Soccer Practice Drills

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The first point of this series of articles is combined with the one on the preparation technical-tactical. 4 Weeks centered on the maximal aerobic power and Soccer practice drills(with need to calculate the value of the VMA from one of the tests are the most known) as well as the speed portion.

In this article and in the following we will talk about the athletic preparation as an adjutant of the technical-tactic. We begin quickly with big words: "adjuvant", adjective little employee, meaning "for the purpose of helping, assistance ".soccer practice drills for u8 In medicine the term adjuvant therapy" indicates a medical therapy accessory which supports the main. In football we find ourselves on this question is the same situation, in the sense that the athletic preparation must, or at least should, placing themselves as a means "adjuvant" toward the party techno-tactic. If we wanted to express the concept, as it is said "in simple words, ", we must always tender, well present to the spirit that we must create or athletes of half-substance or of sprinters, and still less of the rails of cast iron. But of footballers. Therefore, the main objectives of the athletic preparation must necessarily be the latter.

efense" by copy Beyond this main concept, another thesis of basis is to consider that the meeting of athletic preparation must not constitute the "photocopy", that is to say again in terms of physiological impact, what is done or what will be in the meeting technical-tactical, but, on the contrary, must supplement the latter or add a type of work which the answer on compensatory would be impossible to achieve in the area of the drive with the ball.indoor soccer practice drills Always in this area, and with the same end, returning all the jobs of type preventive and/or conservatory tending to the support and optimize the job technically-tactic. Periodization of the main objectives.

Another question Other possible and legitimate question: "the level of aerobic power can it not is in any way increased already sufficiently through the exercises with ball led to high intensity? Let's argue the answer. The criteria for the achievement of VO max (and consequently of the VMA, maximum speed, aerobic)free soccer drills are substantially of four, that is to say: "The obtaining of a "plateau" of consumption drastically"The attainment of 90-95% of FC theoretical maximum; "The obtaining of QR (respiratory quotient) > of 1.1; "The production of a quota of lactate > 8 Mol".

First monthly meeting - 2 repetitions of 1000 meters; 2 repetitions of 800 meters; 2 repetitions of 600 meters. Total mileage: 4800 meters; Second monthly meeting - 3 repetitions of 1000 meters; 2 repetitions of 800 meters; 2 repetitions of 600 meters. Total distance: 5800 meters. Third monthly meeting - 2 repetitions of 1000 meters; 3 repetitions of 800 meters; 2 repetitions of 600 meters; 1 repetition of 400. Total distance: 6000 meters. Fourth monthly meeting - 2 repetitions of 800 meters, 3 repetitions of 600 meters, 6 repetitions of 400 meters. Total distance: 5800 meters.

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