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Department of Child Health Faculty of Medicine University of Syiah Kuala

Biasanya dari TB dewasa dengan BTA (+) Transmisi melalui: udara : >90%, droplet nuclei 1-5 m oral : minum susu sapi yg terinfeksi kontak langsung: luka pada kulit kongenital : kehamilan, sangat jarang

Mycobacterium tuberculosis Mycobacterium bovis
Karakteristik: 1. Tahan asam 2. Pertumbuhan lambat 3. Hidup berminggu-minggu dalam kondisi kering 4. sensitif thdp sinar matahari, sinar ultraviolet, temp > 600 C

Location of primary focus in 2,114 cases, 1909-1928

Lung Intestine Skin Nose Tonsil Middle ear (Eustachian tube) Parotid Conjungtiva Undetermined

95.93 1.14 0.14 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.05 0.05 2.41

Source: Adapted from Ghon and Kudlich, in Engel and Pirquet (eds.), Handbuch de Kindertuberkulose, Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, 1930, Vol 1



Ingestion by PAMS

Intracellular multiplication of bacilli

Destruction of bacilli

Destruction of PAMS

Tubercle formation

Hilar lymph nodes

Calcification Caseation Hematogenous spread

Ghon Complex


Secondary lung lesions

Lesions in liver, spleen, kidneys, bone, brain, other organs

Figure 1. Pathogenesis of tuberculosis. PAMS, pulmonary alveolar macrophages

Inselman LS. Tuberculosis in children : An Update. Pediatr Pulmonol 1996; 21:101-20

Prognostic factors
A. TB bacilli : virulence infection dose B. Patient : General condition age Nutritional state Dosis infeksi lain misalnya morbili Genetik Tekanan fisik dan psikis, misalnya trauma, tindakan bedah

0. No contact, no infection (tuberculin negative) I. Contact, no infection (tuberculin negative) II. Contact, infection (tuberculin positive), no disease III. Tuberculosis (disease)

TB classification (ATS/CDC modified)

Class Contact Infection Disease
Manage ment

+ + +

proph I?
proph II?


+ +


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Tuberculin skin test Chest X ray Clinical manifestation Microbiologic Pathology Hematological Known infection source Others : serologic, lung function, bronchoscopy

Tuberculin test
TB infection
cellular immunity delayed type hypersensitivity tuberculin reaction

Strength First
tuberculin PPD-S

mg/dosis 0,00002 0,00001

TU 1 5 10 250

OT tuberculin PPD RT 23 2 TU mg/dosis dilution 2 5 100 0,01 0,1 1,0 1 10,000 1 2,000 1 1,000 1 100

Intermediate Second 0,005

Strength first
PPD S Seibert 1 TU 5-10 TU 250 TU PPD RT23 1 TU 2-5 TU 100 TU

(standard dose)


Tuberculin delivery
1. Mantoux : intradermal injection 2. Multiple puncture : Heaf, special apparatus with 6 needles Tine, disposable, 4 needles 3. Patch test

Mantoux 0.1 ml PPD intermediate strength location : volar lower arm reading time : 48-72 h post injection measurement : palpation, marked, measure report : in millimeter, even 0 mm Induration diameter : 0 - 5 mm : negative 5 - 9 mm : doubt > 10 mm : positive

Tuberculin positive
1. TB infection : infection without disease / latent TB infection infection and disease disease, post therapy 2. BCG immunization 3. Infection of Mycobacterium atypic

Tuberculin negative
1. No TB infection 2. Anergy 3. Incubation period

Mantoux tuberculin skin test

Tuberculin delivery
1. Mantoux : intradermal injection 2. Multiple puncture : Heaf, special apparatus with 6 needles Tine, disposable, 4 needles 3. Patch test

tuberculin temporarily give false negative : Severe TB, eg miliary TB Severe malnutrition Steroid therapy for long term Certain viral infection : morbili, varicella Certain bacterial infection : typhus abdominalis, diphtery, pertussis Vaccination with live virus : morbili, polio Malignancy : Hodgkin disease, leukemia

Imaging diagnostic
routine : chest X ray on indication : bone, joint, abdomen majority of CXR non suggestive TB pitfall in TB diagnostic

Radiologic appearance
Lymph node enlargement Primary focus Atelectasis Cavity Tuberculoma Pneumonia Air trapping Tracheobronchitis Bronchiectasis Pleural effusion Miliary spread

