The Technology Integration Planning Model: Mary Monroe Fall 2007 MEDT 3401

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The Technology Integration Planning Model

Mary Monroe Fall 2007 MEDT 3401

An Overview of the TIP Model

This model gives teachers a general approach to addressing challenges involved in integrating technology into teaching ! The T"# Model provides a help$%l g%ide on proced%res and iss%es to address &p! '2(!

An Overview of the TIP Model

Each o$ the model)s $ive phases o%tlines a set o$ planning and implementation steps that help ens%re technology %se *ill +e e$$icient and s%ccess$%l in meeting needs &p! '2(!
Phase 1 Determine the Relative Advantage

Phase 2 Decide on Objectives

Phase 3 Design Integration Strategies

Phase 4 Prepare the Instructional nvironment

Phase ! valuate and Revise Integration Strategies

Phase 1: Determine Relative Advantage

,ecogni-e relative advantage #hase 1 .%estions
/hat is the pro+lem " am addressing0
Do not $oc%s on technologies 1oo2 $or evidence

Do technology3+ased methods o$$er a sol%tion *ith s%$$icient relative advantages0

Phase 1: Determine Relative Advantage

Estimate the impact 4onsider the re5%ired e$$ort and e6pense

Phase 2: Decide on Ob ectives and Assessments

E6ample o%tcomes7 o+8ectives7 and assessments
9igher achievement7 cooperative *or27 attit%de7 and improved o%tcome

#hase 2 .%estions
/hat o%tcomes do " e6pect $rom %sing the ne* methods0
Foc%s on res%lts7 not process

Phase 2: Decide on Ob ectives and Assessments

Ma2e a statement o+serva+le and meas%ra+le

/hat are the +est *ays o$ assessing these o%tcomes0

:se *ritten test to assess s2ill achievement o%tcomes :se eval%ation criteria chec2lists to assess comple6 tas2s or prod%cts :se r%+rics to assess comple6 tas2s or prod%cts

Phase 2: Decide on Ob ectives and Assessments

:se 1i2ert scale3type s%rveys or semantic di$$erentials to assess attit%de o%tcomes :se o+servation instr%ments to meas%re $re5%ency o$ +ehaviors

Phase !: Design Integration "trategies

Deciding on teaching;learning methods
:se directed and constr%ctivist strategies

#hase 3 .%estions
/hat 2inds o$ instr%ctional methods are needed in light o$ content o+8ectives and st%dent characteristics0

Phase !: Design Integration "trategies

4ontent approach <ro%ping approach
/hole class7 individ%al7 pairs7 and small gro%p

9o* can technology +est s%pport these methods0

,e$er +ac2 to #hase 2

9o* can " prepare st%dents ade5%ately to %se technologies0

#repare and teach st%dents +e$ore graded prod%ct

Phase #: Pre$are the Instr%ctional &nvironment

Essential conditions $or e$$ective technology %ses
=de5%ate hard*are7 so$t*are7 and media Time to %se reso%rces >pecial needs o$ st%dents #lanning $or technology %se

#hase 4 .%estions

Phase #: Pre$are the Instr%ctional &nvironment

/hat e5%ipment7 so$t*are7 media7 and materials *ill " need to carry o%t the instr%ctional strategies0
4omp%ters 4opies o$ so$t*are and media =ccess to peripherals 9ando%ts and other materials

9o* sho%ld reso%rces +e arranged to s%pport instr%ction and learning0

Phase #: Pre$are the Instr%ctional &nvironment

=ccess +y st%dents *ith disa+ilities #rivacy and sa$ety iss%es

/hat planning is re5%ired to ma2e s%re technology reso%rces *or2 *ell0

Tro%+leshooting Test3r%ns and +ac2%p plans

Phase ': &val%ate and Revise Integration "trategies

Eval%ation iss%es
/ere o+8ectives achieved0 /hat do st%dents say0 4o%ld improving instr%ctional strategies or the environment improve res%lts0 9ave " integrated technology *ell0

#hase ' .%estions

Phase ': &val%ate and Revise Integration "trategies

9o* *ell has the technology integration strategy *or2ed0
=chievement and attit%de data >t%dents) comments

/hat co%ld +e improved to ma2e it *or2 +etter0

>ched%ling Technical s2ills E$$iciency

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