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Race and Civilization

Americans in Mindanao, Cordillera and the Hinterlands

Image source: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_WFe1vG !i"c/#F4$%&'(khI/!!!!!!!!)d*/1ggWe+ ,hIC,/s1-../,uslims/$$icer0,indanao/11%%+1%.1_2ev.3pg


Earl im!ressions o" the

American re"erence to

S!anish !erce!tion on the Moros

Rev# $r# Pio Pi, S#%#& 'I

Earl and tem!orar

do not thin( it )o*ld +e an eas tas( to "ind a ha*,htier !eo!le than the Moro dattos#-

meas*res im!osed + the Americans +ased on some S!anish !olicies#

Image source: http://***.ibiblio.org/h4per*ar/56,C/I&/img/56,C+I&+p7-.b.3pg

General Polic
Mostl im!osed + the American militar ,overnment *ntil American

civil ,overnment or American con,ress le,islation

.ates A,reement

Re!resents an amica+le acce!tance o" American soverei,nt in e/chan,e "or a ,eneral laissez "aire !olic re,ardin, Moro internal a""airs

Americans o!ted mostl not to inter"ere the Moros0 la) and c*stoms,

reli,io*s +elie"s and )orshi!s, inter "amil "e*ds, and trade

Americans reco,nized the !otential "or economic and commercial


Image source: http://***.morolandhistor4.com/. .8G+"ates9:.,ission/"ates_mission_!greement_11%%.htm

Peace and Order

Garrisoned troo!s mainl "or maintainin, !eace and

order to (ee! the mar(ets sa"e and sec*re "or the !*r!ose o" economic develo!ment
1ee!in, the Moroland in chec( )hile the )ar in the

North contin*ed
2i!lomatic and le,al limited settlin, o" Moro inter

"amil or small3scale "e*ds )itho*t endan,erin, the ,ood relations +et)een the troo!s and the natives

Polic on Slaver
4he !ro+lem )as mainl d*e to the "act that slaver

connotes di""erent meanin,s "or the American ideal and the Moro )a o" li"e
Slaver "or the Moro is !rovided "or in Islam and is

reco,nized in the 5*r0an

Americans mainl le"t this matter *nto*ched# Isolated classes, ho)ever, )o*ld tell o" ho) limited

and6or attem!ted American intervention came thro*,h#

Commerce and Comm*nications

Peace"*l 4rade
$indin, themselves enco*ra,ed to trade, and !rotected in the

!ossession o" their !rod*ce and !ro"its, man o" the Moros +e,an ,rad*all to settle into +ona "ide a,ric*lt*ral and tradin, comm*nities
O!enin, Lines o" Comm*nications
O!enin, *! o" ade7*ate lines o" comm*nications and the constr*ction

o" roads, e/tensive trans!ort and tele,ra!hic stations

P*+lic Reven*e
Im!osition o" c*stoms d*ties in im!ortin, "orei,n !rod*cts

Health and Ed*cation

Moros has little conce!tion o" sanitation Man deaths amon, the Moros occ*rred +eca*se o"

the lac( o" medicine and medical attention

4he Novem+er 89:; cholera e!idemic <estern model !*+lic ed*cation Altho*,h it )as sec*lar in nat*re, Moros )ere still

enco*ra,ed to send their children to school

E/!loration e/!editions )ere cond*cted alon, the

interior re,ions o" Mindanao and S*l*

4o esta+lish "riendl relations )ith the Moros

March 8=, 89:;& "irst concerted armed challen,e to

American soverei,nt in Moroland

4he Cr stallization o" Polic

.*rea* o" Non3Christian 4ri+es
4as(ed to investi,ate the non3Christian !eo!les o" the Phili!!ines

Polic S*,,estions& '2ollar 2i!lomac - and 'Indirect R*le 2ollar 2i!lomac & 'a mone ma(in, consideration Indirect R*le& !*!!et (in,

Plan o" the Moro Province

'4o a+ate the s*ltan n*isance 'An Act Providin, "or the Or,anization and Government o" the Moro

Province 4ransition "rom militar to civil r*le in Moroland

'An Act Providin, "or the Or,anizations and Government o" the Moro Province-

Moro Province )as to *nder direct s*!ervision o" the

Civil Governor o" the Phili!!ine Islands and the Phili!!ine Commission
4he !rovincial ,overnor )as to +e res!onsi+le

directl to the Civil Governor

4he Le,islative Co*ncil = districts 2e!endent on its o)n reven*es


4he Racial Politics o" Em!ire 4ransnational histor Racial rema(in, o" em!ire and im!erial

ma(in, o" race

It ho!es to address the im!act o"

Phili!!ine3American colonialism on +oth American and Phili!!ine nationalisms

4ransnational Enco*nters
Ho) the ill*strados introd*ced the term '$ili!ino Americans )ere declared the Phili!!ines0

'li+erators O*t+rea( o" "i,htin, in $e+r*ar 8>99

Race Ma(in, and Colonial ?iolence

G*erilla )ar"are ',oo3,oo American a*thorities had mana,ed to end the )ar, or

come close to it

4he Colonial Racial State

Cali+rated colonialism Incl*sionar racism
'little +ro)n +rother-

.i"*rcation o" the Phili!!ine !o!*lation

E/cl*sion and 2ecolonization

$ili!inos )ere ,ranted the ri,ht to mi,rate to

American territor
Incl*sionar colonial vs# E/cl*sionist nativist St*d in, race ma(in,

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