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Established the first ruling dynasty in China.

Who was Shang?

Pyramid-building advanced people of the Americas.

Who were the Maya?

Islamic leader whose murder started a split in the Muslim community.

Who was Uthman?

Became the leader of Islam after Muhammads death and expanded its influence.

Who was Abu Bakr?

French noble who unified England under his rule.

Who was William the Conqueror?

Protected nobles freedoms and outlined basic rights of all English people.

What is Magna Carta?

Ivan IV considered himself heir to the Roman and Byzantine empires and took this title, the Russian word for Caesar.

What is Tsar?

The actions of Ivan IV earned him this nickname.

What is The Terrible.

This form of Buddhism became very popular among warriors and artists in Japan.

What is Zen?

The Divine Comedy, written by this author, is considered to be one of the greatest works of medieval literature.

Who was Dante Alighieri?

The most important contribution of the ancient Hebrews to Western civilization was ethical monotheism.


The Iconoclastic Controversy was a controversy about the use of religious icons in Christian worship.


Muslims consider Muhammad to be the prophet of Islam.


The strength of Mongol armies was built around their heavily armed foot soldiers.


A popes most important advisors were the archbishops.


During the Childrens Crusade many of the crusaders were sold into slavery.


The first civilizations in India, China, Egypt, and Mesopotamia all

What is developed along rivers?

One of the characteristics that makes a culture also a civilization.

What is division of labour?

This conquerors allowed selfgovernment, but levied heavy taxes in Russia.

Who were the Mongols who controlled Russia until the late 1400s?

The practice of removing people from church membership whose opinions conflict with its leaders or beliefs is called

What is excommunication?

Advances in geography, medicine, and astronomy.

What are Muslim contributions to science?

A dispute over who should be caliph, or leader of the faith.

Which was the reason that Islam divided into two main branches?

This is the society which most influenced the development of other civilizations in Asia.

What is China?

Change(s) the Mongol rule brought to China.

What is increased contact with the rest of the world?

Charlemagnes empire broke up after his death because of

What were feuds and internal wars among his successors?

Strengthened feudalism by keeping nobles landholdings intact after they died.

How did the practice of primogeniture affect feudalism?

The purpose of the Crusades was for Christians to regain the Holy Land from the

Who were the Muslims?

Commerce increased, and kings were strengthened.

What was an indirect result of the Crusades?

First emperor of the Roman Empire.

Who was Augustus Caesar?

Founder of Buddhism.

Who was Siddharta Gautama?

The two most powerful and important Greek city-states.

What are Sparta and Athens?

The Hittites and the Chaldeans lived in two of the more advanced kingdoms of sub-Saharan Africa.


Saved the Byzantine Empire around A.D. 1100

What was an army of western Europeans that reclaimed Western Asia Minor from the Turks?

The Iconoclastic Controversy was a controversy about the use of religious icons in Christian worship.


Group of Muslims who believed that imams should decide religious and worldly matters.

Who are the Shiah?

Character in literature who is the basis for The Thousand and One Nights, Muslim folktales that are among the most widely read stories in history.

Who was Scherezade?

By 750 the Muslim Empire had spread into all of the following places EXCEPT

Where was Constantinople?

Was a warrior in feudal Japan who was similar to a knight in Europe during the same time period.

What is a Samurai?

Dynasty during which Chinese artisans perfected the art of making porcelain and produced delicate porcelain vases for export.

What was the Sung Dynasty?

Early writing systems in both Korea and Japan were based on the Chinese language.


Land granted by a lord in return for loyalty and service.

What is a Fief?

System characterized by estates containing villages in which peasants farmed the lords lands and provided other services to the lord.

What is Manorialism?

Knights were expected to live by this code of conduct.

What is Chivalry?

This system of manufacturing that developed during the Middle Ages, workers performed their jobs from their homes.

What is the Domestic System?

Executed as a heretic during the Hundred Years War, is today a Catholic saint and a symbol of French patriotism.

Who was Joan of Arc?

Poetry, romantic fiction, and fables became popular among medieval audiences because many of these works were written in this kind of languages.

What are Vernacular Languages?

The only Crusade that succeeded in capturing Jerusalem.

Which was the first Crusade?

The expulsion of Muslims and Jews from Spain.

Which was NOT an event that strengthened Spain?

Islam reached the Celebes from these places.

What are Madura and the Moluccas?

The Vikings who settled in England came from these places.

Where are Denmark and Sweden?

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