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Perioperative Cardiovascular Evaluation

and Management for Noncardiac Surgery

Circulation 2002;105:1257-68 OR
J Am Coll Cardiol 2002;39:542-53.
Purpose of Preoperative Cardiac Evaluation
 Define patient’s current cardiac status.
 Assess and project perioperative CV risk.
 Determine if preoperative testing is needed to
define cardiovascular status - recommended only
if it will change surgical care or perioperative
medical therapy.
 Initiate management to minimize cardiac risk
over the entire perioperative period, and
General Approach to the Patient - History

 “Have you ever had any problem with your heart or arteries?”
 “Do you exercise?” Typical responses …
 “I try to.” Translation: “No.”
 “Not as much as I should.” Translation: “No.”
 “I’m active.” Translation: “No.”
 “What exercise do you do? Tell me the most physically strenuous thing
you did in the last 2 weeks.”
 Is there real (exertional) angina, recent or past MI, HF, documented
arrhythmia, pacemaker or ICD?
 Any history or other indicators of atherosclerotic vascular disease?
 CAD risk factors and “doses of risk factors”
 unexplained, inordinate dyspnea
Exercise capacity integrates the
physiologic effects of all the patient’s
combined cardiac abnormalities.

If history reveals
then the patient’s operative risk is low.
General Approach to the Patient

 Physical Examination – general appearance,

bruits, rales, elevated JVP, heart rate & rhythm,
murmurs of severe AS or MS
 Comorbidity: renal impairment, diabetes,
pulmonary disease
 Basic Metabolic Panel, CBC, BNP, ECG, CXR
 BNP level (precise role in risk assessment and
post-op management remains to be defined)
Q: Which cardiac conditions worry me most?

A: Severe stenotic (flow-limiting) lesions:

 coronary - disease severity and extent
 AS > MS
 severe pulmonary hypertension

 Regurgitant valvular lesions are rarely a problem

 I am less concerned about CHF or arrhythmia in the
absence of ischemia. Both are readily treated and usually
without permanent sequelae, unlike MI and death.
 AF is, however, a potentially costly (in money and
morbidity) nuisance. Avoid it.
Patient-specific Clinical Predictors of Increased
Perioperative Cardiovascular Risk (ACC/AHA Guidelines)
 Major  Minor
 Acute coronary  Advanced age.
syndromes  Abnormal ECG.
 Decompensated CHF  Rhythm other than
 Significant (?) sinus.
arrhythmias  Low functional
 Intermediate  History of stroke.
 Mild (?) angina pectoris  Uncontrolled HTN
 Prior MI
Type of Surgery and Risk - I
 Urgency: emergent, urgent/soon, elective
 Influences not only risk, but also your pre-op testing
(if any) strategy.
 emergent major operations, esp. in elderly
 aortic and other major vascular surgery
 peripheral vascular surgery
 BIG SURGERY: anticipated prolonged surgical
procedures associated with large fluid shifts and/or
blood loss, and long recovery.
Type of Surgery and Risk - II

 Intermediate risk:  Low risk:

carotid endoscopy
head and neck superficial procedures
intraperitoneal cataract surgery
intrathoracic breast surgery
Preoperative non-invasive testing in
known or suspected CAD - Which patient?
 poor or unknown functional capacity: can’t exercise,
don’t exercise
 known or suspected CAD: angina, prior MI based on
history or pathological Q waves, CAD-equivalent
(peripheral vascular disease), risk factor profile
 known or suspected significant AS, MS, pulmonary HTN
 high surgical risk procedure: aortic or peripheral
vascular, BIG SURGERY
Preoperative non-invasive testing
in known or suspected CAD - Which test?

 rest echocardiography: but little insight into CAD

 simple treadmill: exercise capacity
 stress or dobutamine echo
 but dobutamine in aortic aneurysm ???
 myocardial perfusion imaging - exercise or


Recommendations for Coronary Angiography in
Perioperative Evaluation (ACC/AHA Guidelines)

Class I: Patients with suspected or known CAD

 Evidence for high risk of adverse outcome based on
noninvasive test results
 Angina unresponsive to adequate medical therapy
 Unstable angina, particularly when facing intermediate-
risk or high-risk noncardiac surgery
 Equivocal noninvasive test results in patients at high-
clinical risk undergoing high-risk surgery
Q. When is revascularization (PCI, CABG)
recommended ? (ACC/AHA Guidelines)
A. Generally only when justified by the usual clinical
factors, apart from planned non-cardiac surgery.

 No randomized trials document decreased perioperative

cardiac events.
 No prospective studies have determined optimal period of
delay after PCI before noncardiac surgery.
 Delay of 2-4 weeks after PCI with stent placement is
supported by observational study.
Preoperative Therapy with B-Blockers
(ACC/AHA Guidelines)

Class I indications
 When B-blockers have been required in recent past for
angina, symptomatic arrhythmia or hypertension.
Do not withdraw beta-blockade preoperatively.
 Patients undergoing vascular surgery with ischemia on
preoperative testing
Class IIa
 When preoperative assessment identifies untreated
hypertension, known CAD, or major CAD risk factors.
Class III: contraindication to B-blockade
Preoperative Therapy with B-Blockers
(ACC/AHA Guidelines)

 Start pre-op, titrate to HR 50-60 bpm

 Short acting beta-blockers provide more flexible
 Give orally, if possible, with IV supplementation
when patient is NPO
Anesthetic Considerations and
Intraoperative Management (ACC/AHA Guidelines)
No study clearly demonstrates improved outcome from :
 regional versus general anesthesia
 pulmonary artery catheter
 intraoperative nitroglycerin
 ST-segment monitoring
 prophylactic intra-aortic balloon pump

Choice of anesthetic and intraoperative monitoring is best

left to discretion of anesthesia care team.
Perioperative Surveillance (ACC/AHA Guidelines)
Post operative myocardial ischemia:
 Strongest predictor of perioperative cardiac morbidity.
 Often untreated until overt symptoms develop.
 Diagnosis of perioperative MI has short and long-term prognostic value.
 30% to 50% perioperative mortality and reduced long-term survival.

For patients with known or suspected CAD, undergoing high or

intermediate risk procedure:
 Check ECG at baseline, immediately after procedure, and daily x 2 days.
 Check cardiac troponin measurements 24 hours postoperatively and on
day 4, or hospital discharge (whichever comes first).
Consider troponion also days 2 & 3.
Pacemakers & ICDs

 Electrocautery can cause oversensing, resulting

in failure to pace or an inappropriate shock from
an ICD.
 Contact Cardiology.
Conclusions (ACC/AHA Guidelines)
 Insure good communication between surgeon, anesthesiologist,
primary care physician, and consultant.

 Further cardiac testing and treatments generally are the

same as in the non-operative setting, considering:
 the urgency of the noncardiac surgery
 patient-specific risk factors
 surgery-specific factors

 Preoperative testing:
 when surgical risk is high.
 when patient-specific and surgery-specific risks are intermediate.
 when results will affect patient management.
Questions you should always ask yourself

 Is there CAD?  Is there severe …

 If there is,  AS, MS
 how severe?  pulmonary hypertension
 how extensive?
 how “active”?
 How “big” is the

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