5 A low capacity for concentration (conditioned by the preponderance of the process of excitations brain on those of inhibition) is at the basis of the constant changes of activity at this age: the child is interested in a large number of games that it varies and constantly renews.

soccer drills for u8

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