Design of A Solar Tracking System

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This project will consist of a solar panel whose position is controlled by a DC motor. The motor is made to rotate in such a way that it always positions to an area where maximum sunlight falls .This is done by making use of a Light Dependent Resistor.
LDRs are placed in the solar panel to detect the sunlight. The detected values from the LDRs are compared and the region having the maximum sunlight is identified. Then turns the motor to that position where maximum sunlight falls.

Solar energy is a very large, inexhaustible source of energy. The power from the sun intercepted by the earth is approximately 1.8*1011MW, which is many thousands of times larger than the present consumption rate on the earth of all commercial energy sources. A day will come when all the fossil fuels are exhausted. With rising fuel costs, climate change concerns and a growing demand for electricity, renewable energy resources such as solar power and wind power will become the dominant part of the worlds energy mix. Unlike fossil fuels and nuclear power, it is environmentally a clean source of energy. It is also non-polluting and reliable.

Problem Statement
The solar panels must remain in front of sun during the whole day. But due to rotation of earth those panels cant maintain their position always in front of sun. This problem results in decrease of their efficiency. If the solar panel can be made to turn according to the movement of sun from morning to evening, then the efficiency of the solar panel can be increased. Using this automated tracking system, the panel can be kept perpendicular to the sun throughout the day.

The aim of this project will be to utilize the maximum solar energy through solar panel. For this a digital based automatic sun tracking system is proposed. This project helps the solar power generating equipment to get the maximum sunlight automatically thereby increasing the efficiency of the system. The solar panel tracks the sun from east to west automatically for maximum intensity of light. To construct a model solar tracking system with mechanical assembly to move the panel through 1800

To design an electric circuit to sense the intensity of light and control the motor movement.

Solar Array and Sensors Setup

Scope of the Project

Solar power is a renewable energy source. It cannot be used up thus is effective in reducing the usage of fossil fuels. However, there are many problems associated with its use, the main problem is that it is dilute source of energy. Even in the hottest regions on the earth, the solar radiations flux available rarely exceeds 1 KW/m, which is a low value for technological utilization. Problem associated with the use of solar energy is that its availability varies widely with time. To rectify these above problems the solar panel should be such that it always receives maximum intensity of light. For existing solar panels, which are without any control systems, typical level of efficiency varies from 6% to 30% - a level that should improve measurably if the present interest continues.

By extracting more power from the same solar panel, the cost per watt will be decreased, thereby rendering solar power much more cost-effective than previously achieved using fixed solar panels. It will increase the efficiency of a solar panel from 30% to around 70% thereby generating more electricity.

Data Collection Data Analysis
Design and Drawings Construction of model prototype

Preliminary Project Reporting


Final Report

The research will be both quantitative and qualitative in nature Data collection method. Library research will be carried out to gather literature about obtain some background information on solar cells and methods of energy collection, various tracking systems available. The internet will also be of use in gathering background information about solar technologies and its applications around the world. Journals, magazines and library search will be good sources of information. Computer aided design software will be used for circuit design and simulation.

Work Plan
No. Activity Timeline

2. 3. 4.

Proposal Presentation
Data Collection Data Analysis Design and Drawings

December 2013
Dec 2013-Mar 2014 Dec 2013-Mar 2014 April-May 2014

6. 7.

Construction of model prototype

Report Compilation Presentation and Submission of Report

April-May 2014
May 2014 May 2014

Liaqat,R.,(2010).Comparison of Standard Photovoltaic Elements and TRAXLE products, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology , 41, pp 45-46 Gavin D.J. Harper,(2007).Solar Energy Projects for the Evil Genuis, pg 130-133 Rizk,J. And Y.Chico.,(2008).Solar Tracking System:More Efficient Use of Solar Panels,World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 41,pp 313-315 Robert Foster, Majid Ghassemi, Alma Cota, Solar Energy: Renewable Energy and the Environment.

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