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Medical entomolgy contd.

Class Insecta Mosquitoes: Anopheles Culicines Flies: Houseflies Sand flies Tsetse flies Black flies Human lice: Head and body lice Crab lice Fleas: Rat fleas Sand fleas Reduviid bugs:

Class Aracnida Hard tick Soft tick Mites: Leptotrombidium and Trombiculid mites Itch mite

Class Crustacea Cyclops

Arthropod born diseases:

1 2 Mosquitoes Housefly Malaria, filaria, viral encephalitis, viral fever, viral hemorrhagic fever, dengue fever Typhoid, diarrhoea, dysentry, cholera, gastroenterities, amoeabiasis, helminthic infestations, poliomyelities, conjunctivitis, trachoma, anthrax etc. Kala-azar, sandfly fever, oriental sore Sleeping sickness Endemic typhus, relapsing fever, pediculosis Bubonic plague etc Tick typhus, viral fever, KFD, tularemia Q fever, relapsing fever Scabies Guinea worm disease, fish tape-worm Enteric pathogens

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Sandfly Tsetse fly Louse Rat flea Hard tick Soft tick Itch mite Cyclops Cockroaches

Three types of mosquitoes: Anophelini: Culicini Toxorhynchitini

Differences in Culex and Anopheles Mosquitoes

Genus Egg: Larvae Anophelini Laid singly Boat shaped, later floats Rest parralel to water No syphon tube Palmate hairs present Surface feeder Abdominal segments are much curved Siphon tube is broad and short When at rest, inclined at an angle to surface Wings spotted Palpi long in both sexes Ringing noise Culicini Laid in cluster (100-200 in each rafts) Suspended with head downwards at an angle to water surface water Bottom feeder Abdominal segments are less curved Siphon tube is long and narrow When rested, the body exhibits a hunch back position Wings unspotted Palpi short in female Quiet







Some terminologies

Anthropophilic: term applied to mosquito with a tendency to feed on human Zoophilic: on animal Ornithophilic: on birds Endophilic: to feed indoors Exophagy: to feed outdoors Endophily: to rest outsides Exophily: to rest outdoors

Mosquito control methods:

Anti larval measures

Environmental control:

Environmental engineering e.g. proper drainage and sewerage management, source reduction e.g. for mansonia the aquatic plants to which larva are attached should be removed Mineral oils: cuts off the air supply, 40-90 liters per hectare, can be sprayed once a week Paris green: cupper acetoarsenite, stomach poison, mainly kills anipheles larva, 2% paris green can be used Synthetic insecticides: DDT, BHC, Fenthion, Malathion etc.
Gambusia, guppies

Chemical control:

Biological control:

Anti-adult measures

Residual sprays: DDT( 1-2 grms /sq meter, 1-3 times per year) BHC etc Space sprays: Pyrethrum extract (1 0z of pyrethrum per 1000 cubic ft area) Genetic control: sterile male technique, chromosomal translocations, cytoplasmic incompatibility, sex distortion, gene replacement etc. Mosquito nets: openings of the nets should be less than 0.0475 inch in diameter Screening: screening with copper or bronze gauze Repellents: Diethyle toluamide, dimethyle pthalate, dimethyle carbamate etc.

Protection against mosquito bites

Integrated vector control method

Multiple approaches Use of all known control technologies Not dependent on a single method More effective Problems: cost, acceptability of methods, skills, equipments etc.


Surveillance Environmental management Biological control Chemical control Genetic control Community participation/health education Legislation


Used to determine density and distribution of vectors Important for decision making Larval surveys Adult surveys

Environmental management

Environmental modifications e.g. impounding, drainage, filling, stream improvement Environmental manipulation e.g. stream flushing, fluctuation of water level etc. Modification or manipulation of human habitation or behaviours

Biological control

Predators: fish gambusia Parasites: romanomermis Pathogens: B. sphaericus etc. Fungi: Coelomomyces, legenidium etc Viruses Protozoans Others carnivorous plants

Chemical control

Types of insecticides: oc, op, carb, pyr, rep Formualtions Toxicity/hazards Dosages Application equipments Safe handling Resistance detection

Genetic control

Sterile male technique Sex ratio distortion Chromosomal translocation Competitive displacement Cytoplasmic incompatibility Genetic manipulation/engineering

Community partcipation/HE

Motivate community to take aprt in vector control activies Need to combine with health education Use mass media


Destruction of disease bearing insects act Prevention and control of infectious diseases act

Entomological field technique

Role of entomological work: -identification of the vectors responsible for transmission of the disease -Provision of basic information on vector species for planning purposes -Monitoring of the impact of control measures

Types of mosquito survey:

Preliminary survey

Gather baseline data Provide information on

Mosquito species present Confirmation of vectors The ecology of adult vectors Larval habitats Susceptibility tests

Regular or trend observation

Long term observation Operational survey or monitoring Reduction or increase in vector density Changes in vector biology Numbers and proportions of vector species with sporozoites in salivary glads Susceptibility of vectors to insecticides

Spots check:

Conducted randomly in selected areas to supplement routine observation or obtain a clearer indication of the effects of control measures Fixed stations often used to monitor mosquito populations may not be representative of all areas in areas of new or persistent vector borne diseases

Foci investigations:

Collecting methods for

Qualitative studies Quantitative studies Population dynamics Biology and behavior of vector Monitoring vector mosquitoes Collecting live materials Susceptibility testing Mark release capture

AIMS of vector study:

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