Recruitment & Selection: Think of A Firm U Want 2 Join

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Recruitment & Selection

Think of a firm u want 2 join.

Which factors attract u towards the Co.?

Which factors attract the Co. towards u or the applicant?

Learning Outcomes
Definition and concept of Recruitment Factors Affecting Recruitment Recruitment Policy Equal Employment, Diversity and Discrimination Issues Sources of recruitment Information technology and HR recruiting on the net (e-Recruitment) Methods and Techniques of recruitment Selection Process Person Job Fit Person Organization Fit Elements of Selection Process Steps in the Selection Procedure Various types of Tests Reliability and Validity of Selection Process Selection Interview: Methods and Process (including reference check and medical examination) Placement and induction Competency testing systems 1/17/2014 manisha saxena 2

A process of generating a pool of qualified applicants for organizational jobs by identifying, attracting n obtaining as many applications as possible from eligible job-seekers. The discovering of potential applicants for actual or anticipated organizational vacancies. A linking activity bringing together those with jobs and those seeking jobs in the labour markets (ext supply pool from which employers attract employees). A process to discover sources of manpower. i.e. a +ive activity. hiring ratio=no. of applicants for a job. Searching-ie methods n techs or ways of establishing links with the prospective employees: Direct, Indirect, Third party (Various agencies, public employment xchange, mgmt. consulting firms, 1/17/2014 3 professional societies, TU) manisha saxena

Purposes n Importance
Represents the first contact that a company makes with potential employees. Determine present n future rqrmts acc.g 2 HRP n JA. pool of job candidates/ high quality applicants at min cost. Meet org.s legal n social obligations w.r.t composition of workforce. Evaluate the effectiveness of various recruiting techniques n sources for all types of job applicants. GIGO principle 1/17/2014 manisha saxena 4

Strategic R decisions
Recruiting efforts 2 b continuous (keeps the employer in the mkt n bld its brand n image) or intensive (vigourous R campaign to hire employees in short duration) Org based vs outsourced Regular vs flexible employees (temps/ independent contractors) R n EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) by being an equal opportunity employer R n Diversity (racial/age/single parents/ disabilities etc.)
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Factors Governing R

External Forces Internal Forces

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Supply and Demand Unemployment rate Labor mkt/ employability Political-Legal (reservations/ central n state acts) Sons of soil (people of the state 2 b preferred) Image
R policy (int or ext) Effects of past recruiting efforts HRP Size of the firm Seasonality of operations Cost of recruiting Working conditions, Salary n Benefits Growth n expansion 6

Recruiting process
(an ideal R prog is one that attracts a relatively larger no. of qualified applicants who will survive the screening process and accept position with the org. when offered.)
Recruiting rqrd Personnel
(job vacancies:


how many n what types

Selecting qualified personnel

Plcg selected Personnel on job

Strategy devt:
Finding n developing sources of Potential Employees (make or buy) where (national vs regional or local) how (methods of R/use of tech) when

Searching for prospective Employees

Source activation


Evaluating n ctrlg Effectiveness of recruitment

Transferring to new job Upgrading in same position Promoting to higher job Providing info Clarifying doubts
R plng, strategy 7 Srchg, screening

Personal research Internal sources

Job posting experience

Ext. sources


Employee referrals advertising manisha saxena scouting

Recruiting Yield Pyramid

(yield ratios, yRs, express the relationship of applicant inputs to outputs at various decision pts.) Offer acceptance Job offer Invited for final interview
Invited to screening interview

20 30 40

Offers/Acceptance (3:2) Interviews/Offers (4:3) Screening/Invites (5:1) Contacts/Screens (10:1)

Initial contacts


Here an overall yR is 100:1. Thus a requirement of 30 hires, during a specified 1/17/2014 manisha saxena 8 period would mean a R target of 3000

Sources of recruitment
External-Sources outside the org. eg. Media, employment agencies Internal-personnel already on New entrants to the labour force- young, mostly inexperienced potential the pay-roll of the org.-present employees- the college students thru working force campus or walk-ins, write-ins n talk-ins, Rerecruiting- Also who were e-recruiting. once on the pay-roll of the co. The unemployed or displaced with a wide but plan to return or the co. range of skills and abilities wants to rehire. Eg. Leave of Retired experienced persons-mechanics, absence, VRS, production laym/c.sts, a/c tants and also competitors offs. (poaching or raiding). Upgraded, transferred, Others not in the labour force-married promoted or demoted woman, persons from minority gp may b thru radio n TV Job posting Professional or trade associations/ Employee focused (referrals) employment xs/consultants (charge fees=20-50% of 1st yr salary of the individual placed)/ contractors (for casual workers) 1/17/2014 manishasaxena 9 Job fairs

