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History of Vodafone
‡ Vodafone started as Racal Vodafone in 1982.

‡ It was renamed Racal Telecom in September 1988.

‡ In 1991, Racal Telecom was demerged from Racal Electronics to

become the Vodafone Group plc.

‡ On 29th June 1999, Vodafone completed acquisition of AirTouch

Communications of the US and renamed itself Vodafone Airtouch plc.

‡ Exactly one year later, on 28th July, 2000 it reverted to its former
name, Vodafone Group plc

More about Vodafone

Original Corporate Logo of New Corporate Logo of

Vodafone before 1997 Vodafone as of 1997.

‡It represents a quotation mark within a circle. With 'O' in the Vodafone
logotype being opening and closing quotation marks, suggesting
conversation. Its logo is a true representation of that belief - The start of a
new conversation, a trigger, a catalyst, a mark of true pioneering.

‡The name Vodafone comes from Voice data fone, chosen by the company
to "reflect the provision of voice and data services over mobile phones.³

‡ Vodafone Group Plc is a public limited company incorporated in England
under registered number 1833679. Its registered office is Vodafone House,
The Connection, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 2FN, England.

‡ Sir John Bond is the Chairman of Vodafone Group Plc

‡ Mr. Vittorio Colao of Italy is the new CEO of Vodafone after Mr. Arun Sarin
took retirement on 29th July, 2008. Mr. Asim Ghosh is the CEO of Vodafone
Essar, India.

‡ The Group has subsidaries in25 countries across 5 continents. And has
Partner Markets in a further 42 countries.

‡ Products and services offered by Vodafone

 Voice Mobile telecommunication services
 Mobile Text centre (Messaging Services ± SMS, PXT and MMS)
 Data Services
 Fixed line
 Fixed line internet access
 Device (Handsets and Vodafone mobile connect)

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Advertising Campaigns
‡ Global Communication Campaign
‡ Vodafone's 'big idea' campaign
‡ Vodafone Guerrilla Marketing - Desk Car
‡ Another Example of Vodafone¶s Guerrilla Marketing
‡ Vodafone UK launches commuter campaign
‡ Brand Ambassador
‡ Sponsorships by Vodafone
 Vodafone McLaren Mercedes
 England Cricket Team
 UEFA Champions League

Global Communication Campaign
µHow are You?¶ µHow are You?¶ and
Executions Vodafone live!


Brand ³How Are You?´ Vodafone live! µMake the Most

Migration Launch launch of Now¶ Launch


‡ Vodafone chose TV as a part of its advertising

campaign to promote its small business price
plan with the launch of the programme 'Big Idea'
in partnership with Sky Channel.

‡ The contestants were scrutinised by a

judging panel on the show. And the
winner was awarded with £ 100,000 to
make the concept reality.

‡ The reason why Vodafone chose TV





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Vodafone Guerrilla Marketing - Desk Car

‡ Vodafone launched its new Vodafone 3G

services which offer new level of mobile
working experience through guerrilla
marketing campaign.

‡ To promote their 3G services Vodafone

have used these interesting desk cars.

‡ This car travelled around London traffic to

show Londoners 3G experience in a very
surprising way.

Another Example of Vodafone¶s
Guerrilla Marketing
‡ In a Rugby Match between New Zealand
and Australia two men streaked (naked)
between the game with the corporate logo
of Vodafone painted on their backs.

‡ The company also ended up donating

$30,000 pounds to a non profit campaign
aimed at reducing sports injuries.

‡ Illegal stunts do work because they will

(or more than often do) get the attention of
the public through the media that too for

Vodafone launched commuter
‡ This campaign was started by
Vodafone to promote the power of
accessing the internet via the mobile in

‡ For this campaign Vodafone purchased extensive media in stations, rotating

poster boards on platforms and public places like shopping centres and even
cricket grounds.

‡ As part a part of this campaign Vodafone set itself

a challenge ± to set up a customer¶s µfree mail¶
account, such as Yahoo Mail, Google Mail or MSN,
on their phone (Vodafone devises) in less than two



Brand Ambassador
‡ Vodafone uses brand ambassador
basically to support Vodafone's drive
for brand migration. It helps to fulfil its
aim to grow successfully by acquiring
local companies in markets that
Vodafone would like to enter.

‡ And since David Beckham is a popular figure worldwide, it has helped

Vodafone to smooth the way for the substitution of the global brand in
place of the local one.

Sponsorships by Vodafone
‡ Vodafone believes that its spousees act as ambassadors
for the Vodafone brand.

‡ And has established tangible links between the products

and services it offers and the organisations that it

‡ Its sponsorship are :

± Vodafone McLaren Mercedes
± England Cricket Team
± UEFA Champions League

Vodafone McLaren Mercedes

‡ The sponsorship demonstrates Vodafone¶s ongoing commitment to the Formula

1 World Championship with its world class drivers Lewis Hamilton and Heikki
Kovalainen through which it has significantly been able to appeal for its
consumer and business customers around the world.

‡ The title sponsorship including the team name µVodafone McLaren Mercedes¶
and µOfficial Mobile Partner¶ of the team gives Vodafone; dominant Title
Sponsorship branding on the cars, drivers' and pit crews' overalls and helmets.

England Cricket Team

‡ Vodafone has been sponsoring the England Cricket Team for the past 11
years and there support is still going strong as the principal partner of the
‡ This partnership gives employees and lucky customers unbelievable access
to get up close and personal with the Team. It also gives them the content
that they know we want to see, like live footage and score updates direct to
our phones.

