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Is the sudden release of potential energy producing

a localized increase in pressure.


INJURIES THAT IS PRODUCED BY EXPLOSION MUST BE CONCERNED IN DETERMINING THE FOLL: 1. What exploded? 2. What caused it to explode? 3. How it produced the injury? 4. How was it initiated?

CLASSIFICATION of EXPLOSION as to the source of energy

1. Mechanical(Hydraulic)explosion

this occurs when the pressure inside a container

exceeds its structural strength.

Ex. Explosion of air pressure tanks for cleaning

Water pressure tank to establish water pressure Air pumped kerosene burner

Hydraulic explosion

2. Electrical explosion - when electricity arc through the air ,a phenomena

that occurs when an objects of different electrical potential are brought close to one another, a large amount of heat develops .
Ex. Lightning (is an electrical charge in the



It is an about 1,500 million volts & 2,000 amperes. The effects of lightning are due to both the passage of

very high potential electricity producing electrical burns or death & to the blasting effect of the rapidly expanding air producing laceration & distortion of body parts.
Death from lightning are not common & purely


3. Nuclear explosion

-release of a significant amount of energy by fusion or fission & consequently with significant increase in destructiveness.

Ex . Atomic explosion


Effects of Atomic explosion in the body:

1. Blast injury- destructive effect in the body

2. Heat injury emits radiation & even melts the

sand due to intense heat 3. Mechanical injury- flying objects results from the blast 4. Radiation injury

4. Chemical explosion

-occurs when a chemical reaction produces heat & gas at a rate faster than the surroundings can dissipate. TYPES : a) Diffused reactant explosion cause by a mixture of gas & air Ex. Internnal combustion engine b) Condensed reactant explosion chemical explosion occurs when large quantity of heat & gas is produced as a result of rapid chemical reaction in a solid or liquid material.


Classified as: 1. Low order explosive (Deflagrating explosive)

Ex. Gunpowder 2. High order explosive ---Detonation---is a chemical process which results in the extremely rapid decomposition of nitrogenous compound. Ex. Dynamite---stable high order explosive (nitroglycerine trinitrobenzene(picric acid), fulminate of mercury,lead,antimony or bismuth unstable high order explosive.


Death or Physical injuries due to Detonation of High explosives maybe due to the foll:
1. if the victim is in contact with the explosive as

when he is manipulating ,carrying or sitting on it at the time of the explosion,there is complete disruption or fragmentation of the body.
2. if the victim is not so close to the site of explosion

,the body through badly injured may remain in one piece.Some parts may be dismembered but may be recovered within a few meters. 3-9.....

Identification of the Site of Explosion & Collection of Evidences

1. Site of explosion presence of cater 2. All blown out materials must be tested for

explosive residues. 3. Smell the odor of the gas ---pour the water out of the container ,the surrounding air will immediately replace the water removed from the bottle sealed for laboratory examination. 4. Fragments of explosive materials & debris recovered maybe rinsed with hot water so that watersoluble inorganic subs(nitrates & chlorates) maybe extracted.Rinse w/ acetoneexplosives are soluble to acetone.

Atomic bomb explosion

Explosion is caused by the fission of about 100

pounds of uranium & liberates energy equal to that of a million tons of TNT.
Place of Atomic explosion: 1. Aerial explosion 2. Ground explosion

3. Submarine explosion


Characteristics of Nuclear Bomb Explosion that distinguishes it from Conventional bomb is many thousand times as powerful as a highly

conventional bomb explosion & the effects of the blast are very prominent. 2. a large proportion of its energy is emitted as thermal radiation ,causing skin burns & is capable of starting a fire at a considerable distance. 3. the explosion emits a highly penetrating & harmful radiation & the substance ,which remains after the explosion,continues to emit radiation over a long period of time.

Thank you......

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