Internal vs External
+ives Provide the requisite and new type of personnel, with the skill, trng n education n +ives new perspective. Improves employee morale Large mkt. hence no distinctions of caste, sex Employer in a better position to or color/ reservations taken care of. evaluate Economical in the long run as potential Promotes loyalty among the employees employees do not need extra trng for their jobs. Little trng rqrd as they know all about Can fulfil reservation rqrmt the co n its policies Away from int politics Tried n tested people thus can be relied Temporary n part-time employees upon -ives Less costly Low motivation n morale as no promotion -ives Rt person not selected Inbreeding New employees adjustment time is long Discourages new blood Brain drain when experienced persons are Possibilty that dry source raided or hunted by sister concerns. No innovations (ads, style, designing n Blind ads research) Is ur advertisement getting results? It sure Promotion on seniority. Merit may is! Last week we advertised for a night suffer watchman and the next week we were robbed. Likes n dislikes of mgmt. play an imp. So 4 pt guide to construct ad: AIDA (attention, Role thus politics plays imp role. interest, desire, action) 1/17/2014 manisha saxena 10 Cost of pg corporate ad in TOI=2.75lakh

Internet R
Internet links Web 2.0 sites Blogs Twitters E video Sites using Special software: internet job boards, career websites, employer websites R n internet social networking Legal implications Advantages n disadvantages
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Organizational budget

Current / anticipated job openings

Experiences with prior college graduates n interns

College Recruiting: Employer Aspects

Reputation of firm at college n with previous graduates

College graduate speciality prog n faculty links

College placement office reputation, assistance n prog


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Philosophies of Effective R
Resume Mining Applicant tracking Employer career website Internal mobility Realistic Job Previews(RJP): Provides complete job-related info (both +ive n ive) 2 d applicants so that they can make rt decisions before taking up job Responsive recruitment Job Compatibility Questionnaire( JCQ) To determine whether an applicants preferences for work match the characteristics of the job. Alternatives to R Overtime Employee leasing/ staff outsourcing 1/17/2014 manisha saxena 13 Temporary employment/ just-in-time employees.

Good training will not make up for bad selection. Hire hard, manage easy.

A process of choosing the most suitable persons out of all applicants. A -ive step as more rejection. Involves comparison n choice of candidates. An imp. function to achieve goals with the rt people. Person/org fit: congruence bet individuals n factors
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Outcomes of a selection Decision

Failure Predicted Success Predicted


False negative error (rejection of an applicant who would hv succeeded)

True positive (high hit) Hired expecting success n results in the same


True negative (low hit) Failure predicted n happens

False positive error (selection of an applicant expecting success but failure occurs)


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Person-Organization Fit


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Criteria, Predictors, and Job Performance

Selection Criterion
A characteristic that a person must have to do a job successfully

The correlation between a predictor and job performance

The extent to which a predictor repeatedly produces the same results, over time.
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Job Performance, Selection Criteria, and Predictors


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Selection Process Flow Chart


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Types of Pre-Employment Testing Used


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Selection and Testing: Ability Tests

Cognitive Ability Tests Measure an individuals thinking, memory, reasoning, and verbal and mathematical abilities. Physical Ability Tests Measure strength, endurance, and muscular movement Psychomotor Tests Measure dexterity, hand-eye coordination, arm-hand steadiness, and other factors. Work Sample Tests Require an applicant to perform a simulated task. Assessment Centers A series of evaluation exercises and tests used for the selection and development of managerial personnel. Multiple raters assess participants in multiple exercises and problems that are job content-related to the jobs for which the individuals are being screened. Personality Tests Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) Myers-Briggs Honest and Integrity Testing Overt integrity tests Personality-oriented integrity tests Polygraphs (lie detector) Polygraph testing in pre-employment is prohibited (in most instances) by the Employee Polygraph Protection Act. 1/17/2014 manisha saxena 21

Types of Selection Interviews


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Common Selection Interview Questions


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JA Recruitment Application form Written exam Preliminary interview Application blank or form-for preliminary info. GD Tests (ability, aptitude, personality, interest, graphology, polygraph, medical-2 b valid, reliable, objective n std.ised, tailor made) Final employment interview (strd, unstrd, mixed, behavioral, stressful) Medical examination-as per rqrmt of job (sight, hearing etc.) Reference n b/g checks-evaluation of former employers, friends n professionals Job offer. Final decision by the line mgr. Employment contract Evaluation X--------------------X
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