UEFA Champions League

‡ Vodafone is in its second season as Official Partner and Official Mobile

network of the UEFA Champions League, the world's largest annual football

‡ The partnership enables Vodafone to deliver content including video

highlights packages and goal alerts from all UEFA Champions League
matches to football fans on the Vodafone live! with 3G consumer service.

  % 4,0,-5

‡ Vodafone Essar commenced its operations in 1994 when Hutchison Essar

Telecom acquired the cellular licence for Mumbai.

‡ Later, it joined the with the Essar Group as its principal joint venture partner
for the Indian market and it had came across India launched their brand on
21st Sept, 2007.

‡ According to a survey in India till March, 2008 there are 44,126,243 GSM

Its Products and competitors in
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Vodafone Takeovers Hutch

‡ On 11 February 2007, Vodafone agreed to acquire the controlling interest

of 67% in Hutch-Essar for US$11.1 billion and had rebranded itself.

‡ This required nearly 250 crores of spending by Vodafone but they have
successfully painted the town red since most of the cost was towards
changing the appearance of the dealers to suit the changed brand which
took around 50 per cent of the cost.

‡Later, on 20th September, 2008 it rebranded its name from Hutch Essar to
Vodafone Essar following Vodafone¶s takeover in Hutchison Essar.

Why use of pug by Vodafone??
‡ Considering the fact that Hutch was a well loved
brand in India and one of the factor¶s of its popularity
was the pug.

‡The basic idea was to ensure that people don¶t

forget the old brand; rather, they welcome the new
one as an improvement over the old and wanted the
customers to know that this brand just got better.

‡ And to show this transition it started with the ad with a direct and
thematic of pug in the garden with the concluding tagline ³Change is
good, Hutch is now Vodafone´.

Advertising Campaigns in India
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Vodafone¶s 24-hour campaign on
STAR India
‡ Vodafone collaborated with STAR channel, the leading television network in
India, to launch a massive 24-hour nationwide rebranding campaign.

‡ Vodafone used all of the commercial airtime across the STAR India network
from 9 p.m. on 20th September, 2007 to 9 p.m. on 21st September, 2007 to
run TV commercials.

‡ The 13 channels from the STAR bouquet included STAR Plus, STAR One,
STAR Gold, STAR Movies, STAR World, Channel [V], STAR Utsav, Vijay,
STAR News, STAR Ananda, STAR Majha, National Geographic channel
and History channel.

Star studded field for Vodafone
Delhi Half Marathon
‡ After 7 days of the historical takeover of
Vodafone over Hutch on 28th September,
2007 the Hutch Delhi Half Marathon was
then ³Vodafone Delhi Half Marathon´.
‡ Film actors and corporate majors like Yana Gupta, Nafisa Ali, Ajay Bijli of
the PVR Cinema Group, HSBC, HDFC, Google, Apollo Tyres, Cannon,
American Express Bank, Coca Cola, TV 18, NDTV, ABN Amro, ONGC, DELL
and Ericsson took part.

‡ Some of the biggest names in long distance running, Francis Kibiwott and
Lineth Chepkirui, have confirmed their presence.

‡Vodafone announces a cash prize of Rs. 1 lakh to the winner, the team
members of the winning team got Rs. 5000 each and the three runners up
teams got Rs. 20,000 each. 30,000 participants took part.

Vodafone and Coke joined 9XM
as platinum sponsors

‡ Vodafone with Coca Cola has roped with INX Media's music channel 9XM
as their platinum sponsors for one year.

‡ Platinum sponsor's name will be flashed everywhere which will bring

Vodafone as well in picture.

‡ And 9XM have said that for the platinum sponsors who continue with the
music channel in the second year, } ª has promised ³

IPL: Vodafone Essar is official
telecom partner
‡ Vodafone Essar had signed a five-year sponsorship deal with the IPL to
become the its Official Telecom Partner and Official Ground Sponsor for 5
years until 2012.

‡ Partnership is worth $ 5 million for each of the five years

‡ Under the deal, which was estimated to be worth around $25 million,
Vodafone customers were able to order tickets for IPL matches on the
company¶s Vodafone live service

‡ And could also participate in the µPredict the Man of the Match¶ contest and
the winner were announced as the µVodafone Winner of the contest¶ at the
post-match presentation ceremony of the finals.

Unlimited Talk Time for Puzzles
at Vodafone

‡ Vodafone produced a set of puzzles for conversation, reminding customers

that there is unlimited talk time on their plans.

‡ Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Is the glass half empty or half
full? Is the zebra black with white stripes or white with black stripes? And
the winner would win unlimited talk time for his/her life time.

Vodafone pug ad receives notice
from Animal Welfare Board
‡ Vodafone and Nirvana Films had received a legal notice from the Animal
Welfare Board of India (AWBI) on 25th April, 2008 which alleged that the
firms resorted to cruelty to animals by showing a pug running after a school

‡ As per the legal notice the third sequence in the ad film for Vodafone¶s
Customer Service was found to be objectionable by the Film Screening
Committee which had asked for the portion to be deleted.

‡ In regard to this Nirvana Films who have shot the advertisement claim to
have shot the ad in South Africa after procuring a fitness certificate duly
signed by the veterinary doctor.

Arun ± 07D0004
Dinesh ± 07D0013
A. Mukesh Chandra Mishra ± 07D0027
Aditiya Jha ± 07D0029
Thank you Deepak Singh
Pankaj Agarwal
± 07D0031
± 07D0037
Mohammad Sufiyan Khan ± 07D0038
Harsha Narvakar ± 07D0066
Pankaj Jhunjhunwala ± 07D0099


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