IS202 Data Management: General Information 2013 - 2014 Term 2

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IS202 Data Management

General Information 2013 - 2014 Term 2

Celebrate a New Year 2014!


Course Information
IS202 Data Management
Faculty: Prof. LIM Ee Peng (email:, office: SIS-RM4025, Tel 6828-0781) Prof. Kyriakos MOURATIDIS (email:, office: SIS-RM4023, Tel 6828-0649) Prof. Baihua Zheng(email:, office: SIS-RM4039, Tel 6828-0915) Ms. CHUA Hong Ngoh (, office: SIS-RM4056, Tel 6828-0907) Ms. Fiona LEE (email:, office: SIS-RM4056, Tel 6828-1982) Ms. RAMACHANDRA RAO Vandana (email:, office: SIS-RM4033, Tel 6828-0230) G1 Tuesday (12:00 15:15) [SIS Seminar Room 2.1] Faculty: Baihua Zheng, Instructor: Vandana, TA: Terence CHU Tailun G2 Wednesday (12:00 15:15) [SIS Seminar Room 2.1] Faculty: Baihua Zheng, Instructor: Fiona, TA: HENG U San G3 Thursday (12:00 15:15) [SIS Seminar Room 2.3] Faculty: Baihua Zheng, Instructor: Hong Ngoh, TA: TAN Siying G4 Monday (8:15 11:30) [SIS Seminar Room 3.1] Faculty: Lim Ee-Peng, Instructor: Vandana, TA: OH Peng Ho G5 Tuesday (8:15 11:30) [SIS Seminar Room 3.1] Faculty: Lim Ee-Peng, Instructor: Hong Ngoh, TA: Sulovna SUSANT G6 Monday (15:30 18:45) [SIS Seminar Rm 3.3] Faculty: Kyriakos MOURATIDIS, Instructor: Fiona, TA: NG Boon Thai G7 Tuesday (15:30 18:45) [SIS Seminar Rm 2.1] Faculty: Kyriakos MOURATIDIS, Instructor, Instructor: Fiona, TA: LAM Kee Wei G8 Wednesday (15:30 18:45) [SIS Seminar Rm 2.1] Faculty: Kyriakos MOURATIDIS, Instructor, Instructor: Vandana, TA: LIM Yi Sheng



Course Information (contd)

Text book (optional)
Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Ramesh Venkataraman, Heikki Topi: Modern Database Management, International Edition, 10th Edition, published by Pearson Education Limited, 2011

What We will Learn from this Course?

Understand the role of databases in integrating various business functions in an organization Understand data modeling, conceptual, logical and physical database design Apply the fundamental techniques of data modeling to a real project Query a database using Structured Query Language Gain familiarity with some commercial database tools (MySQL) Be aware of common issues of business database design and maintenance: re-design requirements, requirement analysis, interview design, etc

Learning Outcome

Integration of Business & Technology in a sector context

1.1 Business IT Value Linkage skills

IT architecture, design and development skills

2.1 System requirements Specification skills 2.2 Software and IT architecture and Design skills (main focus) 2.3 Implementation skills (main focus)


Learning to Learn skills

4.1 Search skills 4.2 Skills for developing a methodology for learning


Communication skills
8.1 Presentation skills 8.2 Writing skills

Available at:

Course Information (contd)

Course work:
1 group project: 25% 1 final exam (13:00-15:00, Apr 16 2014): 35% 2 in-class personal assignments: 30%
Week 5 (19:30 - 21:00, Feb 6, 2014): ER Modeling (15%) Week 12(19:30 21:00, Mar 27, 2014): SQL (15%)

Class participation: 10%

Pop quiz (no advance notification)
All the topics taught till the quiz will be included in these quizzes Different groups might have different schedules

Attendance Participation in classroom discussion Lab performance

Course Information (contd)

Course schedule
Week 1: Concept of Data Management and the Database Environment Week 2: Modeling Data in the Organization (Visio installation due) Week 3: Enhanced E-R Model and Business Rules Week 4: Data Modeling Exercises Week 5: Logical Design Part 1: Relational model (ER test, WAMP/SQL Query Browser installation due) Week 6: SQL (project phase I due) Week 7: SQL: Join Tables Week 8: Recess Week 9: SQL: Subquery Week 10: Logical Design Part 2: Data Normalization (project phase II due) Week 11: PHP Lab 1 Week 12: PHP Lab 2 (SQL test) Week 13: Visio Lab (project phase III due) Week 14: No lecture, project final presentation Week 15: Exam Week (Final Exam, week 15)

Course Policies
Class starts on time (so be here early) and ends on time Pop-quiz can pop-up at any time and no makeup for missed pop quiz Keep your email box open, we won't resend messages Make sure VISIO, WAMP and MySQL are installed before the deadline
Detailed installation documents and deadline for the installation will be distributed later Help will be provided Part of your class participation marks will be deducted if you have not installed them before the deadline

Course Policies (contd)

Absence request must reach us before the start of your scheduled slot All the deadlines are firm!
Marks will be deducted for late submissions Ask instructors for approval for some special cases (e.g., medical leave)

Reviewing of graded submission is allowed

Reviewing is based on the whole submission, but not a particular question The grade after reviewing will become the final mark of that submission

Learning Suggestions
Interest is the most important!!! Please read the text before the lecture
A reading assignment will be given to you

Please review the notes and text after the lecture Please test and experience software as much as possible and try to get familiar with the software You are encouraged to discuss with your classmates if you have any difficulties with assignment, but do not copy the answers


Learning Suggestions (contd) Please write down all the questions and try to find the answers by
asking lecturer, course mentors, and classmates searching the Internet solving them by yourself No question is stupid and no question is too simple


This course is challenging

One of the first two courses to introduce design process Finish the class within 13 weeks Learn 3 new software

We are here and ready to help you!


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