Hebrew Literature

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Hebrew Literature

Foundation of Hebrew Literature

Talmud (oral law)

is a collection of treaties on the laws and legends of the Hebrews.

A. Old Testament ( 39 books) -about the history of the Hebrew people and their laws. B. New Testament ( 27books ) -about the life and sayings of Jesus Christ.

Characteristics of Hebrew literature

Passionate E motional N ationalistic Love of God- is the outstanding characteristic of Hebrew Literature.

Two great Hebrew poets 1. King David Israels greatest ruler. 2. Moses greatest legislator.

The Outstanding Books of the Old Testament

The Book of Ruth is a story of Moabite woman who had shown uncommon loyalty to her mother in-law. The Book of Judith is a thrilling murder story. She charms the Assyrian General, Holofernes, and murders him to save her people.

The Book of Job is about a man who patiently endured misfortune in life.

Job`s account
a. Has a seven son and a 3 daughter. All of them died including his wife. b. All his possessions were destroyed. c. Boils had struck him. d. His wife told him to curse wife told him to curse God.

The Four Books of kings

-is all about governance of different rulers in Israel. a. Samuel a great leader b. Saul weak and unworthy c. Jonathan good and brave man but not strong enough to be a leader. d. David a man of intellect and action.

The Book of Joshua

a. How Moses led his people out of slavery in Egypt. b. How the City of Jericho was attacked and conquered. c. How the sun and the moon stood still to help the Israelites against their enemies.

The Book of Judges

- is a story of heroine, Deborah, like Joan of Arc. The Book of Psalms- is a hymnbook of prayer . The Psalm of David is the best Psalm in the Bible.

Quiz #1
A. Identify: 1. This term means a faithful reproduction of life. 2. He is the pinnacle of Gods creation. 3. It is considered as the oral law of the Hebrew. 4. The total books of the Old Testament. 5. It is the best Psalm in the Bible. 6. It is the outstanding characteristic of the Hebrew Literature. 7. It is a book in the Bible that means The Beginning. 8. She is a Moabite woman who shows uncommon loyalty to her mother in- law. 9. He was a Biblical character and king considered as a man of intellect and action. 10. It is the symbolic meaning of Cain. 11. The synonym for the word legislator.

B. Fill in the grid:


Manner of Manner of Writing Delivery

______________ _______________




C. Give the dominant themes of the following:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Book of Ruth The Book of Judith The Book of Psalms The Book of Judges The Book of Job

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