Clinical manifestation
None General manifestation Organ specific manifestation

General manifestation
Chronic fever Anorexia dan BB / tidak naik Malnutrition Malaise Chronic cough Chronic / recurrent diarrhea Others

Specific manifestation
according the involved organ

Respiratory : cough, dyspnea, wheezing Neurologic : convulsion, neck stiffness Orthopedic : gibbus, pincang Lymph node : enlargement, skrofuloderma Gastrointestinal : prolonged diarrhea

Pemeriksaan mikrobiologis
Memastikan D/ TB Hasil negatif tidak menyingkirkan D/ TB Hasil positif : 10 - 62 % (cara lama) Cara : cara lama, radiometrik, PCR

Not specific BSR could elevate Limphocyte could increase

Lymph node, hepar, pleura On indication

Infection source
Known source of infection, has diagnostic value Shaw (1954), level of infectiousness :
AFB (+) : 62.5 % AFB (-), M tb (+) : 26.8 % AFB (-), M tb (-) : 17.6 %

Other examinations
Uji faal paru Bronkoskopi Bronkografi Serologi MPB64

Complications of focus 1. Effusion 2. Cavitation 3. Coin shadow EVOLUTION AND TIMETABLE OF UNTREATED PRIMARY TUBERCULOSIS IN CHILDREN

Complications of nodes 1. Extension into bronchus 2. Consolidation 3. Hyperinflation

MENINGITIS OR MILIARY in 4% of children infected under 5 years of age Most children become tuberculin sensitive
Uncommon under 5 years of age 25% of cases within 3 months 75% of cases within 6 months

LATE COMPLICATIONS Renal & Skin Most after 5 years BRONCHIAL EROSION 3-9 months

A minority of children experience : 1. Febrile illness 2. Erythema Nodosum 3. Phlyctenular Conjunctivitis

PRIMARY COMPLEX Progressive Healing Most cases

Incidence decreases As age increased

BONE LESION Most within 3 years


4-8 weeks

3-4 weeks fever of onset

12 months

Resistance reduced : 1. Early infection (esp. in first year) 2. Malnutrition 3. Repeated infections : measles, whooping cough streptococcal infections 4. Steroid therapy

24 months


But still possible 90% in first 2 years

Miller FJW. Tuberculosis in children, 1982

Pengobatan TB
Permulaan intensif Kombinasi 3 atau lebih OAT Teratur dan lama Pemberian gizi yang baik Pengobatan dan pencegahan penyakit lain

Obat Anti Tuberkulosis (OAT)

1. Isoniazid (INH) : 5 - 15 mg/Kg BB/hari, max. 300 mg/hari oral 1 - 2 x / hari 2. Rifampisin : 10 - 20 mg/Kg BB/hari, max. 600 mg/hari oral 1 - 2 x / hari, perut kosong 3. Pirazinamid : 15 - 30 mg/Kg BB/hari, max. 2 gram/hari oral 1 - 2 x / hari (20 - 40 mg/Kg BB/hari) 4. Streptomisin : 20 - 40 mg /Kg BB/hari, max. 1gram/hari intramuskulus 5. Etambutol : 15 - 20 mg/Kg BB/hari, max. 1,5 gram/hari oral 1 x /hari, perut kosong 6. Lain-lain : Ethionamide, Kanamycin, Cycloserin, Ciprofloxacin

Populasi basil TB pada pasien

Kavitas, ekstrasel Jumlah populasi 107 - 109 Aktif Netral/basa INH, RIF, STREP Massa kiju 104 - 105 Dalam makrofag (intrasel) 104 - 105 Lambat Asam

Metabolisme dan perkembang biak

Obat paling efektif (berturut-turut)

Lambat atau intermiten





Number of bacilli per ml of sputum

107 106
Smear + Culture +

Sensitive organisms

Resistant organisms

105 104 103 102 101 Smear 100

Smear Culture +

Culture -




WHO 78351

Start of treatment (isoniazid alone)

Weeks of treatment
Toman K. Tuberculosis. WHO, 1979

Regimen of Antituberculosis drugs

2 mo
Directly Observed Treatment Short course (DOTS)

6 mo

9 mo

12 mo

Anti inflammation prednison : 1 - 3 mg/kg BB/hari, 3x/hari oral 2 - 4 minggu, tapering off Indications : TB milier Meningitis TB Pleuritis TB with effusion

