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There are times when you can

ask questions or challenge ideas, but if youve got a teacher that doesnt like that or the kids in the class make fun of people who do that, its bad. I think most of us learn that its best to just keep your head down, your mouth shut, and your grades high.

Our communities need jobs, decent housing, and health care, and they need stable institutions staffed with people who are invested in them, have made connections in their communities, are trusted by them, and operate with the best accumulated wisdom to serve their needs. Mike Rose, Forever Young: The New Teaching Career

Professional Development isnt about

growing ourselves, its about growing each other.

Cultivating a human-

centered approach Bringing diverse people together for collaboration Focusing on whats meaningful to people Developing creative confidence

Sir Ken Robinson: Creativity is as

important in education as literacy, and we should treat it with the same status.

Strongly agree with this statement about employees/future hires

Somewhat agree

Our company puts a priority on hiring people with the intellectual and interpersonal skills that will help them contribute to innovation in the workplace


Candidates demonstrated capacity to think critically, communicate clearly, & solve complex problems is more important than their undergraduate major


Our company is asking employees to take on more responsibilities and to use a broader set of skills than in the past


Innovation is essential to our company/organizations continued success



The challenges employees face within our company are more complex today than they were in the past


Based on ideas from Drive by Daniel Pink


Goal directed, authentic

Set a clear end goal Identify your authentic value Set intermediate goals Celebrate accomplishments Get involved outside the


Success breeds capacity

Make it fun and

interesting to come to school

classroom Make connections with the world

To learn is to practice and reflect

Capacity to know more is more critical

than what is known Connections, not content, are the beginning point of the learning process Learning is a network forming process

How its done: 1. 2. 3.



With relatively low barriers to artistic expression and civic participation With strong support for creating and sharing ones creations with others With some type of informal mentorship whereby what is known by the most experienced is passed along to novices Where members believe their contributions matter Where members feel some degree of social connections with one another (at the least they care what other people think about what they have created). (7)

Reification and Participation as a binary in learning:

Participation combines doing, talking, thinking, feeling and belonging. It involves our whole person, including our bodies, minds, emotions, and social relations (56) Reification: Any community of practice produces abstractions, tools, symbols, stories, terms, and concepts that reify something of that practice in a congealed form (59).

A general consensus has grown that

professional learning benefits from a community of practice/inquiry approach, as it then becomes embedded in the day to day work of the practitioner and at the same time provides the practitioner with a networked community with which to share best practices and to reflect more deeply on how learning happens within its situated context (CochranSmith & Lytle, 1999; Borko, 2004; Au, Raphael, & Mooney, 2008; Grubb, et al., 2011).

Identifying a Shared Problem

Creating a Shared Vision of the Possible for

Addressing It Building a Sustained Community of Practitioners Focusing on This Problem

California Community Colleges Success Network

Individuals with a growth mindset, Carol

Dwecks research demonstrates, believe that a persons true potential is unknown (and unknowable); that its impossible to foresee what can be accomplished with years of passion, toil, and training.

Forming a safety net of caring

participants is essential: one that values problem-solving, dialog, consensus building, and understands that dissonance creates opportunity. Next comes having these participants provide highly visible, safe spaces for personal support for learning across campus.

To reignite creativity, innovation, and

learning, as Brown suggests, we must rehumanize education and work. This means understanding how scarcity is affecting the way we lead and work and learning how to build empathetic networks that foster community. This is why we built FTLA, and this is why we begin from the premise that student success lives here.

A leader is anyone who holds her- or

himself accountable for finding potential in people and processes. Professional Development isnt about growing ourselves, its about growing each other.

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