Perbaikan sosio ekonomi Kemoprofilaksis Imunisasi BCG

Kemoprofilaksis primer
Mencegah infeksi Anak kontak dengan pasien TB aktif, tetapi belum terinfeksi (uji tuberculin negatif) Obat : INH 5 - 10 mg/kg BB/hari

Kemoprofilaksis sekunder
Mencegah penyakit TB pada anak yang terinfeksi : 1. Mantoux (+), R (-), klinis (-) : Umur < 5 th Kortikosteroid lama Limfoma, Hodgkin, lekemi Morbili, pertusis Akil baliq 2. Konversi Mt (-) menjadi (+) dalam 12 bl, R (-), klinis (-) Obat INH 5 - 10 mg/kg BB/hari

Imunisasi BCG
Imunitas spesifik Uji tuberculin menjadi (+) Mt (-) baru BCG Masal : langsung BCG tanpa Mt Reaksi lokal : membantu screening

Komplikasi tuberkulosis primer

1. Komplikasi komplex primer Fokus primer : kavitas, efusi pleura, dll Kelenjar : menekan bronkus, dll 2. Penyebaran hematogen Tuberkulosis milier Meningitis TB TB tulang dan sendi TB ginjal Lain-lain 3. Penyebaran limfogen 4. Per kontinuitatum

Tuberkulosis milier
Penyebaran hematogen akut dan menyeluruh Dapat menjadi kronik Tanpa obat bisa fatal Lesi-lesi ke seluruh tubuh Demam, hepatomegali, splenomegali, tuberkel koroid mata Pungsi lumbal

Pleuritis TB dengan efusi

Pleuritis TB biasanya dengan efusi Terjadi karena : Perluasan fokus TB dekat pleura Penyebaran hematogen Hipersensitivitas terhadap tuberculin pleura Pungsi pleura Dapat berupa empyema


Akibat pembesaran kelenjar

Menekan bronkus : Atelektasis Emfisema Menembus bronkus : Penyebaran bronkogen Fistula

TB Tulang dan Sendi

Spondilitis Koksitis Gonitis Daktilitis (Spina ventosa)

TB kelenjar superfisial
Akibat penyebaran limfogen dan hematogen Dapat sembuh sendiri, dapat progresif Dapat merupakan bagian dari TB milier Biasanya multipel Lokasi : leher, axilla, inguinal, supraklavikuler, submandibula Abses

TB Mata
TB primer konjungtiva pembesaran kelenjar preaurikuler TB koroid funduskopi Conjunctivitis phluctenularis :

Fenomena hipersensitivitas Sakit, sangat mengganggu Rekuren Terjadi dalam 5-15 tahun

Mycobacterium atipic
(unclassified, anonymous, non tuberculous)

Runyon (1974) : Photochromogen

: M kansasi, M marinum, M siniae Scotochromogen : M scrofuloceum, M.szulgai, M. xenopi Nonphotochromogen: M avium, M intracellulare Rapid growers : M fortuitum, M chelonei


S M I L E : : : : : Supervised Medication In a Loving Environment

(Grange JM, Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 1999; 3:360-362)

Ilustrasi kasus
I, laki-laki 9 tahun, BB 22,500 kg Kontak hemoptoe (TB ?) Klinis baik, alergi (+) Mt (-), R : konsolidasi Feces : telur ascaris (+) Terapi : Antihistamin Obat cacing Ulang R : konsolidasi hilang

Ilustrasi kasus
F, laki-laki 4 bulan, BB 7,200 kg Kontrol bayi sehat Minta BCG Mt (+) R : ada kelainan

Ilustrasi kasus
LS, perempuan 4 8/12 tahun, BB 12,500 kg Keluhan : panas lama keringat malam lesu anorexia, BB kadang-kadang batuk bereak Sumber infeksi : hemoptoe Pemeriksaan : gizi kurang, BCG (-), Mt (+) R : kelainan minimal / normal LED : 23 mm/ 1 jam Biakan M.tb : (+)

Ilustrasi kasus
MF, perempuan 2,5 bulan, BB 4,550 kg Keluhan : panas 1,5 bulan Batuk (-) D/ ISK Th/ ISK Diare berulang Mt (+), R : gambaran milier Urine : AFB (+)

panas terus

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